580s BC

This article concerns the period 589 BC – 580 BC.

Millennium: 1st millennium BC
  • 589 BC
  • 588 BC
  • 587 BC
  • 586 BC
  • 585 BC
  • 584 BC
  • 583 BC
  • 582 BC
  • 581 BC
  • 580 BC
  • Births
  • Deaths

  • 589 BC—Apries succeeds Psamtik II as king of Egypt.
  • 589 BC—Nebuchadnezzar II begins his siege of Jerusalem.
  • 589 BC—Battle of An: Jin defeats Qi; these two Chinese states later agree to an alliance.
  • 588 BC—January 15: the last phase of Siege of Jerusalem began.[1]
  • 587/586 BC—Jerusalem falls to the Babylonians, ending the Kingdom of Judah. The conquerors destroy the Jewish Temple of Jerusalem and exile some of the land's inhabitants.
  • 586 BC—Death of King Ding of the Zhou Dynasty of China.
  • 28 May 585 BC—A solar eclipse occurs, as predicted by Thales of Miletus, while Alyattes of Lydia fights Cyaxares of Media at a battle on the Halys river, leading to a truce. This is a cardinal date from which other dates can be calculated.
  • 585 BC—Kirrha is destroyed, ending the First Sacred War.
  • 585 BC—Lucius Tarquinius Priscus, king of Rome, defeats the Sabines in war, takes the town of Collatia, and celebrates a triumph for his victories on 13 September.
  • 585 BC—Ji Yi becomes King Jian of the Zhou Dynasty of China.
  • 585 BC—Fall of the Kingdom of Urartu following a Median invasion. (The Scythians ruined the Kingdom of Urartu.)
  • 585 BC—Croesus succeeds Alyattes as King of Lydia.[2]
  • 585/584 BC—Astyages succeeds Cyaxares as King of the Medes.
  • 582 BC—Military clash of the major Classical antiquity powers Egypt and Babylon.
  • 582 BC—Akragas is founded on Sicily.
  • 582 BC—Nebuchadnezzar forces a third deportation of Jews from Judah into Babylonian captivity.
  • 582 BC—The Pythian Games are reorganised at Delphi (traditional date).
  • 582/581 BC—The Isthmian Games are founded at Corinth.
  • 581 BC—Suizei becomes the second Emperor of Japan.
  • c. 580 BC—Cambyses I succeeds Cyrus I as king of Anshan and head of the Achaemenid dynasty.
  • c. 580 BC—Gorgon Medusa, detail of sculpture from the west pediment of the Temple of Artemis, Korkyra, is made.
  • c. 580 BC—Standing Youth (kouros) is made.

Significant people

  • 585 BC—Birth of Anaximenes of Miletus, Greek philosopher (died 525 BC)
  • 585 BC—Death of Emperor Jimmu of Japan (according to legend)
  • 585 BC—Death of king Cyaxares of Media
  • 585 BC—Death of king Alyattes of Lydia[2]
  • 580 BC—Death of Cyrus I of Anshan (approximate date)


  1. Note on Jeremiah 52:4 in NET Bible
  2. Dale, Alexander (2015). "WALWET and KUKALIM: Lydian coin legends, dynastic succession, and the chronology of Mermnad kings". Kadmos. 54: 151–166. doi:10.1515/kadmos-2015-0008. S2CID 165043567. Retrieved 10 November 2021.
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