740s BC

This article concerns the period 749 BC – 740 BC.

Millennium: 1st millennium BC
  • 749 BC
  • 748 BC
  • 747 BC
  • 746 BC
  • 745 BC
  • 744 BC
  • 743 BC
  • 742 BC
  • 741 BC
  • 740 BC
  • Births
  • Deaths
  • 748 BC—Anticles of Messenia wins the stadion race at the eighth Olympic Games.
  • 747 BC—February 26 – Nabonassar becomes king of Babylon.
  • 747 BC—Meles becomes king of Lydia.
  • c. 744 BCPiye starts to rule in parts of Ancient Egypt.
  • 745 BC—The crown of Assyria seized by Pul, who takes the name Tiglath-Pileser III.[1]
  • 745 BC—Legendary death of Titus Tatius Roman King (Diarchy with Romulus ).
  • 744 BC—Xenocles of Messenia wins the stadion race at the ninth Olympic Games.
  • 743 BC—Duke Zhuang of the Chinese state of Zheng comes to power.
  • 743 BC—Beginning of the First Messenian War.
  • 740 BC—Tiglath-Pileser III conquers the city of Arpad in Syria after two years of siege.
  • 740 BC—Start of Ahaz's reign of Judah.
  • 740 BC—Dotades of Messenia wins the stadion race at the tenth Olympic Games.

Significant people


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