
Dactylosporangium is a genus of bacteria in the phylum Actinomycetota.[1]

Scientific classification
Domain: Bacteria
Phylum: Actinomycetota
Class: Actinomycetia
Order: Micromonosporales
Family: Micromonosporaceae
Genus: Dactylosporangium
Thiemann et al. 1967 (Approved Lists 1980)
Type species
Dactylosporangium aurantiacum
Thiemann et al. 1967 (Approved Lists 1980)

See text.


The name Dactylosporangium derives from:
Greek noun daktulos, finger; Greek noun spora (σπορά), a seed, and in biology a spore; Greek neuter gender noun angeion (Latin transliteration angium), vessel ; New Latin neuter gender noun Dactylosporangium an organism with finger-shaped, spore-containing vessels (sporangia).[1]


The genus Dactylosporangium comprises the following species:[1]

  • D. aurantiacum Thiemann et al. 1967 (Approved Lists 1980) (New Latin neuter gender adjective aurantiacum, orange colored.)[2]
  • D. cerinum Liu et al. 2015
  • D. darangshiense Seo and Lee 2010 (New Latin neuter gender adjective darangshiense, of or pertaining to Darangshi, referring to Darangshi Oreum in Jeju, Republic of Korea, the site from which the type strain was isolated.)[3]
  • D. fulvum Shomura et al. 1986 (Latin neuter gender adjective fulvum, deep yellow, tawny, yellowish brown, referring to the color of the vegetative mycelium.)[4]
  • D. luridum Kim et al. 2010 (Latin neuter gender adjective luridum, pale yellow.)[5]
  • D. luteum Kim et al. 2010 (Latin neuter gender adjective luteum, orangeyellow, flame-coloured.)[5]
  • D. maewongense Chiaraphongphon et al. 2010 (New Latin neuter gender adjective maewongense, pertaining to Maewong National Park, where the type strain was isolated.)[6]
  • D. matsuzakiense Shomura and Niida 1983 (New Latin neuter gender adjective matsuzakiense, of or pertaining to Matsuzaki-cho, Izu Peninsula, Japan.)[7]
  • D. roseum Shomura et al. 1985 (Latin neuter gender adjective roseum, rose colored, pink.)[8]
  • D. salmoneum (ex Celmer et al. 1978) Kim et al. 2010 (Latin noun salmo -onis, salmon; Latin adjective suff. -eus -a -um, suffix used with various meanings; New Latin neuter gender adjective salmoneum, salmon-coloured.)[5]
  • D. siamense Thawai and Suriyachadkun 2013
  • D. solaniradicis Fan et al. 2016
  • D. sucinum Phongsopitanun et al. 2016
  • D. thailandense Thiemann et al. 1967 (Approved Lists 1980) (New Latin neuter gender adjective thailandense, of or pertaining to Thailand.)[2]
  • D. tropicum Thawai et al. 2011
  • D. vinaceum Shomura et al. 1983 (Latin neuter gender adjective vinaceum, of or belonging to wine, intended to mean wine colored.)[9]

See also


  1. Dactylosporangium entry in LPSN; Euzéby, J.P. (1997). "List of Bacterial Names with Standing in Nomenclature: a folder available on the Internet". International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology. 47 (2): 590–2. doi:10.1099/00207713-47-2-590. PMID 9103655.
  2. Thiemann, J. E.; Pagani, H.; Beretta, G. (1967). "A new genus of the Actinoplanaceae: Dactylosporangium, gen. nov". Archiv für Mikrobiologie. 58: 42–52. doi:10.1007/BF00691167.
  3. Seo, S. H.; Lee, S. D. (2009). "Dactylosporangium darangshiense sp. Nov., isolated from rock soil". International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology. 60 (6): 1256–1260. doi:10.1099/ijs.0.012856-0. PMID 19666791.
  4. Shomura, T.; Amano, S.; Yoshida, J.; Kojima, M. (1986). "Dactylosporangium fulvum sp. nov". International Journal of Systematic Bacteriology. 36 (2): 166. doi:10.1099/00207713-36-2-166.
  5. Kim, B. -Y.; Stach, J. E. M.; Weon, H. -Y.; Kwon, S. -W.; Goodfellow, M. (2010). "Dactylosporangium luridum sp. Nov., Dactylosporangium luteum sp. Nov. And Dactylosporangium salmoneum sp. Nov., nom. Rev., isolated from soil". International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology. 60 (8): 1813–1823. doi:10.1099/ijs.0.016541-0. PMID 20688750.
  6. Chiaraphongphon, S.; Suriyachadkun, C.; Tamura, T.; Thawai, C. (2009). "Dactylosporangium maewongense sp. Nov., isolated from soil". International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology. 60 (5): 1200–1205. doi:10.1099/ijs.0.016378-0. PMID 19667384.
  7. "Validation of the Publication of New Names and New Combinations Previously Effectively Published Outside the IJSB: List No. 11". International Journal of Systematic Bacteriology. 33 (3): 672–674. 1983. doi:10.1099/00207713-33-3-672.
  8. Shomura, T.; Amano, S.; Tohyama, H.; Yoshida, J.; Ito, T.; Niida, T. (1985). "Dactylosporangium roseum sp. nov". International Journal of Systematic Bacteriology. 35: 1–4. doi:10.1099/00207713-35-1-1.
  9. Shomura, T.; Yoshida, J.; Miyadoh, S.; Ito, T.; Niida, T. (1983). "Dactylosporangium vinaceum sp. nov". International Journal of Systematic Bacteriology. 33 (2): 309. doi:10.1099/00207713-33-2-309.

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