Craig W. Schneider or Craig William Schneider (born 1948), phycologist

IPNI standard form: C.W.Schneid.

Taxon names authored

(List may be incomplete)

  • 69 taxon names authored by Craig W. Schneider


(List may be incomplete)


  • Schneider, C.W. 1974. North Carolina marine algae. III. A community of Ceramiales (Rhodophyta) on a glass sponge from 60 meters. Bulletin of Marine Science 24: 1093–1101. Reference page. 
  • Schneider, C.W. & Searles, R.B. 1975. North Carolina marine algae. IV. Further contributions from the continental shelf, including two new species of Rhodophyta. Nova Hedwigia 26: 83–103, 4 plates. Reference page. 
  • Schneider, C.W. 1975. North Carolina marine algae. VI. Some Ceramiales (Rhodophyta), including a new species of Dipterosiphonia. Journal of Phycology 11(4): 391–396. Reference page. 
  • Schneider, C.W. & Searles, R.B. 1976. North Carolina marine algae. VII. New species of Hypnea and Petroglossum (Rhodophyta, Gigartinales) and additional records of other Rhodophyta. Phycologia 15: 51–60. Reference page. 


  • Schneider, C.W. 1984. Studies on Antithamnionella, Callithamnionella and Calloseris (Rhodophyta, Ceramiales) from North Carolina, USA. Phycologia 23(4): 455–464, 14 figs. Reference page. 
  • Schneider, C.W. 1988. Craspedocarpus humilis sp. nov. (Cystocloniaceae, Gigartinales) from North Carolina, and a reappraisal of the genus. Phycologia 27: 1–9.
  • Schneider, C.W. 1989. Two new species of Dasysiphonia (Dasyaceae, Rhodophyta) from the southeastern United States (Carolinas). Botanica Marina 32: 521–526.
  • Searles, R.B. & Schneider, C.W. 1989. New genera and species of Ceramiaceae (Rhodophyta) from the southeastern United States. Journal of Phycology 25: 731–740. Reference page. 


  • Wynne, M.J. & Schneider, C.W. 1996. Frikkiella gen. nov. (Delesseriaceae, Rhodophyta) from Bermuda and the Caribbean Sea. Systematic Botany 21: 77–84, 21 figs. Reference page. 
  • Schneider, C.W. & Searles, R.B. 1997. Notes on the marine algae of the Bermudas. 1. New records of Antithamnieae and Dohrnielleae (Ceramiaceae, Rhodophyta), including Antithamnionella bermudica sp. nov.. Phycologia 36: 12–23, 23 figs, 1 table. Reference page. 




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