
Taxonavigation: Nymphaeales 
Classification System: APG IV

Superregnum: Eukaryota
Regnum: Plantae
Cladus: Angiosperms
Classis: Unassigned
Ordo: Nymphaeales

Familia: Hydatellaceae
Genera: Trithuria


Hydatellaceae U.Hamann New Zealand J. Bot. 14: 195. (1976)

  • Type genus: Hydatella Diels ex Diels & Pritz., Engl. Jahrb. 35: 93 (1904) vide Trithuria Hook.f., Fl. Tasman. 2: 78. (1858)


  • Centrolepidaceae Tribus Diplanthereae


Additional references

  • Reveal, J.L. & Doweld, A.B. 1999. Validation of some suprageneric names in Magnoliophyta. Novon 9(4): 549–553. BHL Reference page. 
  • Doweld, A.B. 2001. Prosyllabus Tracheophytorum. Tentamen systematis plantarum vascularium (Tracheophyta) [Prosyllabus Tracheophytorum. Опыт системы сосудистых растений]. LXXX + 110 pp. Moscow: Geos. ISBN 5-89118-283-1. DJVU Reference page. 
  • Lohmueller, Friedrich A. The Botanical System of the Plants
  • Saarela et al., 2007. Hydatellaceae identified as a new branch near the base of the angiosperm phylogenetic tree. Nature 446: 312–5. DOI: 10.1038/nature05612.

Vernacular names

فارسی: خزه‌وشان
한국어: 히다텔라과
മലയാളം: ഹൈഡറ്റലേസീ
polski: Hydatellowate
русский: Гидателловые
slovenčina: Vodniatkovité
中文(简体): 独蕊草科
中文(繁體): 獨蕊草科
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