Hypogymnia physodes


Taxonavigation: Lecanorales 

Superregnum: Eukaryota
Regnum: Fungi
Subregnum: Dikarya
Divisio: Ascomycota
Subdivisio: Pezizomycotina
Classis: Lecanoromycetes
Subclassis: Lecanoromycetidae
Ordo: Lecanorales

Familia: Parmeliaceae
Subfamilia: Parmelioideae
Genus: Hypogymnia
Species: Hypogymnia physodes
Formae: H. p. f. cassidiformis H. p. f. elegans H. p. f. epiphylla H. p. f. foraminifera H. p. f. granulosa H. p. f. isidiosa H. p. f. maculans H. p. f. minor H. p. f. physodes H. p. f. pinnata H. p. f. stigmatea H. p. f. subcrustacea


Hypogymnia physodes (L.) Nyl., Lich. Env. Paris.: 39 (1896). [MycoBank #366574]


  • Lichen physodes L., Sp. Pl. 2: 1144 (1753). [MycoBank #394352]

Homotypic synonyms

  • Lobaria physodes (L.) Hoffm., Deutschl. Fl. Bot. Taschenb. 2: 150 (1796). [MycoBank #394887]
  • Parmelia physodes (L.) Ach., Meth. Lich.: 250 (1803). [MycoBank #123058]
  • Imbricaria physodes (L.) DC., Fl. Franç. 2: 393 (1805). [MycoBank #387058]
  • Physcia physodes (L.) Frege, Deutsch. Bot. Taschenb. 2: 168 (1812). [MycoBank #400772]
  • Menegazzia physodes (L.) Navás, Anales Fac. Ci. Zaragoza 2(8): 257 (1908). [MycoBank #395399]
  • Ceratophyllum physodes (L.) M.Choisy, Bull. Mens. Soc. Linn. Lyon 20(6): 137 (1951). [MycoBank #365502]

Heterotypic synonyms

  • Ceratophyllum physodes var. labrosa (Ach.) M.Choisy, Bull. mens. Soc. linn. Lyon 20: 137 (1951)
  • Ceratophyllum physodes var. platyphylla (Ach.) M.Choisy, Bull. mens. Soc. linn. Lyon 20: 137 (1951)
  • Hypogymnia physodes f. labrosa (Ach.) Walt. Watson, Trans. Bot. Soc. Edinb., 150th anniversary supplement 33: 186 (1942)
  • Hypogymnia physodes f. platyphylla (Ach.) Rass., Nov. sist. Niz. Rast. 4: 291 (1967)
  • Hypogymnia physodes f. subtubulosa (Anders) Rass., in Kopachevskaya et al., Opredelitel' Lishalnikov SSSR Vypusk (Handbook ol the lichens of the U.S.S.R.) (Leningrad): 293 (1971)
  • Hypogymnia physodes f. vittatoides (Mereschk.) Räsänen, Ann. bot. Soc. Zool.-Bot. fenn. Vanamo 18(no. 1): 14 (1943)
  • Hypogymnia physodes var. labrosa (Ach.) Parrique, Act. Soc. linn. Bordeaux 53: 65 (1898)
  • Hypogymnia physodes var. platyphylla (Ach.) Walt. Watson, Trans. Bot. Soc. Edinb. 33: 186 (1942)
  • Parmelia physodes f. fuscescens Cromb. ex Gyeln., Rev. Bryol. Lichénol. 7: 219 (1934)
  • Parmelia physodes f. vittatoides Mereschk., Nachträge zur Flechtliste aus der Umgenbung Revals: 61 (1913)
  • Parmelia physodes var. labrosa Ach., Lich. univ.: 493 (1810)
  • Parmelia physodes var. platyphylla Ach., Method. Lich.: 251 (1803)
  • Parmelia platyphylla (Ach.) Röhl., Deutschl. Fl., Abth. 2 (Frankfurt) 3(2): 109 (1813)

Primary references

  • Acharius, E. 1803. Methodus qua omnes detectos Lichenes secundum organa carpomorpha ad Genera, Species et Varietates redigere atque observationibus illustrare tentavit Erik Acharius., Sect. 1: 1–52, i–lv, 1–152, Sect. 2: 153–393, pl. 1–8. BHL Reference page. 
  • De Candolle, A.P. 1805. Des Lichens. In Lamarck, J.-B. & De Candolle, A.P., Flore française, ou descriptions succinctes de toutes les plantes qui croissent naturellement en France, Disposées selon une nouvelle Méthode d'Analyse, et précédées par un Exposé des Principes élémentaires de la Botanique., ed. 3, 2: 321–414. Biblioteca Digital Reference page. 
  • Frege, C.A. 1812. Flechten. In Deutsches botanisches Taschenbuch, für Liebhaber der deutschen Pflanzenkunde, nach Hoffmann, Roth, Persoon, Batsch etc. bearbeitet. 2: 123–214. Wilhelm Webel, Zeiz. DOI: 10.3931/e-rara-62908 Reference page. 
  • Linnaeus, C. 1753. Species plantarum, exhibentes plantas rite cognitas, ad genera relatas, cum differentiis specificis, nominibus trivialibus, synonymis selectis, locis natalibus, secundum systema sexuale digestas. Tomus II. Pp. 561–1200, [1–30, index], [1, err.]. Impensis Laurentii Salvii, Holmiae [Stockholm]. BHL Reference page. 


  • The Lichen Herbarium, Natural History Museum, University of Oslo, Norway (Photo Gallery) - Hypogymnia physodes

Vernacular names

čeština: Terčovka bublinatá
Deutsch: Blasenflechte
English: Monk's-hood Lichen
suomi: Sormipaisukarve
日本語: フクロゴケ
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