Shona calendar




The months in Shona are named after relevant events to the Shona. Things involving spiritual activities and agriculture, as well animals and fruits serve as derivatives for month names. For example, November, known as Mbudzi in Shona, means goat. This is a sacred month, many activities such as marriage, eloping, and (kurova makuva) tomb rituals are forbidden; this time is also seen as a time when most goats are pregnant. Therefore, killing goats is seen as taboo during this month. Another example would be August, known as Nyamavhuvhu, meaning the windy one, as this is the windiest month of the year.

JanuaryNdiraThe time we harvest hohwa hwe ndira (Ndira type of mushrooms)
AprilKubvumbiMonth of showers
MayChivabvuLast green maize
JuneChikumiHalfway through (chikumi) of the 12 months (zigumi) in the context of the 12 months of the year.
JulyChikunguruChikungurutsa janga. The time where we have the wind that has a rolling effect on the maize and plant stalks that have been left over after harvest.
AugustNyamavhuvhuThe time we have the blowing wind.
SeptemberGunyanaThe time where gunyana gweshiri (nestlings) start showing up after the windy months.
OctoberGumiguruTenth month
NovemberMbudziTranslates to Goat.During this month, goats are said to not give birth. As such, it is considered a taboo for a couple within the Shona societies to get married in November.
DecemberZvitaA time of giving thanks for having made it through the year. Derived from Mazvita, which means 'thank you' in Shona.

See also


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