Arthur Anker (Anker), Zoologist, taxonomist, specialist of Crustacea Decapoda

    Taxon names authored

    (List may be incomplete)

    • 15 taxon names authored by Arthur Anker


    (List may be incomplete)

    • 1 eponyms of Arthur Anker


    (List may be incomplete)


    • Anker, A., Jeng, M.S., & Chan, T.Y. 2001: Two unusual species of Alpheidae (Decapoda: Caridea), associated with upogebiid mudshrimps in the mudflats of Taiwan and Vietnam. Journal of crustacean biology, 21 , 1049-1061.
    • Anker, A., 2001. Two new species of snapping shrimps from the Indo-Pacific, with remarks on colour patterns and sibling species in Alpheidae (Crustacea: Caridea).— Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 49: 57–72.


    • Anker, A., 2003: Alpheid shrimps from the mangroves and mudflats of Singapore. Part I. Genera Salmoneus, Athanas and Potamalpheops, with the description of two new species (Crustacea: Decapoda: Caridea). Raffles bulletin of zoology, 51: 283–314.
    • Anker, A., 2003: New records of Salmoneus Holthuis, 1955 (Crustacea: Decapoda: Alpheidae) from northern Australia, with description of one new species and remarks on S. serratidigitus Coutiere, (1896). The Beagle, 19: 101–109.


    • Anker, A., 2005. Presence of the alpheid shrimp genus Potamalpheops Powell, 1979 (Crustacea: Decapoda: Caridea) in South Asia, with description of a new species from Sri Lanka.— Raffles Bulletin of Zoology Supplement 12: 31–37.


    • Anker, A. & I. Marin, 2006. New records and species of Alpheidae (Crustacea: Decapoda) from Vietnam. Part I. Genus Salmoneus Holthuis, 1955.— Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 54: 295–319.
    • Anker, A. & M.S. Jeng, 2006. Richalpheus palmeri, n. gen., n. sp., an infaunal alpheid shrimp from the Philippines, with redescription of Amphibetaeus jousseaumei (Coutière, 1896) (Decapoda: Caridea).— Journal of Crustacean Biology 26: 379–391.
    • Anker, A., D. Poddoubtchenko & I.N. Marin, 2006. On the presence of the alpheid shrimp genus Bermudacaris Anker & Iliffe, 2000 (Crustacea: Decapoda: Caridea) in the Pacific Ocean, with description of a new species from Vietnam.— Journal of Natural History 40: 1675–1686.
    • Anker, A., D. Poddoubtchenko & I.S. Wehrtmann, 2006. Leslibetaeus coibita, n. gen., n. sp., a new alpheid shrimp from the Pacific coast of Panama (Crustacea: Decapoda).— Zootaxa 1183: 27–41.
    • Anker, A., D. Poddoubtchenko & M.-S. Jeng, 2006. Acanthanas pusillus, new genus, new speceis [sic], a miniature alpheid shrimp with spiny eyes from the Philippines (Crustacea: Decapoda).— Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 54: 341–348.
    • Anker, A., J.A. Vera Caripe & C. Lira, 2006. Description of a new species of commensal alpheid shrimp (Crustacea, Decapoda) from the southern Caribbean Sea.— Zoosystema 28: 683–702.


    • Anker, A., 2007: Alpheus zimmermani sp. nov., a new colourful snapping shrimp (Crustacea: Decapoda) from the Caribbean Sea.— Cahiers de Biologie Marine 48: 241–247.
    • Anker, A., 2007: Pseudalpheopsis guana gen. nov., sp. nov. (Crustacea: Decapoda), a new alpheid shrimp from the British Virgin Islands, Caribbean Sea.— Zoological Studies 46: 428–440.
    • Anker, A., 2007: New species and records of alpheid shrimps, genera Salmoneus Holthuis and Parabetaeus Coutière, from the tropical western Atlantic (Decapoda, Caridea).Zootaxa 1653: 21–39.
    • Anker, A., C. Hurt & N. Knowlton, 2007: Three transisthmian snapping shrimps (Crustacea: Decapoda: Alpheidae: Alpheus) associated with innkeeper worms (Echiura: Thalassematidae) in Panama. Zootaxa, 1626: 1–23.


    • Anker, A., 2008. The shrimp genus Leptalpheus Williams, 1965 in the southwestern Caribbean Sea, with description of one new species from Panama (Crustacea, Decapoda, Alpheidae).— Zoosystema 30: 781–794.
    • Anker, A. & E. Tóth, 2008. A preliminary revision of the Synalpheus paraneptunus Coutière, 1909 species complex (Crustacea: Decapoda: Alpheidae).— Zootaxa 1915: 1–28.
    • Anker, A., C. Hurt & N. Knowlton, 2008: Revision of the Alpheus cristulifrons species complex (Crustacea: Decapoda: Alpheidae), with description of a new species from the tropical eastern Atlantic.— Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 88: 543–562.
    • Anker, A., C. Hurt & N. Knowlton, 2008: Revision of the Alpheus formosus Gibbes, 1850 complex, with redescription of A. formosus and description of a new species from the tropical western Atlantic (Crustacea: Decapoda: Alpheidae).— Zootaxa 1707: 1–22.
    • Anker, A., C. Hurt, J.A. Jara & N. Knowlton, 2008. Revision of the Alpheus cylindricus Kingsley, 1878 species complex (Crustacea: Decapoda: Alpheidae), with revalidation of A. vanderbilti Boone 1930.— Zootaxa 1943: 53–68.


    • Anker, A., Hurt, C. & Knowlton, N. 2009. Description of cryptic taxa within the Alpheus bouvieri A.Milne-Edwards, 1878 and A. hebes Kim and Abele, 1988 species complexes (Crustacea: Decapoda: Alpheidae). Zootaxa 2153: 1–23. Abstract & excerpt PDF Reference page. 
    • Anker, A., J.A. Baeza & S. De Grave, 2009. A new species of Lysmata (Crustacea, Decapoda, Hippolytidae) from the Pacific coast of Panama, with observations of its reproductive biology.— Zoological Studies 48: 682–692.
    • Anker, A. & I. Marin, 2009. The alpheid genus Leptalpheus Williams, 1965, in the Tropical Western Pacific, with descriptions of two new species (Crustacea: Decapoda: Caridea).— Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 57: 91–107.
    • Anker, A. & S. De Grave, 2009. A new snapping shrimp (Crustacea Decapoda, Alpheidae, Alpheus) from the estuarine mudflats of Kuwait.— Zoologische Mededelingen 83: 811–817.


    • Anker, A., 2010: Ctenocheloides attenboroughi n. gen., n. sp. (Crustacea: Decapoda: Axiidea: Ctenochelidae), a new ghost shrimp with pectinate claw fingers from Madagascar. Journal of Natural History, 44, 1789-1805.
    • Anker, A., 2010: The mud-shrimp genus Axianassa Schmitt, 1924 (Crustacea, Decapoda, Axianassidae) in the Indo-West Pacific, with description of a new species from French Polynesia. Zootaxa, 2557, 49059.
    • Anker, A., 2010: On two snapping shrimps, Alpheus baccheti n. sp. and A. coetivensis Coutiére from the Tuamotu Islands. Zootaxa 2492: 49–62.
    • Anker, A., 2010: Description of a new genus and two new species of alpheid shrimps from Guam (Crustacea, Decapoda). In: De Grave, S. & C.H.J.M. Fransen (eds.), Contributions to shrimp taxonomy. Zootaxa 2372: 389–404.
    • Anker, A., 2010: Metabetaeus Borradaile, 1899 revisited, with description of a new marine species from French Polynesia (Crustacea: Decapoda: Alpheidae). Zootaxa 2552: 37–54.
    • Anker, A., 2010: The shrimp genus Salmoneus Holthuis, 1955 (Crustacea, Decapoda, Alpheidae) in the tropical western Atlantic, with description of five new species. In: De Grave, S. & C.H.J.M. Fransen (eds.), Contributions to shrimp taxonomy. Zootaxa, 2372: 177–205.
    • Anker, A., 2010: A new genus and three new species of alpheid shrimps (Crustacea, Decapoda, Caridea) from the tropical American coasts. Zootaxa 2652: 47–63.


    • Anker, A., 2011: Description of a third species in the alpheid genus Richalpheus Anker & Jeng, 2006 (Crustacea, Decapoda). Zootaxa. 3059: 59–68.
    • Anker, A. 2011. Six new species and three new records of infaunal alpheid shrimps from the genera Leptalpheus Williams, 1965 and Fenneralpheus Felder & Manning, 1986 (Crustacea, Decapoda). Zootaxa 3041: 1–38. Preview. Reference page. 
    • Anker, A., 2011: Two new species of Salmoneus Holthuis, 1955 with a deep dorsal depression on the carapace (Crustacea, Decapoda, Alpheidae). Zootaxa. 3041: 39–50.
    • Anker, A., 2011. The alpheid shrimp genus Leslibetaeus Anker, Poddoubtchenko & Wehrtmann, 2006 in the Western Atlantic, with description of a new species from Tobago (Crustacea, Decapoda). Zootaxa 2734: 63–68. Preview PDF. Reference page. 
    • Anker, A., 2011: Four new infaunal decapod crustaceans (Caridea: Alpheidae and Gebiidae: Axianassidae) from Lizard Island, Australia, one of them also occurring in Moorea, French Polynesia. Zootaxa 2734: 1–22. Preview PDF. Reference page. 
    • Anker, A., 2011: Three new species of the alpheid shrimp genus Salmoneus Holthuis, 1955 (Crustacea, Decapoda) from the tropical western Pacific. Zootaxa 2839: 67–84.
    • Almeida, A.O. & Anker, A. 2011: Alpheus rudolphi spec. nov., a new snapping shrimp from northeastern Brazil (Crustacea: Decapoda: Alpheidae). Zoologische mededelingen, 85 (1): 1–10.
    • Anker, A.; Nizinski, M. 2011: Description of a new deep-water species of Alpheus Fabricius, 1798 from the Gulf of Mexico (Crustacea, Decapoda, Alpheidae). Zootaxa. 2925, 49-56.
    • Anker, A. & D. Cox, 2011. A new species of the shrimp genus Lysmata Risso, 1816 (Crustacea, Decapoda) from Guam.— Micronesica 41 (2): 197–214.


    • Anker, A., 2012: Revision of the western Atlantic members of the Alpheus armillatus H. Milne-Edwards, 1837 species complex (Decapoda, Alpheidae), with description of seven new species. Zootaxa, 3386: 1–109
    • Anker, A., 2012: The shrimp family Pseudochelidae De Grave & Moosa, 2004 (Crustacea, Decapoda, Caridea) in Brazil, with the description of a new species. Zootaxa, 3544: 79–87.
    • Anker, A., 2012: Notes on the Indo-West Pacific shrimp genus Athanopsis Coutière, 1897 (Crustacea, Decapoda, Alpheidae), with the description of a new species associated with echiurans (Annelida, Thalassematidae). Zootaxa, 3307: 48–61.
    • Anker, A., 2012: Revision of the western Atlantic members of the Alpheus armillatus H. Milne Edwards, 1837 species complex (Decapoda, Alpheidae), with description of seven new species. Zootaxa 3386: 1–109.
    • Anker, A. & S. De Grave, 2012. Description of Alpheus cedrici sp. n., a strikingly coloured snapping shrimp (Crustacea, Decapoda, Alpheidae) from Ascension Island, central Atlantic Ocean. — ZooKeys 183: 1–15.


    • Anker, A.; Pachelle, P.P.G. 2013: Ctenocheloides almeidai sp. nov., a new ghost shrimp from Brazil (Decapoda, Ctenochelidae). Zootaxa 3613(5): 482–492. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3613.5.4 Reference page. 
    • Anker, A.; Pachelle, P. P. G. 2013: Re-examination of the eastern Pacific and Atlantic material of Alpheus malleator Dana, 1852, with the description of Alpheus wonkimi sp. nov. (Crustacea, Decapoda, Alpheidae). Zootaxa. 3637(4): 412–431.
    • Anker, A.; Paulay, G. 2013: A remarkable new crab-like hermit crab (Decapoda: Paguridae) from French Polynesia, with comments on carcinization in the Anomura. Zootaxa. 3722(2): 283–300.


    • Anker, A.; Firdaus, M. & Pratama, I.S. 2014: Salmoneus yoyo nov. sp., a peculiar new infaunal shrimp from Lombok, Indonesia (Decapoda, Caridea, Alpheidae). Zootaxa 3852(4): 489–495. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3852.4.6 Reference page. 
    • Anker, A.; Pachelle, P.P.G. & Tavares, M. 2014: Two new species and two new records of deep-water caridean shrimps from Brazil (Decapoda: Pandalidae, Palaemonidae, Crangonidae). Zootaxa 3815(2): 263–278. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3815.2.6 Reference page. 
    • Anker, A., 2014: Naushonia draconis sp. nov., a heavily armoured mud shrimp from the Caribbean Sea, and taxonomic status of Espeleonaushonia Juarrero & Martínez-Iglesias, 1997 (Decapoda: Gebiidea: Laomediidae). Marine Biology Research, 10, 755-770.






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