The Elusive Samurai

The Elusive Samurai (Japanese: 逃げ上手の若君, Hepburn: Nige Jōzu no Wakagimi, lit. "The Young Lord Who Is Skilled at Escaping") is a Japanese historical manga series written and illustrated by Yusei Matsui. It has been serialized in Shueisha's Weekly Shōnen Jump since January 2021, with its chapters collected in twelve tankōbon volumes as of September 2023. An anime television series adaptation produced by CloverWorks is set to premiere in 2024.

The Elusive Samurai
First tankōbon volume cover, featuring Hojo Tokiyuki
(Nige Jōzu no Wakagimi)
Written byYusei Matsui
Published byShueisha
English publisher
ImprintJump Comics
MagazineWeekly Shōnen Jump
Original runJanuary 25, 2021 – present
Anime television series
Directed byYuta Yamazaki
Written byYoriko Tomita
Original run 2024 scheduled


Set between the Kamakura and Muromachi periods, during the Kenmu Restoration, the story follows the tale of Hojo Tokiyuki, a boy on the run after his family is overthrown by Ashikaga Takauji. With his only allies being a shady priest and his followers, the young lord must seek revenge and regain his glory, with his only weapon: a superhuman ability to flee and hide.


Hōjō Tokiyuki (北条時行)
Voiced by: Asaki Yuikawa[3]
Suwa Yorishige (諏訪頼重)
Voiced by: Yuichi Nakamura[3]
Shizuku ()
Voiced by: Hinaki Yano[4]
Kojirō (弧次郎)
Voiced by: Mari Hino[4]
Ayako (亜也子)
Voiced by: Sayumi Suzushiro[4]
Kazama Genba (風間玄蕃)
Voiced by: Aoi Yūki[4]
Fubuki (吹雪)
Voiced by: Kikunosuke Toya[4]



Written and illustrated by Yusei Matsui,[5] The Elusive Samurai started in Shueisha's shōnen manga magazine Weekly Shōnen Jump on January 25, 2021.[6][7] Shueisha has collected its chapters into individual tankōbon volumes. The first volume was released on July 2, 2021.[8] As of September 4, 2023, twelve volumes have been released.[9]

In North America, the manga is licensed for English release by Viz Media, who simultaneously publishes the chapters digitally as they are released in Japan on its Shonen Jump website.[10] In October 2021, Viz Media announced that they would publish its volumes starting in Q2 of 2022.[11] Shueisha also simulpublishes the series in English and Spanish for free on the Manga Plus app and website.[12]


No. Original release date Original ISBN English release date English ISBN
1 July 2, 2021[13]978-4-08-882710-0July 5, 2022[14]978-1-9747-3251-7
  1. "The Slaughter of 1333" (滅亡1333, Metsubō 1333)
  2. "Hide from the Demon 1333" (鬼ごっこ1333, Onigokko 1333)
  3. "Revenge 1333" (仇討ち1333, Adauchi 1333)
  4. "Suwa 1333" (諏訪1333, Suwa 1333)
  1. "Hunting 1333" (狩猟1333, Shuryō 1333)
  2. "Retainers 1333" (郎党1333, Rōtō 1333)
  3. "Archery 1333" (弓術1333, Kyūjutsu 1333)
2 August 4, 2021[15]978-4-08-882734-6September 6, 2022[16]978-1-9747-3397-2
  1. "Dog-Shooting 1333" (犬追物1333, Inuōmono 1333)
  2. "Ogasawara 1333" (小笠原1333)
  3. "On the Run 1333" (逃げながら1333, Nigenagara 1333)
  4. "Son of Wealth 1333" (坊っちゃん1333, Bocchan 1333)
  5. "Sneaking In 1333" (潜入1333, Sen'nyū 1333)
  1. "Infernal Ears 1333" (地獄耳1333, Jigokumimi 1333)
  2. "Command 1333" (コマンド1333, Komando 1333)
  3. "Takauji 1333" (尊氏1333)
  4. "Worried 1334" (心配1334, Shinpai 1334)
3 November 4, 2021[17]978-4-08-882793-3November 1, 2022[18]978-1-9747-3398-9
  1. "Education 1334" (教育1334, Kyōiku 1334)
  2. "Rogues 1334" (悪党1334, Akutō 1334)
  3. "Defensive Battle 1334" (防衛戦1334, Bōei-sen 1334)
  4. "Buddha 1334" (仏1334, Butsu 1334)
  5. "Bleeding 1334" (出血1334, Shukketsu 1334)
  1. "Revered Buddha 1334" (御仏1334, Mihotoke 1334)
  2. "Homage 1334" (臣従1334, Shinjū 1334)
  3. "Mysteries 1334" (不可思議1334, Fukashigi 1334)
  4. "Divine Power 1334" (神力1334, Shinriki 1334)
4 January 4, 2022[19]978-4-08-883010-0January 3, 2023[20]978-1-9747-3438-2
  1. "Kokushi 1334" (国司1334)
  2. "Wanting to Die 1334" (死にたがり1334, Shinitagari 1334)
  3. "Nasty Drunk 1334" (悪酔い1334, Waruyoi 1334)
  4. "General 1334" (将1334, Shō 1334)
  5. "Mounted Battle 1334" (騎馬戦1334, Kibasen 1334)
  1. "Desire to Survive 1334" (生きたがり1334, Ikitagari 1334)
  2. "Sashimi 1334" (刺身1334)
  3. "Generation 1334" (ジェネレーション1334, Jenerēshon 1334)
  4. "Etiquette 1334" (礼儀1334, Reigi 1334)
5 April 4, 2022[21]978-4-08-883073-5March 7, 2023[22]978-1-9747-3629-4
  1. "Question and Answer 1334" (問答1334, Mondō 1334)
  2. "Warrior Woman 1334" (女傑1334, Joketsu 1334)
  3. "Reform 1334" (改革1334, Kaikaku 1334)
  4. "Tumult in Shinano 1335" (信濃動乱1335, Shinano Dōran 1335)
  5. "Hawks 1335" (鷹1335, Taka 1335)
  1. "Three Great Generals 1335" (三大将1335, San Taishō 1335)
  2. "Mask 1335" (覆面1335, Fukumen 1335)
  3. "Mikoshi 1335" (神輿1335)
  4. "Military Strategy 1335" (軍略1335, Gunryaku 1335)
6 June 3, 2022[23]978-4-08-883184-8May 2, 2023[24]978-1-9747-3696-6
  1. "Bonds 1335" (繋がり1335, Tsunagari 1335)
  2. "Funny Faces 1335" (顔芸1335, Kaogei 1335)
  3. "Hair 1335" (髪1335, Kami 1335)
  4. "Face 1335" (顔1335, Kao 1335)
  5. "Kyo 1335" (京1335, Kyō 1335)
  1. "Extraordinary 1335" (凄み1335, Sugomi 1335)
  2. "Big City 1335" (大都会1335, Daitokai 1335)
  3. "Sugoroku 1335" (双六1335)
  4. "Basara 1335" (婆娑羅1335)
7 August 4, 2022[25]978-4-08-883198-5July 4, 2023[26]978-1-9747-3871-7
  1. "Wicked 1335" (腹黒1335, Haraguro 1335)
  2. "Scanner 1335" (スキャナー1335, Sukyanā 1335)
  3. "Kusunoki 1335" (楠木1335)
  4. "Assassination 1335" (暗殺1335, Ansatsu 1335)
  5. "Takauji 1335" (尊氏1335)
  1. "Return 1335" (帰還1335, Kikan 1335)
  2. "Options 1335" (選択1335, Sentaku 1335)
  3. "Rogues 1335" (悪党1335, Akutō 1335)
  4. "The Nakasendai War 1335" (中先代1335, Nakasendai 1335)
8 November 4, 2022[27]978-4-08-883291-3September 5, 2023[28]978-1-9747-4092-5
  1. "Armor 1335" (鎧1335, Yoroi 1335)
  2. "Holy Pillar 1335" (御柱1335, Onbashira 1335)
  3. "Back 1335" (背中1335, Senaka 1335)
  4. "Main Fight 1335" (本戦1335, Honsen 1335)
  5. "God 1335" (神1335, Kami 1335)
  1. "Shadow 1335" (影1335, Kage 1335)
  2. "War Machine 1335" (戦車1335, Sensha 1335)
  3. "Exorcism 1335" (破魔1335, Hama 1335)
  4. "Naming 1335" (名乗り1335, Nanori 1335)
9 January 4, 2023[29]978-4-08-883423-8November 7, 2023[30]978-1-9747-4121-2
  1. "Sadamune 1335" (貞宗1335)
  2. "Leaving Shinano 1335" (出信濃1335, Shutsu Shinano 1335)
  3. "Hisashiban 1335" (庇番1335)
  4. "Shibukawa 1335" (渋川1335)
  5. "Onakagehara 1335" (女影原1335)
  1. "Mounted Single Combat 1335" (一騎討ち1335, Ikkiuchi 1335)
  2. "The Side of Justice 1335" (正義1335, Seigi 1335)
  3. "Weapons 1335" (武器1335, Buki 1335)
  4. "Slapdash 1335" (雑1335, Zatsu 1335)
10 April 4, 2023[31]978-4-08-883438-2February 6, 2024[32]978-1-9747-4380-3
  1. "Ideals 1335" (理想1335, Risō 1335)
  2. "Bushido 1335" (武士道1335, Bushidō 1335)
  3. "Kojiro 1335" (弧次郎1335, Kojirō 1335)
  4. "Recognition 1335" (認識1335, Ninshiki 1335)
  5. "Kotesashigahara 1335" (小手指ヶ原1335)
  1. "Kaisen 1335" (会戦1335)
  2. "Mad Gallop 1335" (爆走1335, Bakusō 1335)
  3. "Plan 1335" (策1335, Saku 1335)
  4. "Derby 1335" (ダービー1335, Dābī 1335)
11 June 2, 2023[33]978-4-08-883561-7
  1. "Menou 1335" (瑪瑙1335, Menō 1335)
  2. "Trust 1335" (信頼1335, Shinrai 1335)
  3. "Tadayoshi 1335" (直義1335)
  4. "Scolding 1335" (おこられた1335, Okorareta 1335)
  5. "Debate 1335" (ディベート1335, Dibēto 1335)
  1. "Conversation 1335" (会話1335, Kaiwa 1335)
  2. "Enjoyment 1335" (楽しさ1335, Tanoshisa 1335)
  3. "Request 1335" (頼み1335, Tanomi 1335)
  4. "Kamakura 1335" (鎌倉1335, Kamakura 1335)
12 September 4, 2023[9]978-4-08-883635-5
  1. "Hojo Peace 1335" (北条の平和 1335, Hōjō no Heiwa 1335)
  2. "Smithery 1335" (鍛冶1335, Kaji 1335)
  3. "Differing Needs 1335" (百人百色 1335, Hyaku Nin Hyaku Iro 1335)
  4. "Seii Taishogun 1335" (征夷大将軍 1335, Seiitaishōgun 1335)
  5. "Family 1335" (家族 1335, Kazoku 1335)
  1. "Typhoon 1335" (台風 1335, Taifū 1335)
  2. "Miura 1335" (三浦 1335, Miura 1335)
  3. "Ruler 1335" (天下人 1335, Tengabito 1335)
  4. "Father and Child 1335" (父子1335, Fushi 1335)
13 November 2, 2023[34]978-4-08-883693-5

Chapters not yet in tankōbon format

These chapters have yet to be published in a tankōbon volume.

  1. "Follower 1335" (郎党1335, Rōtō 1335)
  2. "Elusive 1335" (逃げ上手1335, Nige Jōzu 1335)
  3. "Successor 1335" (受け継ぐ1335, Uketsugu 1335)
  4. "History 1335" (歴史 1335, Rekishi 1335)
  5. "Intermission 1336, Part 1" (インターミッション 1336 1, Intāmisshon 1336 1)
  6. "Intermission 1336, Part 2" (インターミッション 1336 2, Intāmisshon 1336 2)
  7. "Intermission 1336, Part 3" (インターミッション 1336 3, Intāmisshon 1336 3)
  8. "Intermission 1336, Final Part" (インターミッション1336(終), Intāmisshon 1336 tsui)
  9. "The Elusive Warriors 1337" (逃者党1337, Nigeshatō 1337)
  10. "U.N.K. 1337" (U.N.K. 1337)
  11. "Confirmation 1337" (見極め 1337, Mikiwame 1337)
  12. "Student Confrontation 1337" (学生対決 1337, Gakusei Taiketsu 1337)
  13. "Tone River 1337" (利根川 1337, Tonegawa 1337)
  14. "Introductions 1337" (利根川 1337, Kaoawase 1337)
  15. "Youthful Days 1337" (少年時代 1337, Shōnen Jidai 1337)
  16. "New Techniques 1337" (新技 1337, Shinwaza 1337)
  17. "How a Noble Fights 1337" (公家の戦 1337, Kuge no Sen 1337)
  18. "Brute Force 1337" (力攻め 1337, Chikarazeme 1337)
  19. "Reunion 1337" (再開 1337, Saikai 1337)
  20. "Special Move 1337" (絶技 1337, Zetsugi 1337)
  21. "The Future 1337" (未来 1337, Mirai 1337)
  22. "Destiny 1337" (宿命 1337, Shukumei 1337)
  23. "Shiba Ienaga 1337" (斯波家長 1337, Shiba Ienaga 1337)
  24. "Kamakura 1337" (鎌倉 1337, Kamakura 1337)


An anime television series adaptation was announced on March 20, 2023. It is produced by CloverWorks and directed by Yuta Yamazaki, with scripts supervised by Yoriko Tomita, and character designs handled by Yasushi Nishiya.[35][36] The series is set to premiere in 2024.[4]


By May 2022, the manga had over 1 million copies in circulation,[37] and over 1.5 million copies in circulation by April 2023.[38]

In June 2021, The Elusive Samurai was nominated for the seventh Next Manga Award in the Best Printed Manga category and placed sixth out of 50 nominees.[39][40] The series ranked eighth on the Nationwide Bookstore Employees' Recommended Comics of 2022.[41]

Anthony Gramuglia of Comic Book Resources wrote that the series has become one of the "highlights of [Weekly] Shōnen Jump's newer titles", adding that "[it] is not only surprisingly emotional but also surprisingly intense, starting with all cylinders at full-throttle and never letting up".[42]


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  13. 逃げ上手の若君 1 (in Japanese). Shueisha. Archived from the original on May 17, 2021. Retrieved May 19, 2021.
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