Ján Kodada, Slovak entomologist
- Department of Zoology, Faculty of Natural Science, Comenius University, Mlynská dolina B-1, SK-84215 Bratislava, Slovakia
- E-mail: jan.kodada@fns.uniba.sk
Taxon names authored
(List may be incomplete)
- 72 taxon names authored by Ján Kodada
(List may be incomplete)
- Kodada, J. 1993. Dryopomorphus siamensis sp. nov., a new riffle beetle from Thailnd (Coleoptera: Elmidae) and remarks on the morphology of the mouthparts and hind wing venation of D. bishopi Hinton. Entomological Problems 24(1): 51-58. Reference page.
- Kodada, J. & Jäch, M.A. 1995. Dryopidae: 2. Taxonomic review of the Chinese species of the genus Helichus Erichson (Coleoptera), pp. 329–339. In: M.A. Jäch & L. Ji (ed.) – Water Beetles of China, Vol. I. Zoologisch-Botanische Gesellschaft in Österreich & Wiener Coleopterologenverein, Wien. Full article (PDF). Reference page.
- Kodada, J. 1996. Spalacosostea, an anomalous new terrestrial dryopid from South-East Asia (Coleoptera: Dryopidae). Revue suisse de Zoologie 103(3): 581–605. Reference page.
- Kodada, J. 1998. Franzyops longipalpis, a new genus and species of terrestrial Dryopidae from Venezuela (Coleoptera: Dryopidae). Koleopterologische Rundschau 68: 211–216. Full article (PDF). Reference page.
- Kodada, J. & Boukal, D.S. 2000. Monstrosostea solivaga new genus and species of aberrant terrestrial dryopid from southern India (Coleoptera: Dryopidae). Entomological Problems 31(2): 129–136. Reference page.
- Kodada, J. & Čiampor, F., jr. 2000. Review of the genus Vietelmis (Coleoptera: Elmidae). Entomological Problems 31(1): 65-90. Reference page.
- Kodada, J. 2001. Pedestrodryops endroedyi gen. et sp. nov., a new terrestrial, wingless dryopid from South Africa (Coleoptera: Dryopidae). Entomological Problems 33(1): 37–44. Reference page.
- Kodada, Jäch & Čiampor Jr. 2003. Dryopidae: I. Stenomystax, a new aquatic genus. Water beetles of China, Vol. III (pp.431-472)Publisher: Zoologisch-Botanische Gesellschaft in Osterreich and Wiener Coleopterologenverein. Full article (PDF). Reference page.
- Čiampor Jr., F. & Kodada, J. 2004. Systematic revision of the genus Graphelmis (Coleoptera: Elmidae). V. Graphelmis picta species group Entomological Problems 34(1–2): 55-102. Reference page.
- Čiampor Jr., F. & Kodada, J. 2006 Dryopomorphus hendrichi sp.nov. from West Malaysia (Coleoptera: Elmidae). Entomological problems 36(2): 71-73. full article (PDF) Reference page.
- Kodada, J., Jäch, M.A., Čiampor Jr, F. & Čiamporová-Zaťovičová, Z. 2007. Geoparnus rhinoceros sp. nov., a new edaphic dryopid with unusual sexual dimorphism (Coleoptera: Dryopidae). Zootaxa 1481: 59–68. Abstract & excerpt.
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- Kodada, J., Jäch, M.A. & Čiampor Jr., F. 2009. Review of the genus Drylichus Heller (Insecta: Coleoptera: Dryopidae). Zootaxa 2157: 43–58. Abstract & excerpt.
. Reference page.
- Čiampor, F. jr., Čiamporová-Zaťovičová, Z. & Kodada, J. 2012: Malaysian species of Dryopomorphus Hinton, 1936 (Insecta: Coleoptera: Elmidae). Zootaxa 3564: 1–16. Preview.
. Reference page.
- Kodada, J., Kadubec, M. & Čiampor, F. jr. 2013: Geoparnus loebli, a new species of terrestrial dryopid from Peninsular Malaysia (Coleoptera: Dryopidae). Zootaxa 3646(1): 68–74. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3646.1.5.
. Reference page.
- Kodada, J., Jäch, M.A. & Čiampor, F. jr. 2014. Ancyronyx reticulatus and A. pulcherrimus, two new riffle beetle species from Borneo, and discussion about elmid plastron structures (Coleoptera: Elmidae). Zootaxa 3760(3): 383–395. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3760.3.5
Reference page.
- Lojková, S., Degma, P. & Kodada, J. 2014. Morphometry and redescription of Parahelichus granulosus (Delève, 1974) with description of P. pseudogranulosus, a new cryptic species of long-toed water beetles (Coleoptera: Dryopidae) from Indochinese peninsula, and proposal of a new synonym for Praehelichus sericatus (Waterhouse, 1881) from China. Zootaxa 3852(4): 475–488. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3852.4.5 Reference page.
- Čiampor, F., Jr., Laššová, K., Maier, C.A., Čiamporová-Zaťovičová, Z. & Kodada, J. 2016. Phanoceroides Hinton, 1939: description of new species, morphology of larvae, and revised taxonomic position of the genus (Coleoptera: Elmidae) based on molecular evidence. Zootaxa 4117(2): 277–288. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4117.2.9 Reference page.
- Čiampor, F. Jr., Čiamporová-Zaťovičová, Z. & Kodada, J. 2017. A new species of Neblinagena Spangler from Kukenán tepui and DNA barcoding of Neblinagena and related genera (Coleoptera: Elmidae). Zootaxa 4286(2): 176–186. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4286.2.2 Reference page.
- Freitag, H. & Kodada, J. 2017. Larvae of Ancyronyx Erichson, 1847 (Insecta: Coleoptera: Elmidae) from Sulawesi, using DNA sequences for the assignment of the larval stages. Zootaxa 4299(1): 121–130. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4299.1.6. Reference page.
- Freitag, H. & Kodada, J. 2017a. A taxonomic review of the genus Ancyronyx Erichson, 1847 from Sulawesi (Insecta: Coleoptera: Elmidae). Journal of Natural History 51(9-10): 561–606. DOI: 10.1080/00222933.2017.1285447.
. Reference page.
- Kodada, J., Sangpradub, N., Somnark, R., Gruľa, D., Žiak, D. & Freitag, H. 2017. Vietelmis jablonskii, a new species of riffle beetle from Laos and Thailand and new faunistic records on Vietelmis Delève, 1968 from Malaysia (Coleoptera: Elmidae). Zootaxa 4268(1): 131–140. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4268.1.8. Reference page.
- Kodada, J., Hendrich, L. & Balke, M. 2018. Tepuidessus grulai sp. nov. from Acopán Tepui in Venezuela (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae: Hydroporinae: Bidessini). Zootaxa 4434(3): 561–572. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4434.3.10
Reference page.
- Selnekovič, D. & Kodada, J. 2019. Taxonomic revision of Mordellistena hirtipes species complex with new distribution records (Insecta, Coleoptera, Mordellidae). Zookeys, 854: 89–118. DOI: 10.3897/zookeys.854.32299 Reference page.
- Kodada, J., Jäch, M.A., Freitag, H., Čiamporová-Zaťovičová, Z., Goffová, K., Selnekovič, D. & Čiampor Jr, F. 2020. Ancyronyx clisteri, a new spider riffle beetle species from Borneo, redescription of A. sarawacensis Jäch including a description of the larva and new distribution data for A. procerus Jäch using DNA barcodes (Coleoptera, Elmidae). ZooKeys 912: 25-64. DOI: 10.3897/zookeys.912.47796
Reference page.
- Kodada, J., Jäch, M.A., Freitag, H., Čiamporová-Zaťovičová, Z., Goffová, K., Selnekovič, D. & Čiampor, F. Jr. 2020. Ancyronyx lianlabangorum sp. nov., a new spider riffle beetle from Sarawak, and new distribution records for A. pulcherrimus Kodada, Jäch & Čiampor based on DNA barcodes (Coleoptera, Elmidae). ZooKeys, 1003: 31–55. DOI: 10.3897/zookeys.1003.55541
Reference page.
- Čiampor Jr., F., Kodada, J., Bozáňová, J. & Čiamporová-Zaťovičová, Z. 2021. Disersus otongachi a new species of Larainae riffle beetles from Ecuador (Coleoptera: Elmidae). Zootaxa 4963(1): 193–199. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4963.1.12.
. Reference page.
- Kodada, J., Selnekovič, D., Jäch, M.A., Goffová, K., Vďačný, P. 2021. Taxonomic revision of the genus Elmomorphus Sharp, 1888 I. Japanese and Korean species (Coleoptera: Dryopidae). European Journal of Taxonomy. 58(1): 97–121. DOI: 10.5852/ejt.2021.758.1427
Reference page.
- Kodada, J., Jäch, M.A., Selnekovič, D. & Goffová, K. Okalia necopinata sp. nov. (Insecta, Coleoptera, Elmidae) from Gunung Mulu National Park in Sarawak (Malaysia). ZooKeys 1092ː 79–92. DOI: 10.3897/zookeys.1092.79635
Reference page.
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