Lankesterella gnomus


Taxonavigation: Asparagales 
Classification System: APG IV

Superregnum: Eukaryota
Regnum: Plantae
Cladus: Angiosperms
Cladus: Monocots
Ordo: Asparagales

Familia: Orchidaceae
Subfamilia: Orchidoideae
Tribus: Cranichideae
Subtribus: Spiranthinae
Genus: Lankesterella

Overview of species (11)

L. alainii  L. caespitosa  L. ceracifolia  L. glandula  L. gnomus  L. longicollis  L. orthantha  L. parvula  L. pilosa  L. salehi  L. spannageliana


Lankesterella Ames, Schedul. Orchid. 4: 3 (1923)

  • Type species>: Lankesterella costaricensis Ames, Schedul. Orchid. 4: 4. 1923 (a synonym of Lankesterella orthantha (Kraenzl.) Garay, Caldasia 8: 521 (1962))


  • Heterotypic
    • Cladobium Schltr., Beih. Bot. Centralbl. 37(2): 431 (1920), nom. illeg.


Native distribution areas:
  • Southern America
    • Central America
      • Costa Rica.
    • Caribbean
      • Cuba, Dominican Republic.
    • Northern South America
      • Venezuela.
    • Western South America
      • Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru.
    • Brazil
      • Brazil Northeast, Brazil Southeast, Brazil South.
    • Southern South America
      • Argentina Northeast, Paraguay.

References: Brummitt, R.K. 2001. TDWG – World Geographical Scheme for Recording Plant Distributions, 2nd Edition


Primary references

  • Ames, O. 1923. Additions to the orchid flora of Central America with observations on noteworthy species. Schedulae Orchidianae 4: 1–60. BHL Reference page. 

Additional references

  • Pridgeon, A.M., Cribb, P.J., Chase, M.W. & Rasmussen, F.N. (eds.) 2003. Genera Orchidacearum Volume 3: Orchidoideae (Part two); page 217 ff., Oxford: Oxford University Press. ISBN 0-19-850711-9
  • Salazar, G.A. & Dressler, R.L. 2011. The leaves got it right again: DNA phylogenetics supports a sister-group relationship between Eurostlyes and Lankesterella (Orchidaceae: Spiranthinae), Lankesteriana 11(3): 337—347.

Vernacular names

кырык мары: Ланкестерелла

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