Georgiy Vladimirovich Nikolajev (1942-), Russian entomologist, specialised on Agyrtidae, Silphidae, Lucanidae, Scarabaeidae.

  • Almaty branch of Saint-Petersburg University of Humanitarian and Social Sciences, Chaikovsky str., 9/11, Almaty 050004 Kazakhstan.

Taxon names authored

(List may be incomplete)

  • 35 taxon names authored by Georgiy Vladimirovich Nikolajev


(List may be incomplete)


  • Nikolajev, G.V. 1970. [Taxonomic position of groups included in the subfamily Geotrupinae (Col., Scarabaeidae)]. Materials of the Second Scientific Session of Young Specialists and PhD Candidates (Thesis of Lectures), Kazakhstan, 31–34 [in Russian].


  • Nikolaev, G.V. 1979. Neue Gattungen und Untergattungen der Blatthornkäfer. (Col. Scar.). Reichenbachia, Zeitschrift für taxonomische Entomologie des Staatlichen Museums für Tierkunde Dresden 17: 189–191.


  • Nikolaev, G.V. & Schukronajev, S. 1989. Dva novyhk vida zhukov-kravchikov (Scarabaeidae, Lethrini) iz Tadzhikistana. [Two new species of Lethrini (Scarabaeidae, Lethrini) from Tadzhik SSR.] Zoologicheskiy Zhurnal 68: 153–155.


  • Nikolajev, G.V. 1990. [The usage of the particularities of wing venation for clarification of the system of Lamellicornia beetles]. In: Medvedev G.S., Korotyaev B.A. (Eds) Advances of Entomology in USSR: Coleoptera Proceedings of the X Meeting of the All-Soviet Entomology Society, Leningrad, September 11–15, 1989. USSR Academy of Sciences Zoology Institute, Leningrad, 98–99 [in Russian].


  • Nikolajev, G.V. 1992. [Taxonomic characters and generic composition of Mesozoic Scarabaeidae.] Paleontologicheskii Zhurnal 1: 76–88. [in Russian]


  • Nikolajev, G.V. 1996. Vidy plastinchatousykh zhukov (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae) s bol’shim kolichestvom borozdok na nadkryl’yakh iz nizhnemelovogo mestonakhozhdeniya Baysa v Zabaykal’e [Lamellicorn beetle species (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae) with multistriate elytra, from the Lower Cretaceous Baysa locality, Transbaikalia]. Paleontologicheskii Zhurnal 1996(2): 91–99. [in Russian]


  • Nikolaev, G.V. 1998. Taksononicheskij sostav i filogeneticheskie svyazi novozelandskikh vidov grebenchatousykh zhukov roda Ceratognathus Westwood (Coleoptera, Lucanidae). [Taxonomic composition and phylogenetic relationships of the New Zealand pectinicorn beetle species of the genus Ceratognathus Westwood (Coleoptera, Lucanidae)]. Vestnik KazGU, Seriya Biologicheskaya 4: 55–59. [in Russian] Reference page. 


  • Nikolajev, G.V. 2003. Taksonomicheskiy sostav podsemeystva Bolboceratinae (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae) Palearktiki [The taxonomic composition of the subfamily Bolboceratinae (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae) from Palaearctic faunistic region]. Tethys Entomological Research 8: 187–206 [in Russian].
  • Nikolajev, G.V. 2003. Opisanie lichinki roda Eubolbitus Reitter (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Bolboceratinae). [A description of the larva of the genus Eubolbitus Reitter (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Bolboceratinae).] Evraziatskii Entomologicheskii Zhurnal 1(2): 207–209 [in Russian].
  • Nikolajev, G.V. 2003. [Scarab[?]-beetles (Scarabaeidae, Geotrupinae, Lethrini): biology, systematics, distribution, determination.] [Almaty]: Cossack of [universitet]i 1–255. ISBN 9965-12-434-5. PDF.
  • Nikolajev, G.V. 2003. Dva novykh vida plastinchatousykh zhukov (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae) fauny Araviyskogo poluostrova. Evraziatskiy Entomologicheskiy Zhurnal 2: 117–118.
  • Nikolajev, G.V. 2003. Obzor vidov podroda Scelolethrus Semenov, 1892 roda Lethrus Scop. (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Geotrupinae). Tethys Entomological Research 7: 169–186.




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