
UnOrdinary, published on the WEBTOON platform, is a webcomic written by Chelsey Han, better known as "uru-chan" (written only with lowercase letters). It tells the story of a world where almost everyone has a superpower and focuses on an elite school with superpowered teenagers and a lonely boy who doesn't have any powers.[1][2][3][4]

uru-chan has received Ringo Awards three times (2017, 2018 and 2020), all for her work on UnOrdinary.[5][6][7]

Awards and nominations

2017 Ringo Awards Fan Favorite Villain Arlo, from unOrdinary Won [8]
Best Webcomic unOrdinary Nominated
2018 Ringo Awards Fan Favorite Villain Arlo, from unOrdinary Won [9]
2020 Ringo Awards Fan Favorite Villain John, from unOrdinary Won [10]


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