Tadokoro-san (田所さん) is a Japanese yuri manga written and illustrated by Tatsubon. The manga was released independently online via Tatsubon's Pixiv account from November 2018, to February 2022 and has been licensed for a digital release in English by Lilyka. It was later serialized in Kill Time Communication's Comic Valkyrie from August 2019, to December 2021, featuring new art and storylines from the original web version. Tadokoro-san is a comedy depicting the relationship between a shy girl, Kageko Tadokoro, who likes to draw, and a popular girl in her class, Sakurako Nikaidou.
Tadokoro-san | |
田所さん | |
Genre | |
Manga | |
Written by | Tatsubon |
English publisher | |
Original run | November 22, 2018 – February 21, 2022 |
Manga | |
Written by | Tatsubon |
Published by | Kill Time Communication |
Magazine | Comic Valkyrie |
Demographic | Seinen |
Original run | August 13, 2019 – December 21, 2021 |
Volumes | 4 |
When Sakurako Nikaidou catches a glimmer of a picture that the shy class introvert Kinko Tadokoro is drawing she instantly falls in love with her style. Nikaidou then begins to secretly following Tadokoro's artist account on social media and gradually falls in love not only with her drawing style also with Tadokoro herself.
Written and illustrated by Tatsubon, Tadokoro-san was released independently online via Tatsubon's Pixiv account from November 2018, to February 2022. Tadokoro-san was later serialized in Kill Time Communication's Comic Valkyrie from August 9, 2019, to December 21, 2021[1] before returning to Tatsubon's Pixiv and Nico Nico Manga accounts.
The web version is licensed for an English release in North America by Lilyka.[2][3]
No. | Release date | ISBN |
1 | April 28, 2020[4] | 978-4799213674 |
2 | October 28, 2020[5] | 978-4799214244 |
3 | July 8, 2021[6] | 978-4799215197 |
4 | January 8, 2022[7] | 978-4799215906 |
Tadokoro-san was nominated for the 2019 Next Manga Award in the web manga category.[8]
- TATSUBONが贈る地味系女子×クラスの人気者女子の青春物語「田所さん」連載化. Comic Natalie (in Japanese). Natasha, Inc. August 13, 2019. Retrieved September 2, 2023.
- "Yuri Network News – (百合ネットワークニュース) – June 6, 2020". Okazu. June 6, 2020. Retrieved September 2, 2023.
- "Tadokoro-san vol. 1". Emanga. Retrieved September 2, 2023.
- 田所さん1 (ヴァルキリーコミックス) (in Japanese). Kill Time Communication. ASIN B086YTKFZG.
- 田所さん2 (ヴァルキリーコミックス) (in Japanese). Kill Time Communication. ASIN B08KGRHK6M.
- 田所さん3 (ヴァルキリーコミックス) (in Japanese). Kill Time Communication. ASIN B097GCH5L6.
- 田所さん4 (ヴァルキリーコミックス) (in Japanese). Kill Time Communication. ASIN B09NXNTQLM.
- そのほかノミネート作品はこちら!. Next Manga Award (in Japanese). Retrieved September 2, 2023.