
Smerinthini es una tribu de lepidópteros ditrisios perteneciente a la familia Sphingidae.


Reino: Animalia
Filo: Arthropoda
Clase: Insecta
Orden: Lepidoptera
Familia: Sphingidae
Subfamilia: Smerinthinae
Tribu: Smerinthini
Grote & Robinson, 1865

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  • Acanthosphinx - Aurivillius, 1891
  • Afroclanis - Carcasson, 1968
  • Afrosataspes - Basquin & Cadiou, 1986
  • Afrosphinx - Carcasson, 1968
  • Agnosia - Rothschild & Jordan, 1903
  • Amorpha - Hübner, 1809
  • Anambulyx - Rothschild & Jordan, 1903
  • Andriasa - Walker, 1856
  • Avinoffia - Clark, 1929
  • Cadiouclanis - Eitschberger, 2007
  • Callambulyx - Rothschild & Jordan, 1903
  • Ceridia - Rothschild & Jordan, 1903
  • Chloroclanis - Carcasson, 1968
  • Clanidopsis - Rothschild & Jordan, 1903
  • Clanis - Hübner, 1819
  • Coequosa - Walker, 1856
  • Craspedortha - Mell, 1922
  • Cypa - Walker, 1865
  • Cypoides - Matsumura, 1921
  • Daphnusa - Walker, 1856
  • Dargeclanis - Eitschberger, 2007
  • Degmaptera - Hampson, 1896
  • Falcatula - Carcasson, 1968
  • Grillotius - Rougeot, 1973
  • Gynoeryx - Carcasson, 1968
  • Imber - Moulds, Tuttle & Lane, 2010
  • Langia - Moore, 1872
  • Laothoe - Fabricius, 1807
  • Larunda - Kernbach, 1954
  • Leptoclanis - Rothschild & Jordan, 1903
  • Leucophlebia - Westwood, 1847
  • Likoma - Rothschild & Jordan, 1903
  • Lophostethus - Butler, 1876
  • Lycosphingia - Rothschild & Jordan, 1903
  • Malgassoclanis - Carcasson, 1968
  • Marumba - Moore, 1882
  • Microclanis - Carcasson, 1968
  • Mimas - Hübner, 1819
  • Morwennius - Cassidy, Allen & Harman, 2002
  • Neoclanis - Carcasson, 1968
  • Neopolyptychus - Carcasson, 1968
  • Opistoclanis - Jordan, 1929
  • Oplerclanis - Eitschberger, 2007
  • Pachysphinx - Rothschild & Jordan, 1903
  • Paonias - Hübner, 1819
  • Parum - Rothschild & Jordan, 1903
  • Phyllosphingia - Swinhoe, 1897
  • Phylloxiphia - Rothschild & Jordan, 1903
  • Pierreclanis - Eitschberger, 2007
  • Platysphinx - Rothschild & Jordan, 1903
  • Poliodes - Rothschild & Jordan, 1903
  • Polyptychoides - Carcasson, 1968
  • Polyptychopsis - Carcasson, 1968
  • Polyptychus - Hübner, 1819
  • Pseudandriasa - Carcasson, 1968
  • Pseudoclanis - Rothschild, 1894
  • Pseudopolyptychus - Carcasson, 1968
  • Rhadinopasa - Karsch, 1891
  • Rhodambulyx - Mell, 1939
  • Rhodoprasina - Rothschild & Jordan, 1903
  • Rufoclanis - Carcasson, 1968
  • Sataspes - Moore, 1858
  • Smerinthulus - Huwe, 1895
  • Smerinthus - Latreille, 1802
  • Viriclanis - Aarvik, 1999
  • Xenosphingia - Jordan, 1920


  • Beccaloni, G.W., Scoble, M.J., Robinson, G.S. & Pitkin, B. (Editors). 2003. The Global Lepidoptera Names Index (LepIndex). (accessed 02/06/2006)
  • Cassidy, A.C., Allen, M.G. & Harman, T., 2002. The generic position of Smerinthus decoratus Moore (Lepidoptera, Sphingidae). Trans. Lep. Soc. Japan, 53: 225-228.
  • Clark, B.P., 1926: Descriptions of twelve new Sphingidae and remarks upon some other species. Proceedings of the New England Zoological Club IX: 45-59.
  • Clark, B.P., 1928: Sundry notes on Sphingidae and descriptions of ten new forms. Proceedings of the New England Zoological Club 10: 33-46.
  • Eitschberger, U. 2003: A new species of Leucophlebia Westwood, 1847 from Northern Thailand. Atalanta 34 (1/2): 209-217.
  • Eitschberger, U. & M. Ströhle, 2011: Der Artkomplex von Lophostethus dumolinii (Angas, [1849]) im vergleich mit Lophostethus negus Jordan, 1926. Neue Entomologische Nachrichten 67: 121-255.
  • Hogenes, W. & C.G. Treadaway, 1998: The Sphingidae (Lepidoptera) of the Philippines. Nachrichten des Entomologischen Vereins Apollo Supplement 17: 17-132.
  • Moulds, M.S.; Tuttle, J.P.; Lane, D.A. 2010: Imber, a new genus for the Australian hawk moth Langia tropicus Moulds, 1983 (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae). Australian entomologist, 37(2): 71-76. [not seen]

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