

Superregnum: Eukaryota
Regnum: Plantae
Divisio: Charophyta
Classis: Klebsormidiophyceae
Ordo: Klebsormidiales
Familia: Klebsormidiaceae
Genera: Chlorokybus Entransia Hormidiella Klebsormidium


Klebsormidiaceae K.D.Stewart & K.R.Mattox


  • Sluiman, Hans J.; Guihal, Caroline; Mudimu, Opayi (2008) "Assessing phylogenetic affinities and species delimitations in Klebsormidiales (Streptophyta): Nuclear-encoded rDNA phylogenies and ITS secondary structure models in Klebsormidium, Hormidiella, and Entransia". Journal of Phycology 44(1): 183–195.
  • Stewart, K.D. & Mattox, K.R. (1975) "Comparative cytology, evolution and classification of the green algae with some consideration of the origin of other organisms with chlorophylls a and b". The Botanical Review 41: 104–135.
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