Woman at her Toilette

Woman at her Toilette is an oil on canvas painting by French artist Berthe Morisot, executed between 1875 and 1880. It was first exhibited at the fifth Impressionist exhibition in 1880 and is now in the Art Institute of Chicago.[1] The work is one of several paintings that Morisot completed on the theme of women getting dressed, applying makeup, and arranging their hair. The art historians Kathleen Adler and Tamar Garb argue that the painting is "in keeping with contemporary constructions of womanhood" because the toilette was where women transformed themselves into "appealing objects of male delectation"[2]

Woman at her Toilette (c. 1875–1880) by Berthe Morisot


  1. Morisot, Berthe (1870–1880), Woman at Her Toilette, retrieved 2023-08-24
  2. Adler, Kathleen; Garb, Tamar (1995). Berthe Morisot. Phaidon. pp. 93–97.
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