Taxonavigation: Chrysomeloidea |
Superregnum: Eukaryota |
Familia: Cerambycidae
Subfamilia: Lepturinae
Tribus: Lepturini
Genus: Leptura
Subgenus: L. (Leptura)
Species: L. (L.) dimorpha
Leptura (Leptura) dimorpha Bates, 1873
- type locality: Japan
- type material: BMNH?
- Leptura dimorpha Bates, 1873
- Leptura (Strangalia) dimorpha : PIc, 1900
- Strangalia (s. str.) dimorpha : Aurivillius, 1912
- Strangalia (s. str.) aethiops f. dimorpha : Mitono, [1941]
- Strangalia (s. str.) aethiops dimorpha : Tamanuki, 1942
- Leptura (Leptura) aethiops dimorpha : Kusama, 1973
- Aurivillius, 1912, Coleoptm Cat., (39): 234.
- Bates, 1873, Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (4) 12: 195.
- Hayashi, M., K. Morimoto and S. Kimoto, 1984. The Coleoptera of Japan in Color, vol. IV, Hoikusha (Osaka). ISBN 4-586-30071-X.
- The Japanese Society of Coleopterology (eds.), 1984. The Longicorn-Beetles of Japan in Color, Kodansha(Tokyo). ISBN 4-06-124045-5.
- Kusama, 1973, List Ecol. Dist. Japan. Ceramb.: 30.
- Mitono, [1941]. Cat. Col. Japan, (8): 44.
- Ohbayashi, N., M. Satô and K. Kojima, 1992. An Illustrated Guide to Identification of Longicorn Beetle of Japan, Tokai University Press (Tokyo). ISBN 4-486-01181-3.
- Pic, 1900. Cat. Longic.: 34.
- Tamanuki, 1942, Fauna Nip. Ceramb., 2: 172.