Candelariella aurella


Taxonavigation: Candelariales 

Superregnum: Eukaryota
Regnum: Fungi
Subregnum: Dikarya
Divisio: Ascomycota
Subdivisio: Pezizomycotina
Classis: Candelariomycetes
Subclassis: Candelariomycetidae
Ordo: Candelariales

Familia: Candelariaceae
Genus: Candelariella
Species: Candelariella aurella


Candelariella aurella (Hoffm.) Zahlbr., 1928

  • Verrucaria aurella Hoffm., Deutschl. Fl., Zweiter Theil (Erlangen): 197 (1796) [1795]

Type: Finland, Regio aboensis: Tuorula.


  • Caloplaca epixantha (Ach.) Flagey, (1888)   (Source: Index fungorum)
  • Verrucaria aurella Hoffm., Deutschl. Fl., Zweiter Theil (Erlangen): 197 (1796)
  • Candelaria aurella (Hoffm.) Arnold, (1879)
  • Candelaria vitellina var. aurella (Hoffm.) Hazsl., (1884)
  • Candelariella vitellina var. aurella (Hoffm.) A.L. Sm., Handb. Brit. Lichens: 48 (1921)
  • Gyalolechia aurella (Hoffm.) Körb., Parerga lichenol. (Breslau): 51 (1859)
  • Lecanora aurella (Hoffm.) Röhl., Deutschl. Fl., Abth. 2 (Frankfurt) 3(2): 85 (1813)
  • Parmelia aurella (Hoffm.) Wallr., Fl. crypt. Germ. (Norimbergae) 3: 470 (1831)
  • Patellaria aurella (Hoffm.) Hoffm., Descr. Adumb. Plant. Lich. 3: 6 (1801)
  • Placodium aurellum (Hoffm.) Hepp, Flecht. Europ.: no. 396 (1857)
  • Candelariella deflexa (Nyl.) Zahlbr.
  • Candelariella cerinella (Flörke) Zahlbr.
  • Candelariella epixantha auct.
  • Candelariella deflexa (Nyl.) Zahlbr.   [N. American reports are mostly Candelariella antennaria] (Westberg 2007a)


  • Cat. Lich Univ. 5: 790 (1928)
  • Westberg, M. (2007) Candelariella (Candelariaceae) in western United States and northern Mexico: the 8-spored, lecanorine species. The Bryologist 110(3): 391–419.   (RLL List # 207 / Rec. # 29346 - Recent Literature on Lichens) (JSTOR) (Candelariella aurella: pp. 398-400; Figs. 5A-C, 25C)
  • Westberg, M. (2004) Candelariella (pp. 46-53) In: Nash III, T.H., Ryan, B.D., Diederich, P., Gries, C., and Bungartz, F. (eds.), Lichen Flora of the Greater Sonoran Desert Region, Vol. 2. Lichens Unlimited, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona, 742 pages.   (RLL List # 196 / Rec. # 25879 - Recent Literature on Lichens) (Candelariella aurella: p. 48; color plate in central section)
  • Brodo, I.M., Sharnoff, S.D. and Sharnoff, S. (2001) Candelariella (pp. 206-209) In, Lichens of North America. Yale University Press, New Haven, 795 pages.   (RLL List # 184 / Rec. # 22465 - Recent Literature on Lichens) (Candelariella aurella, description, map & photo: p. 207)
  • Dobson, F.S. (2000) (Fourth edition) Candelariella (pp. 100-103) In, Lichens: An illustrated guide to the British and Irish species. The Richmond Publishing Co., Ltd., Slough, England, 431 pp.   (RLL List # 184 / Rec. # 22402 - Recent Literature on Lichens) (Candelariella aurella, description, map and photo: p. 101)
  • Purvis, O.W.; Coppins, B.J.; Hawksworth, D.L.; James, P.W. and Moore, D.M. (eds.) (1992) Candelariella (pp. 159-162) In, The Lichen Flora of Great Britain and Ireland. London: Natural History Museum Publication, 710 pp.   (RLL List # 151 / Rec. # 15105 - Recent Literature on Lichens) (Candelariella aurella: p. 160)
  • Thomson, J.W. (1997) Candelariella (pp. 178-190). In American Arctic Lichens: 2. The Microlichens. The University of Wisconsin Press, 675 pages.   (RLL List # 170 / Rec. # 18517 - Recent Literature on Lichens) (Candelariella aurella: description: p. 181; photo & map: p. 182)
  • Thomson, J.W. (2003) Candelariella (pp. 59-61). In, Lichens of Wisconsin. Wisconsin State Herbarium, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 386 pages.   (RLL List # 190 / Rec. # 24161 - Recent Literature on Lichens) (Candelariella aurella: p. 60)
  • Wirth, V. (1995) Candelariella (pp. 242-248) - Teil 1 - In, Die Flechten Baden-Württembergs, Teil 1 & 2. Eugen Ulmer GmbH & Co., Stuttgart. 1006 pp.; in German.   (RLL List # 159 / Rec. # 20405 - Recent Literature on Lichens) (Candelariella aurella: p. 244)

Vernacular names

English: Hidden goldspeck lichen,   Eggyolk lichen
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