Toys (novel)
Toys is a novel by James Patterson and Neil McMahon published by Little, Brown and Company in December 2011. Set in the future where humans are seen as an inferior species, Toys revolves around an "Elite" Hays Baker, who is endowed with superhuman attributes and is a high-ranking government official; however, in an unexpected turn of events, he is made to flee for his life.
Author | James Patterson Neil McMahon |
Country | United States |
Genre | Science fiction Mystery fiction Thriller |
Publisher | Little, Brown and Company |
Publication date | December 1, 2011 (hardback) |
Pages | 416 |
ISBN | 0316097365 |
Some time in the future, a new class of super-powered humans known as "Elites" has assumed rule over society, and normal humans are deemed to be inferior creatures; "Elites" are grown in tubes and thus do not have navels. In 2061, Hays Baker works for the Agency of Change, and is married to Lizbeth, with whom he has two children. One day, however, his life is torn apart when he discovers that he is in fact a human, despite his superhuman abilities. Soon enough he becomes a fugitive, and Baker has to fight to save his life.
Joe Hartlaub of The Book Report described the novel as "ambitious" and reminiscent of works including the novels Ubik and Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? by Philip K. Dick.[1]
- Hartlaub, Joe. "Toys". The Book Report. Retrieved June 23, 2017.