Gifford Lectures
Les Gifford Lectures (de l'anglais lecture : « cours magistral ») sont une série de conférences fondées par la volonté testamentaire d'Adam Gifford[1] (mort en 1887) et se tenant dans les universités écossaises : l'université d'Aberdeen, l'université d'Édimbourg, l'université de Glasgow et l'université de St Andrews. Elles furent établies pour « promouvoir et diffuser l'étude de la Théologie Naturelle au sens le plus large du terme — en d'autres termes, la connaissance de Dieu »[1]. L'expression théologie naturelle, telle que Gifford l'emploie, signifie la théologie soutenue par la science.

Ces conférences se présentent en général comme un cycle couvrant une année universitaire et donné en vue d'être publié sous la forme d'un livre. Un certain nombre de ces travaux sont devenus des classiques dans les champs de la théologie ou de la philosophie et de leur relation à la science. Une nomination aux Gifford Lectures constitue l'un des honneurs les plus prestigieux dans le milieu universitaire écossais. Quelques grands auteurs français, tels que Raymond Aron, Henri Bergson, Gabriel Marcel, Mohammed Arkoun, Paul Ricœur, Jean-Luc Marion et Bruno Latour ont donné une série de conférences aux Gifford Lectures.
- 1898–00 Josiah Royce The World and the Individual
- 1914-15 William Ritchie Sorley Moral Values and the Idea of God
- 1936–38 Karl Barth The Knowledge of God and the Service of God according to the Teaching of the Reformation
- 1949-50 Gabriel Marcel The Mystery of Being (ISBN 1-890318-85-X), Faith and Reality (ISBN 1-890318-86-8)
- 1951–52 Michael Polanyi Personal Knowledge: Towards a Post-Critical Philosophy, (ISBN 0-226-67288-3)
- 1953–54 Paul Tillich Systematic Theology (3 vols.): (ISBN 0-226-80337-6), (ISBN 0-226-80338-4), (ISBN 0-226-80339-2)
- 1963, 1965 Alister Hardy The Living Stream, The Divine Flame
- 1965-1967 Raymond Aron La Conscience historique dans la pensée et dans l'action
- 1973 Hannah Arendt Life of the Mind
- 1982–84 Richard Swinburne The Evolution of the Soul, (ISBN 0-19-823698-0)
- 1984–85 Freeman Dyson Infinite In All Directions, (ISBN 0-06-072889-2)
- 1989–91 Ian Barbour Religion in an Age of Science, (ISBN 0-06-060383-6)
- 1992–93 Jaroslav Pelikan Christianity and Classical Culture: The Metamorphosis of Natural Theology in the Christian Encounter With Hellenism, (ISBN 0-300-06255-9)
- 1994–95 John W. Rogerson Faith and Criticism in the Work of William Robertson Smith, 1846-1894
- 1994–95 M. A. Stewart New Light and Enlightenment
- 1994–95 Peter Jones Science and Religion before and after Hume
- 1994–95 James H. Burns The Order of Nature
- 1994–95 Alexander Broadie The Shadow of Scotus
- 1997–98 Russell Stannard The God Experiment
- 2000–01 John S. Habgood The Concept of Nature
- 2003–04 John Haldane Mind, Soul and Deity
- 2003 Eleonore Stump Wandering in the Darkness
- 2007 Stephen Pattison Seeing Things: From Mantelpieces to Masterpieces
- 2009 Alister McGrath
- 1891 George Gabriel Stokes Natural Theology
- 1900–02 William James The Varieties of Religious Experience, (ISBN 0-679-64011-8) (several editions in print)
- 1909–10 William Warde Fowler The Religious Experience of the Roman People, (ISBN 0-8154-0372-0)
- 1911–12 Bernard Bosanquet The Principle of Individuality and Value, (ISBN 0-527-10036-6)
- 1913–14 Henri Bergson The Problem of Personality
- 1915–16 William Mitchell Ramsay Asianic Elements in Greek Civilization, (ISBN 0-89005-173-9)
- 1919–21 George Stout Mind and Matter pub. 1931
- 1921–23 Andrew Seth Pringle-Pattison Studies in the Philosophy of Religion, (ISBN 0-404-60474-9)
- 1923–25 James George Frazer The Worship of Nature (ISBN 1-56459-532-3)
- 1926–27 Arthur Eddington The Nature of the Physical World, (ISBN 0-472-06015-5)
- 1927–28 Alfred North Whitehead Process and Reality: An Essay in Cosmology, (ISBN 0-02-934570-7)
- 1928–29 John Dewey The Quest for Certainty: A Study of the Relation of Knowledge and Action, (ISBN 1-4179-0845-9)
- 1934–35 Albert Schweitzer The Problem of Natural Theology and Natural Ethics (unpublished)
- 1937–38 Charles Sherrington Man on His Nature, (ISBN 0-521-06436-8)
- 1938–40 Reinhold Niebuhr The Nature and Destiny of Man : A Christian Interpretation , (2 vol set) : (ISBN 0-664-25709-7)
- 1947–49 Christopher Dawson part 1:Religion and Culture (ISBN 0-404-60498-6) part 2 : Religion and the Rise of Western Culture (ISBN 0-385-42110-9)
- 1949–50 Niels Bohr Causality and Complementarity: Epistemological Lessons of Studies in Atomic Physics, (ISBN 1-881987-14-0)
- 1952–53 Arnold Toynbee An Historian's Approach to Religion, (ISBN 0-19-215260-2)
- 1954–55 Rudolf Bultmann History and Eschatology: The Presence of Eternity, (ISBN 0-8371-8123-2)
- 1973–74 Owen Chadwick The Secularisation of the European Mind in the 19th Century, (ISBN 0-521-39829-0)
- 1974–76 Stanley Jaki The Road of Science and the Ways to God, (ISBN 0-226-39145-0)
- 1978–79 Sir John Eccles The Human Mystery, The Human Psyche, (ISBN 0-387-09954-9)
- 1979–80 Ninian Smart The Varieties of Religious Identity, published as Beyond Ideology: Religion and the Future of Western Civilisation, (ISBN 0-06-067402-4)
- 1980–81 Seyyed Hossein Nasr Knowledge and the Sacred, (ISBN 0-7914-0177-4)
- 1981–82 Iris Murdoch Metaphysics as a Guide to Morals, (ISBN 0-14-017232-7)
- 1984–85 Jürgen Moltmann God in Creation: A New Theology of Creation and the Spirit of God, (ISBN 0-8006-2823-3)
- 1986–87 John Hick An Interpretation of Religion, (2e éd.): (ISBN 0-300-10668-8)
- 1987–88 Alasdair MacIntyre Three Rival Versions of Moral Enquiry: (ISBN 0-7156-2337-0)
- 1993–94 John Polkinghorne Science and Christian Belief : Theological Reflections of a Bottom-up Thinker, (ISBN 0-281-04714-6)
- 1995-6 G. A. Cohen If you're an Egalitarian, how come you're so Rich?, published by Harvard University Press under the same title : (ISBN 0-674-00693-3)
- 1997–98 Holmes Rolston III Genes, Genesis and God, (ISBN 0-521-64674-X)
- 1998–99 Charles Taylor, Living in a Secular Age, published as A Secular Age: (ISBN 0-674-02676-4)
- 1999–2000 David Tracy, This side of God
- 2000–01 Onora O'Neill, Autonomy and Trust in Bioethics
- 2001–02 Mohammed Arkoun, Inaugurating a Critique of Islamic Reason
- 2002–03 Michael Ignatieff The Lesser Evil - Political Ethics in an Age of Terror, (ISBN 0-691-11751-9)
- 2003–04 J. Wentzel van Huyssteen Alone in the World? Human Uniqueness in Science and Theology, (ISBN 0-8028-3246-6)
- 2004–05 Margaret Anstee, Stephen Toulmin, et Noam Chomsky donnent une série de conférences dédiées à la mémoire d'Edward Said dont la présence était programmée avant sa mort survenue en 2003.
- 2005–06 Jean Bethke Elshtain, Sovereign God, Sovereign State, Sovereign Self
- 2006–07 Simon Conway Morris Darwin 's Compass: How Evolution Discovers the Song of Creation and Jonathan Riley-Smith, The Crusades and Christianity
- 2007–08 Alexander Nehamas, TBA and Robert M. Veatch, Hipprocratic, Religious and Secular Medical Ethics: The Point of Conflict
- 2008-09 Diana Eck and Michael Gazzaniga, Mental Life [scheduled for October 2009]
- 2009-10 Terry Eagleton, The God Debate [scheduled for March 2010]
- 2010-11 Peter Harrison, Science, Religion and the Modern World [scheduled for October 2010]
- 2011-12 Diarmaid MacCulloch
- 1888–92 Friedrich Max Müller 1888: Natural Religion vol. 1 & 2; 1890: Physical Religion; 1891: Anthropological Religion: 1892: Theosophy or Psychological Religion
- 1892–96 John Caird The Fundamental Ideas of Christianity Vol.1&2
- 1896–98 Alexander Balmain Bruce The Moral Order of the World, The Providential Order of the World
- 1914 Arthur Balfour Theism and Humanism (ISBN 1-58742-005-8)
- 1916–18 Samuel Alexander Space, Time, and Deity, volume one: (ISBN 0766187012), volume two: (ISBN 0766187020)
- 1922 Arthur Balfour Theism and Thought
- 1927–28 J. B. S. Haldane The Sciences and Philosophy, (ISBN 0-404-60479-X)
- 1932–34 William Temple Nature, Man and God
- 1952-54 John Macmurray The Form of the Personal vol 1: The Self as Agent (ISBN 1573923370) vol 2: Persons in Relation (ISBN 1573926256)
- 1959 Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker The Relevance of Science
- 1970 Richard William Southern The Rise and Fall of the Medieval System of Religious Thought
- 1985 Carl Sagan The Search for Who We Are, published in 2006 as The Varieties of Scientific Experience: A Personal View of the Search for God, (ISBN 1-59420-107-2)
- 1988 Don Cupitt Nature and Culture
- 1988 Richard Dawkins Worlds in Microcosm
- 1992 Mary Warnock Imagination and Understanding, published as Imagination and Time, (ISBN 0-631-19019-8)
- 1993–94 Keith Ward Religion and Revelation (ISBN 0-19-826375-9) (ISBN 978-0-19-826375-3)
- 1995–96 Geoffrey Cantor and John Hedley Brooke Reconstructing Nature
- 1997–98 R J (Sam) Berry Gods, Genes, Greens and Everything
- 1999–00 Ralph McInerny Characters in Search of Their Author
- 2001 Lynne Baker, George Lakoff & al. The Nature and Limits of Human Understanding
- 2003–04 Simon Blackburn Reason's Empire
- 2007-08 David Fergusson Religion and Its Recent Critics
- 2008-09 Charles Taylor The Necessity of Secularist Regimes [scheduled for 21 May 2009]
- 2009-10 Gianni Vattimo
- 1902–04 Richard Haldane The Pathway to Reality, (ISBN 0-404-60459-5)
- 1917–18 William R. Inge The Philosophy of Plotinus, (ISBN 1-59244-284-6)
- 1919–20 Lewis Richard Farnell Greek Hero Cults and Ideas of Immortality
- 1921–22 Lloyd Morgan Emergent Evolution (1923) (ISBN 0-40460468-4), and Life, Mind, and Spirit (1925)
- 1936-37 Werner Jaeger The Theology of the Early Greek Philosophers (1936)
- 1955–56 Werner Heisenberg Physics and Philosophy: The Revolution in Modern Science, (ISBN 1-57392-694-9)
- 1962–64 Henry Chadwick Authority in the Early Church
- 1964–66 John Findlay The Discipline of the Cave (1966), and The Transcendence of the Cave (1967) (ISBN 978-0-04-111002-9)
- 1967-69 Robert Charles Zaehner Concordant Discord. The Interdependence of Faiths. Oxford: Clarendon Press 1970.
- 1972–73 Alfred Ayer The Central Questions of Philosophy, (ISBN 0-03-013116-2)
- 1975–77 Reijer Hooykaas Fact, Faith and Fiction in the Development of Science
- 1977–78 David Stafford-Clark Myth, Magic and Denial
- 1980–81 Gregory Vlastos Socrates: Ironist and Moral Philosopher
- 1982–83 Donald Geoffrey Charlton New Images of the Natural, 1750-1800
- 1983–84 John Macquarrie In Search of Deity
- 1984–85 Adolf Grünbaum Psychoanalytic Theory and Science
- 1986–87 Antony Flew The Logic of Mortality
- 1988–89 Walter Burkert Tracks of Biology and the Creation of Sense
- 1990–91 Hilary Putnam Renewing Philosophy
- 1992–93 Arthur Peacocke Nature, God and Humanity:
- 1992–93 Roger Penrose The Question of Physical Reality
- 1995 Nicholas Wolterstorff Thomas Reid and the Story of Epistemology
- 1996–97 Michael Dummett Thought and Reality
- 1999 Robert Merrihew Adams God and Being
- 1999 Marilyn McCord Adams The Coherence of Christology
- 2001–02 Stanley Hauerwas With the Grain of the Universe: The Church's Witness and Natural Theology, (ISBN 1-58743-016-9)
- 2002 Peter van Inwagen The Problem of Evil and the Argument from Evil
- 2004–05 Alvin Plantinga Science and Religion: Conflict or Concord
- 2007 Martin Rees 21st Century Science: Cosmic Perspective and Terrestrial Challenges
- (en) « Lord Adam Gifford’s Will, son testament », sur (consulté le )
- Stanley Jaki, Lord Gifford and His Lectures: A Centenary Retrospect (1987). Scottish Academic Press, (ISBN 0-7073-0465-2).
- Larry Witham, The Measure of God: Our Century-Long Struggle to Reconcile Science & Religion (2005), HarperSanFrancisco hardcover : (ISBN 0-06-059191-9); reprinted as The Measure of God: History's Greatest Minds Wrestle with Reconciling Science and Religion (2006), paperback : (ISBN 0-06-085833-8).
Liens externes
- Gifford Lectures Online presente le texte intégral de plusieurs séries de conférences.
- Portail de la philosophie
- Portail de l’éducation
- Portail de la théologie