Drosera pallida


Taxonavigation: Caryophyllales 
Classification System: APG IV

Superregnum: Eukaryota
Regnum: Plantae
Cladus: Angiosperms
Cladus: Eudicots
Cladus: Core eudicots
Ordo: Caryophyllales

Familia: Droseraceae
Genus: Drosera
Species: Drosera pallida


Drosera pallida Lindl., Sketch Veg. Swan R.: 20 (1839).


  • Homotypic
    • Sondera pallida (Lindl.) Chrtek & Slavíková, Novit. Bot. Univ. Carol. 13: 44 (1999 publ. 2000).


Native distribution areas:
Drosera pallida
  • Australasia
    • Australia
      • SW. Australia.

References: Brummitt, R.K. 2001. TDWG – World Geographical Scheme for Recording Plant Distributions, 2nd Edition


Primary references

  • Lindley, J. 1839-1840. Appendix to the first twenty-three volumes of Edwards's botanical register consisting of a complete alphabetical and systematical index of names, synomymes and matter, adjusted to the present state of systematical botany, together with a sketch of the vegetation of the Swan River colony. iv + lviii + lxiv p., 9 pl. London: James Ridgway. BHL Reference page. , 20.

Vernacular names

中文: 浅色毛毡苔

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