
Taxonavigation: Asterocladales 

Superregnum: Eukaryota
Regnum: Chromista
Subregnum: Harosa
Infraregnum: Heterokonta
Phylum: Ochrophyta
Subphylum: Phaeista
Infraphylum: Limnista
Superclassis: Fucistia
Classis: Phaeophyceae
Subclassis: Fucophycidae
Ordo: Asterocladales

Familia: Asterocladaceae
Genus: Asterocladon
Species: Asterocladon interjectum


Asterocladon interjectum Uwai, Nagasato, Motomura & Kogame, 2005

  • Type locality: Kumano, Mie Prefecture, Japan.
  • Holotype: 2001-03-27; Endo-epiphytes on cyano-bacterial thalli that grew on the red alga Grateloupia ramosissima Okamura. SAP SAP095046. Notes: Holotype: Microslide from unialgal clonal culture. Isotype: Same material as the holotype, microslides (SAP 095047, 095048) deposited in SAP.


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