
Yrreal is a Spanish action thriller television series created by Alberto Utrera and Paula Sánchez for Playz which stars Angy Fernández and Veki Velilla. It premiered on 17 November 2021.[1] The series blends live action footage with 2D animation.

GenreAction thriller
Created by
  • Paula Sánchez
  • Alberto Utrera
Directed byAlberto Utrera
Country of originSpain
Original languageSpanish
No. of seasons1
No. of episodes6
Executive producers
  • Eugenio Saavedra
  • Carlos Mochales
  • Patricia Alonso
  • Jennifer Jullien
Running time25 min (approx.)
Production companies
Original networkRTVE Play
Original release17 November 2021 (2021-11-17)


Two young women, Lucía and Elena, one striving for justice and the other one seeking vengeance, team up to dress in superhero costumes and then kidnap a prime suspect behind the disappearance of Elena's sister, only to find out that things do not come out as smoothly as expected.[2][3]


Production and release

A creation by Paula Sánchez and Alberto Utrera, the project won the "Pitch Short-Form Series" prize awarded by Playz at the 4th Conecta Fiction Festival in September 2020 consisting on the contract for the development of the series.[5][6] Produced by RTVE in collaboration with MoA Studio, shooting began by March 2021 in Madrid.[7][8] The writing team was formed by Alberto Utrera, Paula López Cuervo, Carlos Soria, Paula Sánchez and Sofía Robledo.[5] The series was directed by Alberto Utrera, while the 2D animation was created by Nuño Benito.[3] Eugenio Saavedra, Carlos Mochales and Patricia Alonso were credited as executive producers on behalf of RTVE whereas Jennifer Jullien was credited as executive producer on behalf of MoA Studio.[5] Consisting of 6 episodes featuring a running time of around 25 minutes, the first two episodes were pre-screened at the 5th Conecta Fiction Festival on 15 September 2021.[9] A trailer was presented then.[3] RTVE scheduled the release date on RTVE Play for 17 November 2021.[1][10]


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