Sturlaugs saga starfsama

Sturlaugs saga starfsama is a legendary saga from the 14th century about Sturlaugr the Industrious, who was the son of a Norwegian Hersir.[1]

After having killed a competing suitor and chased away a second one, he married Åsa the Fair, the daughter of a jarl. Her old foster-mother helps Sturlaugr with advice and predictions. The hero has to undertake a dangerous journey to find the horn of an aurochs and enquire about its origins, which is even more dangerous.[1]

Eventually, Sturlaugr becomes a high chieftain in the Swedish army. His son is Göngu-Hrólfr, the hero of Göngu-Hrólfs saga.[1]

The saga was thought by Knut Liestøl to have been a major influence on Ormars rímur (via, Liestøl supposed, a now lost prose Ormars saga).[2]:105–6


  1. Ohlmarks, Åke. (1982). Fornnordiskt lexikon. Tiden. ISBN 91-550-2511-0.
  2. Kapitan, Katarzyna Anna and Lavender, Philip, 'The Prose Summary as Antiquarian Tool and Literary Springboard: An Edition and Translation of Ormars þáttur Framarsonar', Opuscula, 20 (2022), pp. 101–60.

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