Abdul Hamid II

Abdülhamid or Abdul Hamid II (Ottoman Turkish: عبد الحميد ثانی, romanized: Abd ül-Hamid-i Sani; Turkish: II. Abdülhamid; 21 September 1842  10 February 1918) was the sultan of the Ottoman Empire from 31 August 1876 to 27 April 1909, and the last sultan to exert effective control over the fracturing state.[3] The time period which he reigned in the Ottoman Empire is known as the Hamidian Era. He oversaw a period of decline, with rebellions (particularly in the Balkans), and he presided over an unsuccessful war with the Russian Empire (1877–1878) followed by a successful war against the Kingdom of Greece in 1897, though Ottoman gains were tempered by subsequent Western European intervention.

Abdul Hamid II
Ottoman Caliph
Amir al-Mu'minin
Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques
Portrait of Sultan Abdul Hamid II in 1899
34th Sultan of the Ottoman Empire (Padishah)
Reign31 August 1876 – 27 April 1909
Sword girding7 September 1876
PredecessorMurad V
SuccessorMehmed V
Grand Viziers
See list
  • Mehmed Rushdi Pasha
    Midhat Pasha
    Ibrahim Edhem Pasha
    Ahmed Hamdi Pasha
    Ahmed Vefik Pasha
    Mehmed Sadık Pasha
    Saffet Pasha
    Tunuslu Hayreddin Pasha
    Ahmed Arifi Pasha
    Mehmed Said Pasha
    Kadri Pasha
    Abdurrahman Nurettin Pasha
    Kâmil Pasha
    Ahmed Cevad Pasha
    Halil Rifat Pasha
    Mehmed Ferid Pasha
    Hüseyin Hilmi Pasha
    Ahmet Tevfik Pasha
Born(1842-09-21)21 September 1842[1][2]
Topkapı Palace, Constantinople, Ottoman Empire
Died10 February 1918(1918-02-10) (aged 75)
Beylerbeyi Palace, Constantinople, Ottoman Empire
Tomb of Sultan Mahmud II, Fatih, Istanbul, Turkey
    • Nazikeda Kadın
      (m. 1867; died 1895)
        Bedrifelek Kadın
        (m. 1868; his d. 1918)
          Nurefsun Kadın
          (div. 1881)
            Bidar Kadın
            (m. 1875; his d. 1918)
              Dilpesend Kadın
              (m. 1883; died 1901)
                Mezidimestan Kadın
                (m. 1885; died 1909)
                  Emsalinur Kadın
                  (m. 1885; his d. 1918)
                    Müşfika Kadın
                    (m. 1886; his d. 1918)
                      Sazkar Hanım
                      (m. 1890; his d. 1918)
                        Peyveste Hanım
                        (m. 1893; his d. 1918)
                          Fatma Pesend Hanım
                          (m. 1896; his d. 1918)
                            Behice Hanım
                            (m. 1900; his d. 1918)
                              Saliha Naciye Hanım
                              (m. 1904; his d. 1918)
                            Among others
                              • Şehzade Mehmed Selim
                              • Zekiye Sultan
                              • Naime Sultan
                              • Şehzade Mehmed Abdülkadir
                              • Şehzade Ahmed Nuri
                              • Naile Sultan
                              • Şehzade Mehmed Burhaneddin
                              • Şadiye Sultan
                              • Ayşe Sultan
                              • Refia Sultan
                              • Şehzade Abdurrahim Hayri
                              • Şehzade Ahmed Nureddin
                              • Şehzade Mehmed Abid
                            Abdul Hamid bin Abdulmejid
                            Era name and dates
                            Decline and modernization of the Ottoman Empire: 1828–1908
                            FatherAbdulmejid I
                            MotherBiological mother:
                            Tirimüjgan Kadın
                            Adoptive mother:
                            Perestu Kadın
                            ReligionSunni Islam

                            In accordance with an agreement made with the Republican Young Ottomans, he promulgated the Ottoman Empire's first Constitution,[4] which was a sign of progressive thinking that marked his early rule. However, in 1878, citing disagreements with the Ottoman Parliament,[4] he suspended both the short-lived constitution and the parliament. The modernization of the Ottoman Empire continued during his reign, including reform of the bureaucracy, the extension of the Rumelia Railway and of the Anatolia Railway, and the construction of the Baghdad Railway and of the Hejaz Railway. In addition, systems for population registration and control over the press were established, along with the first local modern law-school in 1898. The most far-reaching of the reforms occurred in education: many professional schools were established for fields including the law, arts, trades, civil engineering, veterinary medicine, customs, farming, and linguistics. Although Abdul Hamid II closed Istanbul University in 1881, it re-opened in 1900, and a network of secondary, primary, and military schools was extended throughout the empire. German firms played a major role in developing the Empire's railway and telegraph-systems.[4] This modernization cost the empire its economic sovereignty, as its finances came under control of the Great Powers through the Ottoman Public Debt Administration.

                            During Abdul Hamid's reign the Ottoman Empire became known for the massacres of Armenians and Assyrians of 1894–1896. Many attempts were made on Abdul Hamid's life during his reign. Amongst the many assassination attempts against him, one of the most famous is the Yıldız assassination attempt of 1905 by the Armenian Revolutionary Federation.[5] Large sections of the Ottoman intelligentsia also sharply criticized and opposed him due to his use of secret police to silence dissent and the Young Turks movement.[6] In 1908, a secret revolutionary Young Turks organization known as the Committee of Union and Progress forced Abdul Hamid II to recall the parliament and reinstate the constitution in the Young Turk Revolution. Abdul Hamid attempted to reassert his absolutism a year later, resulting in his deposition by Unionist forces in an event known as the 31 March Incident in 1909.

                            Early life

                            A portrait of young Abdul Hamid

                            Abdul Hamid II was born on 21 September 1842 in Çırağan Palace, Ortaköy or at Topkapı Palace, both in Istanbul. He was the son of Sultan Abdulmejid I[1] and Tirimüjgan Kadın (Circassia, 20 August 1819  Constantinople, Feriye Palace, 2 November 1853),[7][8] originally named Virjinia.[9] After the death of his mother, he later became the adoptive son of his father's legal wife, Perestu Kadın. Perestu was also the adoptive mother of Abdul Hamid's half-sister Cemile Sultan, whose mother Düzdidil Kadın had died in 1845 leaving her motherless at the age of two. The two were brought up in the same household where they spend their childhood together.[10]

                            Unlike many other Ottoman sultans, Abdul Hamid II visited distant countries. Nine years before he took the throne, he accompanied his uncle Sultan Abdülaziz on his visit to Paris (30 June–10 July 1867), London (12–23 July 1867), Vienna (28–30 July 1867) and the capitals or cities of a number of other European countries in the summer of 1867 (they departed from Constantinople on 21 June 1867 and returned on 7 August 1867).[11]

                            Accession to the Ottoman throne

                            Abdul Hamid ascended to the throne following the deposition of his brother Murad on 31 August 1876.[1][12] At his accession, some commentators were impressed that he rode practically unattended to the Eyüp Sultan Mosque, where he was given the Sword of Osman. Most people expected Abdul Hamid II to support liberal movements, however, he acceded the throne in 1876 in a very difficult and critical period for the Empire. Economic and political turmoil, local wars in the Balkans, and the Russo-Turkish War (1877–1878) threatened the existence of the Ottoman Empire. Abdul Hamid used these difficult war-filled times to recreate the absolutist regime and to dissolve the parliament, usurping all political power until his overthrow.

                            First Constitutional Era, 1876–1878

                            Abdul Hamid worked with the Young Ottomans to realize some form of constitutional arrangement.[13] This new form in its theoretical space could help to realize a liberal transition with Islamic arguments. The Young Ottomans believed that the modern parliamentary system was a restatement of the practice of consultation, or shura, which had existed in early Islam.[14]

                            In December 1876, due to the 1875 insurrection in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the then-ongoing war with Serbia and Montenegro and the feeling aroused throughout Europe by the cruelty used in stamping out the 1876 Bulgarian rebellion, Abdul Hamid promulgated the constitution and its parliament.[1] The commission to establish a new constitution was headed by Midhat Pasha, and the new constitution was passed by the cabinet on 6 December 1876, giving Abdul Hamid the right to exile anyone he deems a threat to the state and allowed for a bicameral legislature with appointments made by the sultan.[15]

                            The international Constantinople Conference[16][17] towards the end of 1876 was surprised by the promulgation of a constitution, but European powers at the conference rejected the constitution as a significant change; they preferred the 1856 constitution (Islâhat Hatt-ı Hümâyûnu) or the 1839 Gülhane edict (Hatt-ı Şerif), but questioned whether there was need for a parliament to act as an official voice of the people.

                            In any event, like many other would-be reforms of the Ottoman Empire's change, it proved to be nearly impossible. Russia continued to mobilize for war. Early in 1877 the Ottoman Empire went to war with the Russian Empire.

                            War with Russia

                            Ottoman troops under Romanian attack at the Siege of Plevna (1877) in the Russo-Turkish War (1877–78)

                            Abdul Hamid's biggest fear, near dissolution, was realized with the Russian declaration of war on 24 April 1877. In that conflict, the Ottoman Empire fought without help from European allies. Russian chancellor Prince Gorchakov had effectively purchased Austrian neutrality with the Reichstadt Agreement by that time. The British Empire, though still fearing the Russian threat to the British presence in India, did not involve itself in the conflict because of public opinion against the Ottomans, following reports of Ottoman brutality in putting down the Bulgarian uprising. The Russian victory was quickly realized; the conflict ended in February 1878. The Treaty of San Stefano, signed at the end of the war, imposed harsh terms: the Ottoman Empire gave independence to Romania, Serbia, and Montenegro; it granted autonomy to Bulgaria; instituted reforms in Bosnia and Herzegovina; and ceded parts of Dobrudzha to Romania and parts of Armenia to Russia, which was also paid an enormous indemnity. After the war with Russia, Abdul Hamid suspended the constitution in February 1878 and dismissed the parliament after its solitary meeting in March 1877. For the next three decades, the Ottoman Empire was ruled by Abdulhamid from Yıldız Palace.[1]

                            As Russia could dominate the newly independent states, the country's influence in South-eastern Europe was greatly increased by the Treaty of San Stefano. Due to the insistence of the Great Powers (especially the United Kingdom), the treaty was later revised at the Congress of Berlin so as to reduce the great advantages acquired by Russia. In exchange of these favors, Cyprus was ceded to Britain in 1878. There were troubles in Egypt, where a discredited khedive had to be deposed. Abdul Hamid mishandled relations with Urabi Pasha, and as a result Britain gained de facto control over Egypt and Sudan by sending its troops in 1882 to establish control over the two provinces. Cyprus, Egypt, and Sudan remained ostensibly Ottoman provinces until 1914 when Britain officially annexed those territories in response to the Ottoman participation in World War I on the side of the Central Powers.

                            Hamidian Era


                            Şehzade (Prince) Abdul Hamid in 1868.

                            Abdul Hamid's distrust for the reformist admirals of the Ottoman Navy (whom he suspected of plotting against him and trying to bring back the 1876 constitution) and his subsequent decision to lock the Ottoman fleet (which ranked as the third largest fleet in the world during the reign of his predecessor Abdul Aziz) inside the Golden Horn caused the loss of Ottoman overseas territories and islands in North Africa, the Mediterranean Sea, and the Aegean Sea during and after his reign.[18]

                            Financial embarrassments forced him to consent to foreign control over the Ottoman national debt. In a decree issued in December 1881, a large portion of the empire's revenues were handed over to the Public Debt Administration for the benefit of (mostly foreign) bondholders.

                            The union in 1885 of Bulgaria with Eastern Rumelia was another blow to the Empire. The creation of an independent and powerful Bulgaria was viewed as a serious threat to the Ottoman Empire. For many years Abdul Hamid had to deal with Bulgaria in a way that did not antagonize either Russian or German wishes. There were also key problems regarding the Albanian question resulting from the Albanian League of Prizren and with the Greek and Montenegrin frontiers where the European powers were determined that the decisions of the Berlin Congress should be carried into effect.

                            Crete was granted 'extended privileges', but these did not satisfy the population, which sought unification with Greece. In early 1897 a Greek expedition sailed to Crete to overthrow Ottoman rule on the island. This act was followed by war, in which the Ottoman Empire defeated Greece (see the Greco-Turkish War (1897)); however as a result of the Treaty of Constantinople, Crete was taken over en depot by the United Kingdom, France, and Russia. Prince George of Greece was appointed as ruler and Crete was effectively lost to the Ottoman Empire.[1] The ʿAmmiyya, a revolt in 1889–90 among Druze and other Syrians against excesses of the local sheikhs, similarly led to capitulation to the rebels' demands, as well as concessions to Belgian and French companies to provide Beirut and Damascus with a railroad between them.

                            Political decisions and reforms

                            Abdul Hamid II greeting people

                            Most people expected Abdul Hamid II to have liberal ideas, and some conservatives were inclined to regard him with suspicion as a dangerous reformer.[19] However, despite working with the reformist Young Ottomans while still a crown prince and appearing as a liberal leader, he became increasingly conservative immediately after taking the throne. In a process known as İstibdad, Abdul Hamid succeeded in reducing his ministers to the position of secretaries, and he concentrated much of the Empire's administration into his own hands at Yıldız Palace. Default in the public funds, an empty treasury, the 1875 insurrection in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the war with Serbia and Montenegro, the result of Russo-Turkish war and the feeling aroused throughout Europe by the Abdul Hamid government in stamping out the Bulgarian rebellion all contributed to his apprehension for enacting significant changes.[19]

                            His push for education resulted in the establishment of 18 professional schools, and in 1900, Darulfunun, now known as Istanbul University, was established.[1] He also created a large system of secondary, primary, and military schools throughout the empire.[1] 51 secondary schools were constructed in a 12-year period (1882–1894). As the goal of the educational reforms in the Hamidian era were to counter foreign influence, these secondary schools utilized European teaching techniques, yet instilled within students a strong sense of Ottoman identity and Islamic morality.[20]

                            Abdul Hamid also reorganized the Ministry of Justice and developed rail and telegraph systems.[1] The telegraph system expanded to incorporate the furthest parts of the Empire. Railways connected Constantinople and Vienna by 1883, and shortly afterward the Orient Express connected Paris to Constantinople. During his rule, railways within the Ottoman Empire expanded to connect Ottoman-controlled Europe and Anatolia with Constantinople as well. The increased ability to travel and communicate within the Ottoman Empire served to strengthen Constantinople's influence over the rest of the Empire.[20]

                            Abdul Hamid took tight measures for his security. The memory of the deposition of Abdul Aziz was on his mind and convinced him that a constitutional government was not a good idea. Because of this, information was tightly controlled and the press was tightly censored. A secret police (Umur-u Hafiye) and a network of informants was present throughout the empire, and many politicians of the Second Constitutional Era and the future Turkish Republic experienced arrest and exile. The curriculum of schools was subject to close inspection to prevent dissidence. Ironically, the schools that Abdul Hamid founded and tried to control became "breeding grounds of discontent" as students and teachers alike chafed at the clumsy restrictions of the censors.[21]

                            Armenian Question

                            20 kuruş during the reign of Abdul Hamid II, dating 1878
                            Seal of Abdul Hamid II

                            Starting around 1890, Armenians began demanding the implementation of the reforms which were promised to them at the Berlin conference.[22] To prevent such measures, in 1890–91, Sultan Abdul Hamid gave semi-official status to the Kurdish bandits who were already actively mistreating the Armenians in the provinces. Made up of Kurds (as well as other ethnic groups such as Turcomans), and armed by the state, they came to be called the Hamidiye Alayları ("Hamidian Regiments").[23] The Hamidiye and Kurdish brigands were given free rein to attack Armenians, confiscating stores of grain, foodstuffs, and driving off livestock, and confident of escaping punishment as they were subject only to court-martial.[24] In the face of such violence, the Armenians established revolutionary organizations, namely the Social Democrat Hunchakian Party (Hunchak; founded in Switzerland in 1887) and the Armenian Revolutionary Federation (the ARF or Dashnaktsutiun, founded in 1890 in Tiflis).[25] Clashes ensued and unrest occurred in 1892 at Merzifon and in 1893 at Tokat. Abdul Hamid II did not hesitate to put down these revolts with harsh methods while using the local Muslims (in most cases Kurds) against the Armenians.[26] As a result of such violence, 300,000 Armenians were killed in what became known as the Hamidian massacres. News of the Armenian massacres was widely reported in Europe and the United States and drew strong responses from foreign governments and humanitarian organizations alike.[27] Hence, Abdul Hamid II was referred to as the "Bloody Sultan" or "Red Sultan" in the West. On 21 July 1905, the Armenian Revolutionary Federation attempted to assassinate him with a car bombing during a public appearance, but the Sultan was delayed for a minute and the bomb went off too early, killing 26, wounding 58 (of which four died during their treatment in a hospital) and destroying 17 cars. This continued aggression, along with the handling of the Armenian desire for reforms, led to the western European powers taking a more hands-on approach with the Turks.[1]

                            America and the Philippines

                            Map of the Ottoman Empire during the reign of Abdul Hamid II

                            Sultan Abdul Hamid II, after being approached by American minister to Turkey, Oscar Straus, sent a letter to the Moros of the Sulu Sultanate telling them not to resist American takeover and to cooperate with the Americans at the start of the Moro Rebellion. The Sulu Moros complied with the order.

                            John Hay, the American Secretary of State, asked Straus in 1898 to approach Sultan Abdul Hamid II to request that the Sultan (who was also Caliph) write a letter to the Moro Sulu Muslims of the Sulu Sultanate in the Philippines telling them to submit to American suzerainty and American military rule. The Sultan obliged them and wrote the letter, which was sent to Sulu via Mecca where two Sulu chiefs brought it home to Sulu, and it was successful, since the "Sulu Mohammedans ... refused to join the insurrectionists and had placed themselves under the control of our army, thereby recognizing American sovereignty."[28] The Ottoman Sultan used his position as caliph to order the Sulu Sultan not to resist and not fight the Americans when they became subject to American control.[29] President McKinley did not mention Turkey's role in the pacification of the Sulu Moros in his address to the first session of the Fifty-sixth Congress in December 1899, since the agreement with the Sultan of Sulu was not submitted to the Senate until 18 December.[30] Despite Sultan Abdul Hamid's "pan-Islamic" ideology, he readily acceded to a request by Straus for help in telling the Sulu Muslims to not resist America since he felt no need to cause hostilities between the West and Muslims.[31] Collaboration between the American military and Sulu sultanate was due to the Sulu Sultan being persuaded by the Ottoman Sultan.[32] John P. Finley wrote that:

                            After due consideration of these facts, the Sultan, as Caliph caused a message to be sent to the Mohammedans of the Philippine Islands forbidding them to enter into any hostilities against the Americans, inasmuch as no interference with their religion would be allowed under American rule. As the Moros have never asked more than that, it is not surprising, that they refused all overtures made, by Aguinaldo's agents, at the time of the Filipino insurrection. President McKinley sent a personal letter of thanks to Mr. Straus for the excellent work he had done, and said, its accomplishment had saved the United States at least twenty thousand troops in the field.[33][34]

                            Abdul Hamid in his position as Caliph was approached by the Americans to help them deal with Muslims during their war in the Philippines,[35] and the Muslim people of the area obeyed the order sent by Abdul Hamid to help the Americans.[36][37][38]

                            The Bates Treaty, which the Americans had signed with the Moro Sulu Sultanate and which guaranteed the Sultanate's autonomy in its internal affairs and governance, was then violated by the Americans, who then invaded Moroland,[39] causing the Moro Rebellion to break out in 1904 with war raging between the Americans and Moro Muslims and atrocities committed against Moro Muslim women and children, such as the Moro Crater Massacre.

                            Germany's support

                            Abdul Hamid II attempted to correspond with the Chinese Muslim troops in service of the Qing imperial army serving under General Dong Fuxiang; they were also known as the Kansu Braves

                            The Triple Entente – the United Kingdom, France and Russia – maintained strained relations with the Ottoman Empire. Abdul Hamid and his close advisors believed the Empire should be treated as an equal player by these great powers. In the Sultan's view, the Ottoman Empire was a European empire, distinct for having more Muslims than Christians.

                            Over time the hostile diplomatic attitudes shown from France (the occupation of Tunisia in 1881) and Great Britain (the 1882 establishment of de facto control in Egypt) caused Abdul Hamid to gravitate towards Germany.[1] Kaiser Wilhelm II was twice hosted by Abdul Hamid in Istanbul; first on 21 October 1889, and nine years later, on 5 October 1898. (Wilhelm II later visited Constantinople for a third time, on 15 October 1917, as a guest of Mehmed V). German officers (like Baron von der Goltz and Bodo-Borries von Ditfurth) were employed to oversee the organization of the Ottoman army.

                            German government officials were brought in to reorganize the Ottoman government's finances. Additionally, the German Emperor was rumored in counseling Hamid II in his controversial decision to appoint his third son as his successor.[40] Germany's friendship was not altruistic; it had to be fostered with railway and loan concessions. In 1899, a significant German desire, the construction of a Berlin-Baghdad railway, was granted.[1]

                            Kaiser Wilhelm II of Germany also requested the Sultan's help when having trouble with Chinese Muslim troops. During the Boxer Rebellion, the Chinese Muslim Kansu Braves fought against the German Army, routing them, along with the other Eight Nation Alliance forces. The Muslim Kansu Braves and Boxers defeated the Alliance forces led by the German Captain Guido von Usedom at the Battle of Langfang in the Seymour Expedition in 1900 and besieged the trapped Alliance forces during the Siege of the International Legations. It was only on the second attempt in the Gasalee Expedition, that the Alliance forces managed to get through to battle the Chinese Muslim troops at the Battle of Peking. Kaiser Wilhelm was so alarmed by the Chinese Muslim troops that he requested that Abdul Hamid find a way to stop the Muslim troops from fighting. Abdul Hamid agreed to the Kaiser's demands and sent Enver Pasha to China in 1901, but the rebellion was over by that time.[41] Because the Ottomans did not want conflict against the European nations and because the Ottoman Empire was ingratiating itself to gain German assistance, an order imploring Chinese Muslims to avoid assisting the Boxers was issued by the Ottoman Khalifa and reprinted in Egyptian and Muslim Indian newspapers.[42]

                            Young Turk Revolution

                            Opening of the first Ottoman Parliament (Meclis-i Umumî), 1877.
                            Greek lithograph celebrating the Young Turk Revolution in 1908 and the restoration of the 1876 constitution in the Ottoman Empire

                            The national humiliation of the Macedonian conflict, together with the resentment in the army against the palace spies and informers, at last brought matters to a crisis.[43] The Committee of Union and Progress (CUP), a Young Turks organization that was especially influential in the Rumelian army units undertook the Young Turk Revolution in the summer of 1908. Abdul Hamid, upon learning that the troops in Salonica were marching on Istanbul (23 July), at once capitulated. On 24 July an irade announced the restoration of the suspended constitution of 1876; the next day, further irades abolished espionage and censorship, and ordered the release of political prisoners.[43]

                            On 17 December, Abdul Hamid opened the Ottoman parliament with a speech from the throne in which he said that the first parliament had been "temporarily dissolved until the education of the people had been brought to a sufficiently high level by the extension of instruction throughout the empire."[43]


                            The new attitude of the sultan did not save himself from the suspicion of intriguing with the powerful reactionary elements in the state, a suspicion confirmed by his attitude towards the counter-revolution of 13 April 1909 known as the 31 March Incident, when an insurrection of the soldiers backed by a conservative upheaval in some parts of the military in the capital overthrew Hüseyin Hilmi Pasha's government. With the Young Turks driven out of the capital, Abdul Hamid appointed ahmet Tevfik Pasha in his place, and once again suspended the Constitution and shuttered the parliament. However the Sultan was only in control of Constantinople while the Young Turks were still influential in the rest of the Army and provinces. The CUP appealed to Mahmud Shevket Pasha to restore the status quo, who organized an ad hoc formation known as the Action Army which marched on Constantinople. Şevket Pasha's Chief of Staff was captain Mustafa Kemal. The Action Army stopped by first in Aya Stefanos, and negotiated with the rival government established by deputies who escaped from the capital, led by Mehmed Talat. It was secretly decided there that Abdul Hamid had to be deposed. When the Action Army entered Istanbul, a Fatwa was issued condemning Abdul Hamid, and the parliament voted to dethrone him. On 27 April Abdul Hamid's half-brother Reshad Efendi was proclaimed as Sultan Mehmed V.[19]

                            The Sultan's countercoup, which had appealed to conservative Islamists against the Young Turks' liberal reforms, resulted in the massacre of tens of thousands of Christian Armenians in the Adana province, known as the Adana massacre.[44]

                            Post deposition

                            The mausoleum (türbe) of Sultans Mahmud II, Abdulaziz, and Abdul Hamid II, located at Divanyolu street, Istanbul

                            The ex-sultan was conveyed into captivity at Salonica (now Thessaloniki),[43] mostly at the Villa Allatini in the city’s southern outskirts. In 1912, when Salonica fell to Greece, he was returned to captivity in Constantinople. He spent his last days studying, practicing carpentry and writing his memoirs in custody at Beylerbeyi Palace in the Bosphorus, in the company of his wives and children, where he died on 10 February 1918, just a few months before his brother, Mehmed V, the Sultan. He was buried in Istanbul.

                            In 1930, his nine widows and thirteen children were granted US$50 million from his estate, following a lawsuit that lasted five years. His estate was worth US$1.5 billion.[45]

                            Abdul Hamid was the last Sultan of the Ottoman Empire to hold absolute power. He presided over 33 years of decline, during which other European countries regarded the empire as the "sick man of Europe."[46]


                            An example of what once hung on the Door of Repentance of the Ka'ba in 1897 until 1898. It was made in Egypt under Abdul Hamid II's ruling of the Ottoman Empire. His name is stitched into the fifth line following a verse from the Qur'an.[47]

                            Abdul Hamid believed that the ideas of Tanzimat could not bring the disparate peoples of the empire to a common identity, such as Ottomanism. He adopted a new ideological principle, Pan-Islamism; since Ottoman sultans beginning with 1517 were also nominally Caliphs, he wanted to promote that fact and emphasized the Ottoman Caliphate. He saw the huge diversity of ethnicities in the Ottoman Empire and believed that Islam was the only way to unite his Muslim people.

                            He encouraged Pan-Islamism, telling Muslims living under European powers to unite into one polity. This threatened several European countries, namely Austria through Albanian Muslims, Russia through Tatars and Kurds, France through Moroccan Muslims, and Britain through Indian Muslims.[48] The privileges of foreigners in the Ottoman Empire, which were an obstacle to an effective government, were curtailed. At the very end of his reign, he finally provided funds to start construction of the strategically important Constantinople-Baghdad Railway and the Constantinople-Medina Railway, making the trip to Mecca for Hajj more efficient. After he was deposed, the construction of both railways was accelerated and completed by the Young Turks. Missionaries were sent to distant countries preaching Islam and the Caliph's supremacy.[43] During his rule, Abdul Hamid refused Theodor Herzl's offers to pay down a substantial portion of the Ottoman debt (150 million pounds sterling in gold) in exchange for a charter allowing the Zionists to settle in Palestine. He is famously quoted as telling Herzl's Emissary that "as long as I am alive, I will not have our body divided, only our corpse they can divide."[49]

                            Pan-Islamism was a considerable success. After the Greco-Ottoman war, many Muslims celebrated the victory and saw the Ottoman victory as Muslims' victory. Uprisings, lockouts, and objections against European colonization in newspapers were reported in Muslim regions after the war.[48][50] However, Abdul Hamid's appeals to Muslim sentiment were not always very effective due to widespread disaffection within the Empire. In Mesopotamia and Yemen disturbance was endemic; nearer home, a semblance of loyalty was maintained in the army and among the Muslim population only by a system of deflation and espionage.

                            Personal life

                            The tomb of the Libyan Sufi Sheikh Muhammad Zafir al-Madani in Istanbul who initiated the Sultan into the Shadhili Sufi Order

                            Abdul Hamid II was a skilled carpenter and personally crafted some high-quality furniture, which can be seen today at the Yıldız Palace, Şale Köşkü and Beylerbeyi Palace in Istanbul. He was also interested in opera and personally wrote the first-ever Turkish translations of many opera classics. He also composed several opera pieces for the Mızıka-yı Hümâyun (Ottoman Imperial Band/Orchestra, which was established by his grandfather Mahmud II who had appointed Donizetti Pasha as its Instructor General in 1828), and hosted the famous performers of Europe at the Opera House of Yıldız Palace, which was restored in the 1990s and featured in the 1999 film Harem Suare (the film begins with the scene of Abdul Hamid II watching a performance). One of his guests included the world renowned French stage actress Sarah Bernhardt who performed for audiences.[51]

                            He was also a good wrestler of Yağlı güreş and a 'patron saint' of the wrestlers. He organized wrestling tournaments in the empire and selected wrestlers were invited to the palace. Abdul Hamid personally tried the sportsmen and good ones remained in the palace. He was also a skilled drawer, having drawn the sole known portrait of his fourth wife Bidar Kadın. He was extremely fond of Sherlock Holmes novels,[52] and awarded its author Sir Arthur Conan Doyle with the Order of the Medjidie 2nd Class in 1907.[53]


                            Sultan Abdul Hamid II was a practitioner of traditional Islamic Sufism. He was influenced by Libyan Shadhili Madani Sheikh, Muhammad Zafir al-Madani whose lessons he would attend in disguise in Unkapani before he became Sultan. Abdul Hamid II asked Sheikh al-Madani to return to Istanbul after he ascended the throne. The sheik initiated Shadhili gatherings of remembrance (dhikr) in the newly commissioned Yıldız Hamidiye Mosque; on Thursday evenings he would accompany Sufi masters in reciting dhikr.[51] He also became a close religious and political confidant of the Sultan. In 1879, the Sultan excused the taxes of all of the Caliphate's Madani Sufi lodges (also known as zawiyas and tekkes). In 1888, he even established a Sufi lodge for the Madani order of Shadhili Sufism in Istanbul, which he commissioned as part of the Ertuğrul Tekke mosque. The relationship of the Sultan and the sheik lasted for thirty years until the latter's death in 1903.[54]


                            A sample of his handwritten poetry in Persian language and scripts, which was taken from the book My Father Abdul Hameed, written by his daughter Ayşe Sultan

                            Abdul Hamid wrote poetry, following on the footsteps of many other Ottoman sultans. One of his poems translates thus:

                            My Lord I know you are the Dear One (Al-Aziz)

                            ... And no one but you are the Dear One
                            You are the One, and nothing else
                            My God take my hand in these hard times

                            My God be my helper in this critical hour


                            In the opinion of F. A. K. Yasamee:[55]

                            He was a striking amalgam of determination and timidity, of insight and fantasy, held together by immense practical caution and an instinct for the fundamentals of power. He was frequently underestimated. Judged on his record, he was a formidable domestic politician and an effective diplomat.[56]

                            Marriages and descendants

                            Officially, Abdul Hamid II had only four legal wives and many additional concubines (of which eight were his favourites), but he is falsely ascribed as having twelve wives.[57][58][59][60]

                            First marriage and descendant

                            His first marriage in 1863 was in the Dolmabahçe Palace, Istanbul, where he married Nazikeda Kadın (c. 1850–1895). She was the daughter of Prince Arzakan Bey Tsanba and his wife Princess Esma Klıç.[60] She was Abdulhamid II's first wife, but was not his senior consort. Together, they had one daughter, Ulviye Sultan (1868–1875).

                            Second marriage and descendants

                            His second marriage was to Natukhai Bedrifelek Kadın.[60] Their three children include:

                            • Şehzade Mehmed Selim (1870–1937), married in 1886 to Eryale Hanım (1870–1904), daughter of Prince Ali Hasan Bey Marshania and his wife Princess Fatma Horecan Aredba, and had a son and a daughter. Married secondly to Eflakyar Hanım, daughter of Gazi Muhammed Bey, without issue. Married thirdly in 1905 to Nilüfer Hanım (1887–1943). Married fourthly in 1910 to his relative Pervin Dürrüyekta Hanım (1894–1969), daughter of Prince Kerzedzh Zekeriya Bey by his wife Şadiye Hanım. Married fifthly to Gülnaz Hanım, without issue. Married sixthly in 1918 to Dilistan Leman Hanım, without issue.
                            • Zekiye Sultan (1872–1950), married in 1889 to Ali Nureddin Pasha Bey (1867–1953) and had issue.
                            • Şehzade Ahmed Nuri (1878–1944), married in 1900 to Fahriye Zişan Hanım (1883–1940) and buried in the cemetery of the Sulaymaniyya Takiyya, Damascus), daughter of Ali Ilyas Bey, a Circassian lieutenant colonel in the Imperial Ottoman Army, without issue.

                            Third marriage

                            His third marriage was to Nurefsun Kadın (c. 1851–1908), which ended in divorce in 1881, and without issue. Nurefsun was a lady formerly in the household of Khedive Isma'il Pasha and Sultan Abdulaziz.[61]

                            Fourth marriage and descendants

                            His fourth marriage was in 1875 in the Yıldız Palace, Istanbul, where he married Kabardian Bidar Kadın (1858–1918), daughter of Prince Ibrahim Bey Talustan by his wife Princess Şahika İffet Hanım Lortkipanidze. Together, they had two children:

                            • Naime Sultan (1875–1945), married in 1898 and divorced in 1904 to Mehmed Kemaleddin Pasha Bey (1869–1920). Married secondly in 1907 to Mahmud Celaleddin (1874–1944), had issue.
                            • Şehzade Mehmed Abdülkadir (1878–1944), Captain of the Ottoman Army, married in 1898 to Mislimelek Hanım. Married secondly to Sühendan Hanım (but divorced later). Married thirdly in 1907 to Mihriban Hanım (1890–1956) and had one son. Married fourthly in 1913 (divorced in 1934) to Hadice Macide Hanım (1899–1934), daughter of Mustafa Şerif Bey, Colonel in the Imperial Ottoman Army, and had one son. Married fifthly in 1916 to Meziyet Fatma Hanım (1902–1989), daughter of Mecid Bey, Colonel in the Imperial Ottoman Army, and had one son and two daughters. Married sixthly in 1924 to Irene Mer Hanım, and had one son.

                            Fifth marriage and descendant

                            His fifth marriage was in 1883 in the Yıldız Palace, Istanbul, where he married Dilpesend Kadın (1865–1903), the adoptive daughter of Tiryal Hanım, wife of Sultan Mahmud II, and had one daughter:

                            • Naile Sultan (1884–1957), married in 1905, to Arif Hikmet Pasha Germiyanoglu (1872–1942), sometime Senator and minister for justice, third son of Haji Abdurrahman Nureddin Pasha, sometime Grand Vizier, without issue.

                            Sixth marriage and descendants

                            His sixth marriage in 1885 in the Yıldız Palace, Istanbul, where he married Mezide Mestan Kadın (1869–1909)[60] and they had one son:

                            • Şehzade Mehmed Burhaneddin (1885–1949), Captain of the Ottoman Army, Titular King of Albania in 1914. Married firstly in 1908 Hidayet Hanım, alias Nurbanu, née Emine Açba, daughter of Prince Mehmed Refik Bey Açba by his wife Princess Emine Mahşeref Hanım Emuhvari, and had a son. Married secondly in 1909 (divorced in 1919) to Aliyemelek Nazlıyar Hanım (1892–1976), daughter of Huseyin Bey, and had a son. Married thirdly in 1925 (divorced in 1925) to Georgina Leonora Barnard Mosselmans (1900–1969). Married fourthly in 1933 to Elsie Deming Jackson (1879–1952).

                            Seventh marriage and descendants

                            His seventh marriage was in 1885 in Yıldız Palace, Istanbul, where he married Emsalinur Kadın (1866–1950), daughter of Ömer Bey Kaya by his wife Selime Hanım, and had one daughter, Şadiye Sultan (1886–1977), who married in 1910, to Fahir Bey (1882–1922) had one daughter. Married secondly in 1931 to Reshad Halis (1885–1944) without issue.

                            Eighth marriage and descendants

                            His eighth marriage was in 1886 in Yıldız Palace, Istanbul, where he married Müşfika Kadın (1867–1961)[60] and had one daughter, Ayşe Sultan (1887–1960), married in 1921 to Mushir Mehmed Ali Rauf Nami Pashazade Bey (1877–1937).

                            Ninth marriage and descendants

                            His ninth marriage was in 1890 in Yıldız Palace, Istanbul, where he married Sazkar Hanım (1873–1945)[60] and had one daughter, Refia Sultan (1891–1938) who married in 1910 to Ali Fuad Bey, son of Ahmet Eyüb Pasha.

                            Tenth marriage and descendants

                            His tenth marriage was in 1893 in Yıldız Palace, Istanbul, where he married Peyveste Hanım (1873–1944) née Rabia Emuhvari, daughter of Prince Osman Bey Emuhvari by his wife Princess Hesna Hanım Çaabalurhva,[60] and had one son:

                            • Şehzade Abdurrahim Hayri (1894–1952), married in 1919 (and divorced in 1923) to Emine Halim Hanım (1899–1979), daughter of Prince Mehmed Abbas Halim Pasha, by his wife Princess Fahrünnisa Hatice Hanım, second daughter of Mehmed Tewfik Pasha, Khedive of Egypt, and had one daughter. Married secondly to Misalruh Hanım, alias Mihrişah, née Feride, daughter of Mehmed Bey by his wife Emine Hanım, without issue.

                            Eleventh marriage and descendants

                            His eleventh marriage was in 1896 in Yıldız Palace, Istanbul, where he married Fatma Pesend Hanım (1876–1924), née Fatma Kadriye Achba, daughter of Prince Ahmed Sami Achba, member of an Abkhazian princely family by his wife, Fatıma Hanım Mamleeva, and had one daughter, Hatice Sultan (1897–1898).

                            Twelfth marriage and descendants

                            His twelfth marriage was in 1900 in Yıldız Palace, Istanbul, where he married Behice Hanım (1882–1969), née Behiye Maan, daughter of Albus Bey Maan an Abkhazian leader by his wife Nazli Hanım Kucba,[60] and had two sons:

                            • Şehzade Ahmed Nureddin (1900–1945), married in 1919 to Ayşe Andelib Hanım, daughter of Hüsnü Paşa, Aide-de-camp to Sultan Abdul Hamid II, by his wife Kudsiye Hanım, without issue.
                            • Şehzade Mehmed Bedreddin (1901–1903).

                            Thirteenth marriage and descendants

                            His thirteenth marriage was in 1904 in Yıldız Palace, Istanbul, where he married Saliha Naciye Hanım (1887–1923), alias Saliha, née Zeliha Ankuap, daughter of Arslan Bey Ankuap by his wife Canhız Hanım.[60] Saliha Naciye was the second favorite wife of Abdulhamid II, and was his second senior wife. They had two children:

                            • Şehzade Mehmed Abid (1905–1973), married firstly to Pınardil Fahriye Hanım, without issue. Married secondly in 1936 (divorced in 1949) to Princess Senije Zogu, sister to King Zog I, without issue.
                            • Samiye Sultan (1908–1909).
                            • Abdul the Damned (1935) portrays a time near the end of the sultan's life.
                            • Payitaht Abdulhamid, named 'The Last Emperor' in English, is a Turkish popular historical television drama series depicting the last 13 years of the reign of Abdul Hamid II.[62]
                            • In Don Rosa's comic book story "The Treasury of Croesus," Scrooge McDuck pulls out a permit which Abdul Hamid II signed in 1905, allowing McDuck carte blanche to excavate the ancient ruins of Ephesus.

                            Awards and honours

                            Ottoman orders
                            • Grand Master of the Order of the Crescent
                            • Grand Master of the Order of Glory
                            • Grand Master of the Order of the Medjidie
                            • Grand Master of the Order of Osmanieh
                            Foreign orders and decorations

                            Threatened by several assassination attempts, Abdul Hamid II did not travel often (though still more than many previous rulers). Photographs provided visual evidence of what was taking place in his realm. He commissioned thousands of photographs of his empire including from the Constantinople studio of Jean Pascal Sébah. The Sultan presented large gift albums of photographs to various governments and heads of state, including the United States[77] and Great Britain.[78] The American collection is housed in the Library of Congress and has been digitized.[79]

                            See also

                            • The Ottomans: Europe's Muslim Emperors
                            • Yıldız Hamidiye Mosque
                            • List of sultans of the Ottoman Empire
                            • List of nicknames of European royalty and nobility: A
                            • Payitaht: Abdülhamid, 2017 TV-drama
                            • Abdul the Damned



                            1. Hoiberg, Dale H., ed. (2010). "Abdulhamid II". Encyclopedia Britannica. Vol. I: A-ak Bayes (15th ed.). Chicago, IL: Encyclopedia Britannica Inc. pp. 22. ISBN 978-1-59339-837-8.
                            2. Some sources state that his birth date was on 22 September.
                            3. Overy, Richard pp. 252, 253 (2010)
                            4. "Abdulhamid II | biography – Ottoman sultan". Retrieved 29 September 2015.
                            5. Razmik Panossian (13 August 2013). The Armenians: From Kings and Priests to Merchants and Commissars. Columbia University Press. p. 165. ISBN 978-0-231-13926-7.
                            6. "Turkish Royalty". Ancestry. Archived from the original on 6 April 2012. Retrieved 29 November 2012.
                            7. "Osmanlı İmparatorluğu Türk Sultanları". Osmanlı Araştırmaları Vakfı. Archived from the original on 11 July 2012. Retrieved 29 November 2012.
                            8. Freely, John – Inside the Seraglio, published 1999, Chapter 15: On the Shores of the Bosphorus
                            9. Brookes, Douglas Scott (2010). The Concubine, the Princess, and the Teacher: Voices from the Ottoman Harem. University of Texas Press. p. 134. ISBN 978-0-292-78335-5.
                            10. "Sultan Abdülaziz – Avrupa Seyahati". blog.milliyet.com.tr.
                            11. Chambers Biographical Dictionary, ISBN 0-550-18022-2, p. 3
                            12. Davison, Roderique H. Reform in the Ottoman Empire. Princeton University Press, 1963
                            13. Hourani, Albert. Arabic Thought in the Liberal Age, 1798–1939. Cambridge University Press, 1962, p. 68
                            14. Freely, John (1998). Istanbul: The Imperial City. London; New York: Penguin Books. p. 282. ISBN 978-0-14-024461-8.
                            15. The Encyclopædia Britannica, Vol.7, Edited by Hugh Chisholm, (1911), 3; Constantinople, the capital of the Turkish Empire
                            16. Britannica, Istanbul:When the Republic of Turkey was founded in 1923, the capital was moved to Ankara, and Constantinople was officially renamed Istanbul in 1930.
                            17. "Turkish Naval History: The Period of the Navy Ministry". Dzkk.tsk.mil.tr. Archived from the original on 7 December 2006.
                            18. Chisholm 1911.
                            19. Cleveland, William L. (2008)"History of the Modern Middle East" (4th ed.) pg.121.
                            20. Cleveland, William; Burton, Martin (2013). A History of the Modern Middle East. Boulder, CO: Westview Press. pp. 123–124. ISBN 978-0-8133-4833-9.
                            21. "Curios Information about Armenia". Armenica.org.
                            22. Klein, Janet (2011). The Margins of Empire: Kurdish Militias in the Ottoman Tribal Zone. Stanford: Stanford University Press, pp. 21–34.
                            23. McDowall, David (2004). A Modern History of the Kurds (3rd rev. and updated ed.) London: I.B. Tauris, pp. 60–62.
                            24. Nalbandian, Louise (1963). The Armenian Revolutionary Movement: The Development of Armenian Political Parties through the Nineteenth Century. Berkeley: University of California Press.
                            25. "Constitutional Rights Foundation". Cfr-usa.org.
                            26. Rodogno, Davide. Against Massacre: Humanitarian Interventions in the Ottoman Empire, 1815–1914. Princeton University Press, 2012, pp. 185–211; Gary J. Bass, Freedom's Battle: The Origins of Humanitarian Intervention. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2008; Balakian, The Burning Tigris
                            27. Kemal H. Karpat (2001). The Politicization of Islam: Reconstructing Identity, State, Faith, and Community in the Late Ottoman State. Oxford University Press. pp. 235–. ISBN 978-0-19-513618-0.
                            28. Moshe Yegar (1 January 2002). Between Integration and Secession: The Muslim Communities of the Southern Philippines, Southern Thailand, and Western Burma/Myanmar. Lexington Books. pp. 397–. ISBN 978-0-7391-0356-2.
                            29. Political Science Quarterly. Academy of Political Science. 1904. pp. 22–. Straus Sulu Ottoman.
                            30. Mustafa Akyol (18 July 2011). Islam without Extremes: A Muslim Case for Liberty. W. W. Norton. pp. 159–. ISBN 978-0-393-07086-6.
                            31. J. Robert Moskin (19 November 2013). American Statecraft: The Story of the U.S. Foreign Service. St. Martin's Press. pp. 204–. ISBN 978-1-250-03745-9.
                            32. George Hubbard Blakeslee; Granville Stanley Hall; Harry Elmer Barnes (1915). The Journal of International Relations. Clark University. pp. 358–.
                            33. The Journal of Race Development. Clark University. 1915. pp. 358–.
                            34. Idris Bal (2004). Turkish Foreign Policy in Post Cold War Era. Universal-Publishers. pp. 405–. ISBN 978-1-58112-423-1.
                            35. Idris Bal (2004). Turkish Foreign Policy in Post Cold War Era. Universal-Publishers. pp. 406–. ISBN 978-1-58112-423-1.
                            36. Akyol, Mustafa (26 December 2006). "Mustafa Akyol: Remembering Abdul Hamid II, a pro-American caliph". Weekly Standard. History News Network.
                            37. ERASMUS (26 July 2016). "Why European Islam's current problems might reflect a 100-year-old mistake". The Economist.
                            38. Kho, Madge. "The Bates Treaty". Philippine Update. Retrieved 26 June 2015.
                            39. R. Snelling (5 October 1906). "The Sultan's Successor". The Egyptian Gazette.
                            40. Kemal H. Karpat (2001). The politicisation of Islam: reconstructing identity, state, faith, and community in the late Ottoman state. Oxford University Press US. p. 237. ISBN 0195136187. Retrieved 28 June 2010.The Spectator, Volume 87. F.C. Westley. 1902. p. 243. Retrieved 1 April 2013.Harris, Lillian Craig (1993). China Considers the Middle East (illustrated ed.). I. B. Tauris. p. 56. ISBN 1850435987. Retrieved 1 April 2013."The official Russian announcement that..." The Straits Times. 10 July 1901. p. 2. Retrieved 1 April 2013.The Moslem World, Volumes 1–3. Contributor Hartford Seminary Foundation. Hartford Seminary Foundation. 1966. p. 190. Retrieved 1 April 2013.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: others (link)
                            41. Robert A. Bickers (2007). The Boxers, China, and the World. Rowman & Littlefield. pp. 150–. ISBN 978-0-7425-5395-8.
                            42. One or more of the preceding sentences incorporates text from a publication now in the public domain: Chisholm, Hugh, ed. (1911). "Abd-ul-Hamid II". Encyclopædia Britannica. Vol. 1 (11th ed.). Cambridge University Press. p. 36.
                            43. Creelman, James (22 August 1909). "The Slaughter of Christians in Asia Minor". The New York Times.
                            44. "World's Largest Fortune to be Split Among Harem Inmates of the Last and Ill-Fated Turkish Sultan". The Cincinnati Enquirer. 20 April 1930. Retrieved 23 February 2018.
                            45. Renée Worringer (2004). "Sickman of Europe or Japan of the Near East?: Constructing Ottoman Modernity in the Hamidian and Young Turk Eras". International Journal of Middle East Studies. 36 (2): 209. doi:10.1017/S0020743804362033. S2CID 156657393.
                            46. "Sitara, Interior Door Curtain of the Ka'ba, Sultan Abdülhamid II (r. 1876–1909)". www.metmuseum.org.
                            47. Takkush, Mohammed Suhail, "The Ottoman's History" pp.489,490
                            48. "עניין היהודים", (יומני הרצל). הוצאת מוסד ביאליק. p. 332. את הדברים אמר הסולטאן לשליחו של הרצל (נוולינסקי) ב-19 ביוני 1896. מקור - "עניין היהודים", (יומני הרצל) - הוצאת מוסד ביאליק, כרך א' עמוד 332. הרצל עצמו נפגש עם הסולטאן רק ב-17 במאי 1901, ללא הישגים נוספים.
                            49. Lewis.B, "The Emergence of Modern Turkey" Oxford, 1962, p.337
                            50. "The Ottoman caliphate: Worldly, pluralist, hedonistic—and Muslim, too". The Economist. 19 December 2015. Retrieved 26 December 2015.
                            51. Turner, Barry. Suez.1956 p.32–33
                            52. Küskü, Fırat (1 January 2021). "II. Abdülhamid'in Madalya Siyaseti: Liyakat Madalyası Örneği / Abdul Hamid II's Medal Policy: The Medal of Merit Example". Türk Kültürü İncelemeleri Dergisi (TKİD). 04 (46): 109.
                            53. "Sheikh Mohammed Zafir". Madani86.blogspot.com. 19 July 2008.
                            54. Ottoman Diplomacy: Abdülhamid II and the Great Powers 1878–1888
                            55. F. A. K. Yasamee. Ottoman Diplomacy: Abdülhamid II and the Great Powers 1878–1888 p.20
                            56. Farah, C.E. (2008). Abdülhamid II and the Muslim world. Foundation for Research on Islamic history, Art and History. p. 58. ISBN 9789757874317.
                            57. Mushirul Hasan (2010). Between Modernity and Nationalism: Halide Edip's Encounter with Gandhi's India. Oxford University Press. p. 32. ISBN 9780198063322.
                            58. Brookes, D.S., 2010. The concubine, the princess, and the teacher: Voices from the Ottoman Harem. University of Texas Press.
                            59. Harun Açba (2007). Kadın efendiler: 1839–1924. Profil. ISBN 978-9-759-96109-1.
                            60. Örik, Nahid Sırrı (2002). Bilinmeyen yaşamlarıyla saraylılar. Türkiye İş Bankası. pp. 122–23, 132. ISBN 978-9-754-58383-0.
                            61. Asghar, Ain Hafizah (15 July 2010). "Payitaht Abdulhamid Turkish Historical Drama Series". 3ISK Space (in Arabic). Jannah Aamal Shammas.
                            62. "Ritter-Orden", Hof- und Staatshandbuch der Österreichisch-Ungarischen Monarchie, 1900, p. 58, retrieved 22 May 2020
                            63. Pedersen, Jørgen (2009). Riddere af Elefantordenen, 1559–2009 (in Danish). Syddansk Universitetsforlag. p. 300. ISBN 978-87-7674-434-2.
                            64. Sveriges Statskalender (in Swedish), 1905, p. 440, retrieved 6 January 2018 via runeberg.org
                            65. Kalakaua to his sister, 12 July 1881, quoted in Greer, Richard A. (editor, 1967) "The Royal Tourist—Kalakaua's Letters Home from Tokio to London", Hawaiian Journal of History, vol. 5, p. 96
                            66. Norges Statskalender (in Norwegian), 1890, pp. 595–596, retrieved 6 January 2018 via runeberg.org
                            67. "Guía Oficial de España". Guía Oficial de España: 147. 1887. Retrieved 21 March 2019.
                            68. Staatshandbuch für das Großherzogtum Sachsen / Sachsen-Weimar-Eisenach (1900), "Großherzogliche Hausorden" p. 16
                            69. The Grand Master of the Bulgarian Orders - official website of H.M. Simeon II
                            70. "Ordinul Carol I" [Order of Carol I]. Familia Regală a României (in Romanian). Bucharest. Retrieved 17 October 2019.
                            71. Italia : Ministero dell'interno (1898). Calendario generale del Regno d'Italia. Unione tipografico-editrice. p. 54.
                            72. "Schwarzer Adler-orden", Königlich Preussische Ordensliste (in German), vol. 1, Berlin, 1886, p. 9
                            73. Royal Thai Government Gazette (18 December 1892). "พระราชทานเครื่องราชอิสริยาภรณ์" (PDF) (in Thai). Retrieved 8 May 2019. {{cite journal}}: Cite journal requires |journal= (help)
                            74. 刑部芳則 (2017). 明治時代の勲章外交儀礼 (PDF) (in Japanese). 明治聖徳記念学会紀要. p. 144.
                            75. Hof- und - Staatshandbuch des Königreichs Bayern (1910), "Königliche Orden". p. 8
                            76. William Allen, "The Abdul Hamid II Collection," History of Photography eight (1984): 119–45.
                            77. M. I. Waley and British Library, "Sultan Abdulhamid II Early Turkish Photographs in 51 Albums from the British Library on Microfiche"; Zug, Switzerland: IDC, 1987
                            78. "Ottoman Empire photographs". Library of Congress.


                            Further reading

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