Gomphillus americanus
Taxonavigation: Graphidales |
Superregnum: Eukaryota |
Familia: Gomphillaceae
Genus: Gomphillus
Species: Gomphillus americanus
Gomphillus americanus Essl., 1975
Locality: North Carolina
Primary references
- Essl., Mycotaxon 1(3): 189 (1975)
- Esslinger, T.L. (1975) A new North American species of the lichen genus Gomphillus. - Mycotaxon 1(3): 189–192. **[RLL List # 102-20 / Rec.# 5204] - (Recent Literature on Lichens)** (Complete article) (PDF file)
Additional references
- Brodo, I.M., Sharnoff, S.D. and Sharnoff, S. (2001) Gomphillus (pp. 325) In, Lichens of North America. Yale University Press, New Haven, 795 pages. **[RLL List # 184 / Rec.# 22465] - (Recent Literature on Lichens)** (Description of Gomphillus americanus and distribution map for North America: p. 325; color photo: p. 325, plate 345)
- Buck, W.R. (1998) Lichen flora of eastern North America: the genus Gomphillus (Gomphillaceae), pp. 71-76. In Glenn, M.G.; Harris, R.C.; Dirig, R. & Cole, M.S. (eds.), Lichenographia Thomsoniana: North American Lichenology in Honor of John W. Thomson. Mycotaxon Ltd., Ithaca, New York. **[RLL List # 171 / Rec.# 2658] - (Recent Literature on Lichens)**
Links to photos
- Stephen Sharnoff's Lichen Photos - Gomphillus amerianus
- US Forest Service, photo by Hugh Nourse - Gomphillus americanus
Vernacular names
English: Frazzled dot lichen, American gomphillus lichen
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