Hu Hsen Hsu in left

Hsen Hsu Hu or Xiansu Hu (1894–1968), Chinese botanist.

中文: 胡先骕

IPNI standard form: Hu

Taxon names authored

(List may be incomplete)

  • 21 taxon names authored by Hsen Hsu Hu


(List may be incomplete)

  • Hu, H.H. & Cheng, W.C. 1948. On the new family Metasequoiaceae and on Metasequoia glyptostroboides, a living species of the genus Metasequoia found in Szechuan and Hupeh. Bulletin of the Fan Memorial Institute of Biology, new series 1: 154–161. Yandex Reference page. 
  • Hu, H.S. 1964. The Materials on the Monography of Gen. Carpinus Linn. of China. Acta Phytotaxonomica Sinica 9(3): 281–298. PDF Reference page. 


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