Edwin Mellen Press
L'Edwin Mellen Press est une maison d'édition, basée à Lewiston, New York. Elle a été fondée par Herbert Richardson, professeur de théologie et pasteur de l'Église presbytérienne américaine[1].
Travaux publiés
- (en) Averil Cameron, Elizabeth Puttick et Bernard Clarke, Desert Mothers: Women Ascetics in Early Christian Egypt, Edwin Mellen Press, (lire en ligne)
- (en) Current Issues on Theology and Religion in Latin America and Africa. Lewiston, N.Y. and Lampeter, U.K.: Edwin Mellen Press, 280 + xv pp., 2002.
- (en) A Social History of the Catholic Church in Chile Vol. I: The First Period of the Pinochet Government 1973-1980. Lewinston, New York, Queenston, Ontario and Lampeter, Wales: Edwin Mellen Press, 2004, 302 pp. Winner of the Adele Mellen Prize 2004
- (en) A Social History of the Catholic Church in Chile Vol. II: The Archbishop Cardinal Raúl Silva Henríquez. Lewinston, New York, Queenston, Ontario and Lampeter, Wales: Edwin Mellen Press, 364 p. 2006.
- (en) A Social History of the Catholic Church in Chile Vol. III: The Second Period of the Pinochet Government 1980-1990. Lewinston, New York, Queenston, Ontario and Lampeter, Wales: Edwin Mellen Press, 2006.
- (en-US) Ian Morley, British provincial civic design and the building of late-Victorian and Edwardian cities, 1880-1914, Edwin Mellen Press, Edwin Mellen Press.
- (en) A Social History of the Catholic Church in Chile Vol. IV: Torture and Forced Disappearance 1973-1974. Lewinston, New York, Queenston, Ontario and Lampeter, Wales: Edwin Mellen Press, 2011.
- (en) A Social History of the Catholic Church in Chile Vol. V: Torture and Forced Disappearance 1974-1976. Lewinston, New York, Queenston, Ontario and Lampeter, Wales: Edwin Mellen Press, 2011.
- (en) A Social History of the Catholic Church in Chile Vol. VI: The Allende Government 1970-1973. Lewinston, New York, Queenston, Ontario and Lampeter, Wales: Edwin Mellen Press, 2011.
- (en) A Social History of the Catholic Church in Chile Vol. VII: Christians for Socialism and the MIR. Lewinston, New York, Queenston, Ontario and Lampeter, Wales: Edwin Mellen Press, 2011.
- (en) A Social History of the Catholic Church in Chile Vol. VIII: The Visit of John Paul II (1987). Lewinston, New York, Queenston, Ontario and Lampeter, Wales: Edwin Mellen Press, 2012.
- (en) A History of the Lamas in Tibet 1391-2006. Lewinston, New York, Queenston, Ontario and Lampeter, Wales: Edwin Mellen Press, 2012.
- (en) Church, Liberation and World Religions. London: T&T Clark, 2012.
- (en) A Social History of the Catholic Church in Chile Vol. IX: St. Alberto Hurtado and St. Teresa de Los Andes. Lewinston, New York, Queenston, Ontario and Lampeter, Wales: Edwin Mellen Press, 2013.
- (en) Cet article est partiellement ou en totalité issu de l’article de Wikipédia en anglais intitulé « Edwin Mellen Press » (voir la liste des auteurs).
- « The Edwin Mellen Press Contact Details », Edwin Mellen Press, (consulté le )
Liens externes
- Site officiel
- Murray Miles, "The Responsibility Of Professors: Academic Freedom, Peer Review, And The Scholarly Conscience Today"(1995) Archive: Wayback Machine
- "Publishing Ethics and Platform Neutrality - Peer to Peer Review", Library Journal, 12 March 2013
- Portail de l’édition
- Portail de l’islam
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