Bryoria fuscescens


Taxonavigation: Lecanorales 

Superregnum: Eukaryota
Regnum: Fungi
Subregnum: Dikarya
Divisio: Ascomycota
Subdivisio: Pezizomycotina
Classis: Lecanoromycetes
Subclassis: Lecanoromycetidae
Ordo: Lecanorales

Familia: Parmeliaceae
Subfamilia: Parmelioideae
Genus: Bryoria
Species: Bryoria fuscescens
Varietates: B. f. var. fuscescens B. f. var. positiva


Bryoria fuscescens (Gyeln.) Brodo & D.Hawksw., Opera Bot. 42: 83 (1977). [MycoBank #341504]


  • Alectoria fuscescens Gyeln., Nyt Mag. Naturvidensk. 70: 55 (1932) [‘1931’]. [MycoBank #122545]

Homotypic synonym

  • Bryopogon fuscescens (Gyeln.) Gyeln., Tisia 2: 163 (1937). [MycoBank #364819]

Heterotypic synonyms

  • Lichen chalybeiformis L., Sp. Pl. 2: 1155 (1753). [MycoBank #393835] (nom. rej.)
  • Lichen jubatus β.[=var.] chalybeiformis (L.) Weber, Spicil. Fl. Goetting.: 229 (1778). [Index Fungorum #618115] (nom. rej.)
  • Usnea chalybeiformis (L.) Baumg., Fl. Lips.: 591 (1790). [MycoBank #408341] (nom. rej.)
  • Parmelia jubata δ.[=var.] chalybeiformis (L.) Ach., Method. Lich. 1: 273 (1803). [Index Fungorum #618295] (nom. rej.)
  • Cornicularia jubata β.[=var.] chalybeiformis (L.) DC. in Lam. & DC., Fl. Franç. (ed. 3) 2: 332 (1805). [MycoBank #617917] (nom. rej.)
  • Alectoria jubata δ.[=var.] chalybeiformis (L.) Ach., Lichenogr. Univers.: 593 (1810). [MycoBank #447556] (nom. rej.)
  • Alectoria chalybeiformis (L.) Röhl., Deutschl. Fl. (ed. 2) 3(2): 137 (1813). [MycoBank #375872] (nom. rej.)
  • Evernia jubata b.[=var.] chalybeiformis (L.) Fr., Lichenogr. Europ. Reform.: 20 (1831). [Index Fungorum #617953] (nom. rej.)
  • Bryopogon chalybeiformis (L.) Link, Handbuch [Link] 3: 164 (1833). [MycoBank #380138] (nom. rej.)
  • Bryopogon jubatus c.[=var.] chalybeiformis (L.) Rabenh., Deutschl. Krypt.-Fl. 2(1): 120 (1845). [MycoBank #454431] (nom. rej.)
  • Evernia bicolor var. chalybeiformis (L.) Fr., Summa Veg. Scand. (1): 103 (1845). [Index Fungorum #617933] (nom. rej.)
  • Alectoria jubata α.[=var.] prolixa * [=f.] chalybeiformis (L.) Th.Fr., Lichenogr. Scand. (1): 25 (1871). [Index Fungorum #350996] (nom. rej.)
  • Alectoria prolixa var. chalybeiformis (L.) Stizenb., Ann. K. K. Naturhist. Hofmus. 7(3): 129 (1892). [MycoBank #617779] (nom. rej.)
  • Setaria jubata var. chalybeiformis (L.) Samp., Lich. Portugal 3: no. 269 (1923). [MycoBank #351529] (nom. rej.)
  • Bryoria chalybeiformis (L.) Brodo & D.Hawksw., Opera Bot. 42: 81 (1977). [MycoBank #341496] (nom. rej.)
  • Alectoria jubata α.[=var.] prolixa Ach., Lichenogr. Univers.: 592 (1810). [MycoBank #447559]
  • Alectoria prolixa (Ach.) Röhl., Deutschl. Fl. (ed. 2) 3(2): 137 (1813). [MycoBank #375913]
  • Parmelia jubata γ.[=var.] prolixa (Ach.) Schaer., Lich. Helv. Spicil. 2(10): 502 (1840). [MycoBank #618298]
  • Cornicularia jubata γ.[=var.] prolixa (Ach.) Schaer., Enum. Crit. Lich. Europ.: 5 (1850). [MycoBank #617919]
  • Bryopogon jubatus δ.[=var.] prolixus (Ach.) Th.Fr., Nova Acta Regiae Soc. Sci. Upsal., Ser. 3, 3: 126 (1861). [MycoBank #410015]
  • Alectoria chalybeiformis f. prolixa (Ach.) Elenkin, Acta Horti Petropolit. 19(1): 27 (1901). [MycoBank #617758]
  • Bryopogon prolixus (Ach.) M.Choisy, Bull. Mens. Soc. Linn. Lyon 21(7): 171 (1952). [MycoBank #364836]
  • Alectoria prolixa var. subcana Nyl. ex Stizenb., Ann. K. K. Naturhist. Hofmus. '(3): 129 (1892). [MycoBank #447586] (nom. rej.)
  • Alectoria subcana (Nyl. ex Stizenb.) Gyeln., Magyar Bot. Lapok 30: 54 (1931). [MycoBank #344591] (nom. rej.)
  • Bryopogon subcanus (Nyl. ex Stizenb.) Gyeln., Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 38(13–25): 223 (1935). [MycoBank #410423] (nom. rej.)
  • Alectoria crispa Motyka, Fragm. Flor. Geobot. 6(3): 446 (1960). [MycoBank #363964]
  • Bryopogon crispus (Motyka) Bystrek, Annal. Univ. Mariae Curie-Sklodowska, Sect. C, 26(21): 271 (1971). [MycoBank #341464]
  • Bryoria crispa (Motyka) Bystrek, Bull. Polish Acad. Sci., Biol. Sci., 34(10–12): 298 (1986). [MycoBank #132161]


  • Acharius, E. 1803. Methodus qua omnes detectos Lichenes secundum organa carpomorpha ad Genera, Species et Varietates redigere atque observationibus illustrare tentavit Erik Acharius., Sect. 1: 1–52, i–lv, 1–152, Sect. 2: 153–393, pl. 1–8. BHL Reference page. 
  • Acharius, E. 1810. Lichenographia Universalis. In qua Lichenes omnes detectos, adiectis observationibus et figuris horum vegetabilium naturam et organorum carpomorphorum structuram illustrantibus, ad genera, species, varietates differentiis et observationibus sollicite definitas.: 1–696, pl. 1–14. BHL Reference page. 
  • Kőfaragó-Gyelnik, V. 1937. Additamenta lichenologica. I. Novitates e genere Bryopogon. Tisia: A Debreceni Tisza István Tudományos Társaság III (Matematikai-Természettudományi) Osztályának munkái 2: 163–166. MATARKA Reference page. 
  • Röhling, J.C. 1813. Deutschlands Flora: Ein botanisches Handbuch von Joh. Christoph Röhling (ed. 2). Vol. 3. Kryptogamische Gewächse.: [I]–X, 1–210 [1 Abth.: Farrnkräuter, Moose, Wasserpflanzen] + 1–190 [2 Abth.: Flechten] + 1–407 [3 Abth.: Schwämme]. Friedrich Wilmans, Frankfurt am Main. Biblioteca Digital Reference page. 
  • Schaerer, L.E. 1850. Enumeratio Critica Lichenum Europaeorum.: [I]–XXXVI + 1–327 + pls. 1–10. Officina Staempfliana, Bernae. BHL Reference page. 
  • Stizenberger, E. 1892. Die Alectorienarten und ihre geographische Verbreitung. Annalen des Kaiserlich-Königlichen Naturhistorischen Hofmuseums 7(3): 117–134. Mattick Rec.# 22715 – Recent Literature on Lichens BHL Reference page. 
  • Brodo, I.M., Sharnoff, S.D. and Sharnoff, S. (2001) Bryoria (pp. 179-186) In, Lichens of North America. Yale University Press, New Haven, 795 pages. (Description of Bryoria fuscescens: pp. 181-182; distribution map for North America: p. 181; color photo: p. 181, plate 137)
  • Dobson, F.S. (2000) (Fourth edition) Bryoria (pp. 77-79) In, Lichens: An illustrated guide to the British and Irish species. The Richmond Publishing Co., Ltd., Slough, England, 431 pp. (Description, distribution map, color photo of Bryoria fuscescens: p. 79)
  • Goward, T. 1999. The lichens of British Columbia - Illustrated Keys - Part 2 - Fruticose Species. Province of British Columbia, Ministry of Forests Research Program, 319 pp. (RLL List # 176 / Rec.# 6980 - Recent Literature on Lichens) Online Reference page. : Bryoria Brodo & D. Hawksw. (pp. 54-68) (Bryoria fuscescens: p. 63)
  • Hinds, J.W. and Hinds, P.L. (2007) Bryoria Brodo & D. Hawksw. (1977) (pp. 130-140) In, The Macrolichens of New England. The New York Botanical Garden Press, 584 pp. (Description of Bryoria fuscescens: pp. 135-136; color photo: p. 135, fig. 34)
  • McCune, B. and Geiser, L. (1997) Bryoria (pp. 29-41) Macrolichens of the Pacific Northwest. Oregon State University Press, Corvallis, 386 pp. (Description of Bryoria fuscescens and color photo: p. 37)
  • Purvis, O.W. (1992) Bryoria Brodo & D. Hawksw. (1997) (pp. 124-129) In: Purvis, O.W., Coppins, B.J., Hawksworth, D.L., James, P.W. and Moore, D.M. (eds.) The Lichen Flora of Great Britain and Ireland. London: Natural History Museum Publication, 710 pp. (Description of Bryoria fuscescens: p. 127; illustration: p. 126, fig. 5b)
  • Ryan, B.D. (2002) Bryoria (pp. 109-114) In: Nash III, T.H., Ryan, B.D, Gries, C. and Bungartz, F. (eds.), Lichen Flora of the Greater Sonoran Desert Region, Vol. 1. Lichens Unlimited, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona, 532 pages. (Description of Bryoria fuscescens: pp. 112-113; distribution map for the Sonoran region: p. 112)
  • St. Clair, L.L. (1999) Bryoria Brodo & D. Hawksworth (pp. 39-40) In, A color guidebook to common Rocky Mountain lichens. M.L. Bean Life Science Museum of Brigham Young University Publisher, 242 pp. (Description of Bryoria fuscescens and color photo: p. 40)
  • Thomson, J.W. (1984) Bryoria Brodo & Hawksw. (pp. 53-69). In, American Arctic Lichens: 1. The Macrolichens. Columbia University Press, New York, 504 pages. (Description of Bryoria fuscescens: pp. 57-58; distribution map for North America: p. 57)
  • van Herk, K. and Aptroot, A. (2004) Bryoria Brodo & D. Hawksw. (pp. 82-83) In, Veldgids Korstmossen. Koninkliijke Nederlandse Natuurhistorische Vereniging, 423 pages; in Dutch. (Description of Bryoria fuscescens: p. 82; color photo: p. 83)
  • Wirth, V. (1995) Bryoria Brodo & D.Hawksw. (pp. 182-189) - Teil 1) In, Die Flechten Baden-Württembergs, Teil 1 & 2. Eugen Ulmer GmbH & Co., Stuttgart. 1006 pp.; in German. (Description of Bryoria fuscescens: p. 189; color photos: pp. 183 & 188)
  • LIAS
  • USDA Plants Database
  • North American Lichen Checklist, Version (#17) 16 May 2011
  • Index Fungorum
  • MycoBank

Vernacular names

English: Pale-footed horsehair lichen,   Horsehair lichen,   Speckled horsehair
Nederlands: Bruin paardenhaarmos
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