Bellis perennis
Taxonavigation: Asterales |
Classification System: APG IV
Superregnum: Eukaryota |
Familia: Asteraceae
Subfamilia: Asteroideae
Tribus: Astereae
Subtribus: Bellidinae
Genera: Bellidastrum – Bellis – Bellium – Crinitaria – Crinitina – Galatella – Kitamuria – Tripolium
Bellidinae Willk., Prodr. Fl. Hispan. 2: 30. (1870) emend. Nesom (2020)
- Type genus: Bellis L., Sp. Pl. 2: 886. (1753)
- Brouillet, L., Lowrey, T.K., Urbatsch, L.E., Wagstaff, S.J., Karaman-Castro, V., Sancho, G. & Semple, J.C. 2009. Phylogeny and evolution of the Astereae. In: Funk, V.A., Susanna, A., Stuessy, T.F. & Bayer, R.J. (eds), Systematics, Evolution and Biogeography of the Compositae, pp. 449–489. IAPT, Vienna. ISBN 978-3-9501754-3-1 ResearchGate Reference page.
- Nesom, G.L. 2020. Revised subtribal classification of Astereae (Asteraceae). Phytoneuron 53: 1-39. PDF Reference page.
- Panero, J. L., and V. A. Funk. The value of sampling anomalous taxa in phylogenetic studies: major clades of the Asteraceae revealed». Mol. Phylogenet. Evol. 2008; 47: 757–782.
- Judd S.W. et al (2007). Piccin Nuova Libraria, ed. Botanica Sistematica - Un approccio filogenetico. Padova. ISBN 978-88-299-1824-9.
- Sandro Pignatti (1982). Flora d'Italia. Volume 3. Edagricole. p. pag. 18. ISBN 88-506-2449-2.
Vernacular names
русский: Маргаритковые
中文: 雏菊亚族
中文: 雏菊亚族
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