Michio Chûjô (1908–2004), Japanese entomologist. Father of Michitaka Chûjô. Taxonomic specialization: Chrysomelidae, Erotylidae.
日本語: 中條道夫
Kamata l-6-16 505, Ohta-ku, Tokyo 144, Japan.
Professor of Faculty of Education, Kawaga University.
Taxon names authored
(List may be incomplete)
- 97 taxon names authored by Michio Chûjô
(List may be incomplete)
- 7 eponyms of Michio Chûjô
(List may be incomplete)
- Chûjô, M. 1932. Studies on the Chrysomelidae in the Japanese Empire. I. Transactions of the Natural History Society of Formosa 22: 310–317.
- Chûjô, M. 1932. Studies on the Chrysomelidae in the Japanese Empire. II. Transactions of the Natural History Society of Formosa 22: 337–345.
- Chûjô, M. 1933. Studies on the Chrysomelidae in the Japanese Empire. III. Sylvia 4 (l): 19–56.
- Chûjô, M. 1933. Studies on the Chrysomelidae in the Japanese Empire (IV). Transactions of the Natural History Society of Formosa 23: 304–334.
- Chûjô, M. 1934. Description of a new Temnaspis-species from Corea (Col.: Chrysomelidae). The Journal of Chosen Natural History Society 19: 34, 1 pl.
- Chûjô, M. 1934. Studies on the Chrysomelidae in the Japanese Empire, V. Sylvia 5: 145–182.
- Chûjô, M. 1934. Studies on the Chrysomelidae in the Japanese Empire (VI). Transactions of the Natural History Society of Formosa 24: 242–247.
- Chûjô, M. 1934. Addition and revision of the Chrysomelidae from the Japanese Empire (I). Transactions of the Natural History Society of Formosa 24: 248–250.
- Chûjô, M. 1934. H. Sauter's Formosa-Ausbeute: Subfamily Criocerinae, Clytrinae und Cryptocephalinae (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). Arbeiten über morphologische und taxonomische Entomologie aus Berlin-Dahlem 1: 281–291. PDF.
- Chûjô, M. 1934. Descriptions of some new Cryptocephalus-species (Col. Chrysomelidae) from Formosa. Journal of Society of Tropical Agriculture 6: 513–524.
- Chûjô, M. 1934. Studies on the Chrysomelidae in the Japanese Empire. VII. Transactions of the Natural History Society of Formosa 24: 518–537.
- Chûjô, M. 1935. Chrysomelidae of Loo-Choo Archipelago (I). Transactions of the Natural History Society of Formosa 25: 69–89.
- Chûjô, M. 1935. Description of a new chrysomelid from the Tonkin. Revue Française d'Entomologie 2: 94–95.
- Chûjô, M. 1935. H. Sauter's Formosa-Ausbeute: Subfamily Galerucinae (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). Arbeiten über morphologische und taxonomische Entomologie aus Berlin-Dahlem 2: 160–174. PDF.
- Chûjô, M. 1935. Chrysomelidae of Loo-Choo Archipelago (II). Transactions of the Natural History Society of Formosa 25: 203–211.
- Chûjô, M. 1935. Descriptions of a new genus and two new species of Chrysomelidae (Coleoptera). Arbeiten über morphologische und taxonomische Entomologie aus Berlin-Dahlem 2: 219–220. PDF.
- Chûjô, M. 1935. Studies on the Chrysomelidae in the Japanese Empire (VIII) Subfamily Halticinae (1–3). Transactions of the Natural History Society of Formosa 25: 354–369, 392–400, 459–476.
- Chûjô, M. 1936. Chrysomelid beetles from Corea, collected by Messrs. A. Umeno and K. Yamauchi. Bulletin of Umeno Entomological Laboratory (Kurume) 3: 7–13.
- Chûjô, M. 1936. Studies on the Chrysomelidae in the Japanese Empire (VIII) Subfamily Halticinae (4–6). Transactions of the Natural History Society of Formosa 26: 15–30, 84–92, 108–114.
- Chûjô, M. 1937. Studies on the Chrysomelidae in the Japanese Empire (VIII) Subfamily Halticinae (7–10). Transactions of the Natural History Society of Formosa 27: 35–48, 52–58, 95–104, 113–128.
- Chûjô, M. 1937. Descriptions of four new species of the genus Pedrillia Westwood, with a list of the species known from the world (Col. Chrysomelidae). Transactions of the Natural History Society of Formosa 27: 146–151.
- Chûjô, M. 1937. Some additions and revisions of Bruchidae from the Japanese Empire. Transactions of the Natural History Society of Formosa 27: 189–200.
- Chûjô, M. 1937. Descriptions of two hispid-beetles, belonging to a new genus from the South Sea Islands under the Japanese mandate (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). Transactions of the Natural History Society of Formosa 27: 222–228.
- Chûjô, M. 1938. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Chrysomeliden-Fauna von Kyushu, Japan. (2). Bulletin of the Umeno Entomological Laboratory (Kurume) 6: 5–13.
- Chûjô, M. 1938. Description of a new Longitarsus-species from Hokkaido, Japan. Transactions of the Natural History Society of Formosa 28: 15–16.
- Chûjô, M. 1938. H. Sauter's Formosa Collection: Subfamily Eumolpinae (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae II). Arbeiten über morphologische und taxonomische Entomologie aus Berlin-Dahlem 5(1): 25–36. PDF.
- Chûjô, M. 1938. H. Sauter's Formosa-collection: Subfamily Galerucinae (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). Second part. Arbeiten über morphologische und taxonomische Entomologie aus Berlin-Dahlem 5: 135–152. PDF.
- Chûjô, M. 1938. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Chrysomeliden-Fauna Chinas (Coleoptera). Mushi 11: 158–169.
- Chûjô, M. 1938. H. Sauter's Formosa-collection: Subfamily Cryptocephalinae. (Coleoptera-Chrysomelidae III). Arbeiten über morphologische und taxonomische Entomologie aus Berlin-Dahlem 5: 294. PDF.
- Chûjô, M. 1940. Descriptions of a new and a rare Species of the Japanese Ciid-Beetles. Insecta Matsumurana 14(4): 132–133. hdl: 2115/9447 .
- Chûjô, M. 1940. Descriptions of new Ciid-Beetles from Japan Proper and Manchuria. Insecta Matsumurana 14(4): 134–137. hdl: 2115/9448 .
- Chûjô, M. 1940. Beitrag zur Chrysomeliden-Fauna der Insel Sikoku (Japan) I. Kontyû 14(2): 65–82. PDF.
- Chûjô, M. 1940. Beitrag zur Chrysomeliden-Fauna der Insel Sikoku (Japan) II. Kontyû 14(3): 106–125. PDF.
- Chûjô, M. 1940. Fulcidacinae of Formosa (Col. Chrysomelidae). Transactions of the Natural History Society of Formosa 30: 265–293.
- Chûjô, M. 1940. Chrysomelid-beetles from Korea [I]. Transactions of the Natural History Society of Formosa 30: 349–362.
- Chûjô, M. 1940. Chrysomelid-beetles from Borodino Isls. (Daitô-Zima), Loo-Choo, collected by Mr. M. Yanagiwara. Transactions of the Natural History Society of Formosa 30: 363–365.
- Chûjô, M. 1940. Chrysomelid-beetles from Korea (II). Transactions of the Natural History Society of Formosa 30: 383–398.
- Chûjô, M. 1941. Chrysomelid-beetles from Korea (III). Transactions of the Natural History Society of Formosa 31: 61–75.
- Chûjô, M. 1941. Chrysomelid-beetles from Korea (IV). Transactions of the Natural History Society of Formosa 31: 155–174.
- Chûjô, M. 1941. First supplement to the fauna of Korean chrysomelid-beetles (I). Transactions of the Natural History Society of Formosa 31: 451–462.
- Chûjô, M. 1941. Description of new chrysomelid-beetles from Formosa (I). Transactions of the Natural History Society of Formosa 31: 463–467.
- Chûjô, M. 1942. First supplement to the fauna of Korean chrysomelid-beetles (II). Transactions of the Natural History Society of Formosa 32: 31–43.
- Chûjô, M. 1942. Descriptions of two new Orsodacne-species from Japan proper (Col. Chrysomelidae). Kontyû 16(1): 33–36. PDF.
- Chûjô, M. 1942. Chrysomelid-beetles from Kwantung-Province. Mushi 14: 51–65.
- Chûjô, M. 1942. Fulcidacinae of Japan proper and Loo-choo (Coleoptera-Chrysomelidae). Transactions of the Natural History Society of Formosa 32: 77–100.
- Chûjô, M. 1943. Description of new chrysomelid beetle from Formosa. Transactions of the Natural History Society of Formosa 33: 242–243, 570–572.
- Chûjô, M. 1949. On the Hebdomecosta Spaeth with description of a new species from Japan (Coleoptera-Chrysomelidae-Cassidinae). Transactions of the Kansai Entomological Society 14 (2): 7–13.
- Chûjô, M. 1949. Description of the Orsodacne-species from Japan (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae). Entomological Review of Japan 1(2): 22–26. PDF.
- Chûjô, M. 1950. Erotylid-Beetles of Aomori-Prefecture (the Northern-End of Honshû, Japan), collected by Mr. K. Shimoyama. Entomological Review of Japan 5(1): 15–19. Full issue (PDF).
- Chûjô, M. 1950. Description of a new chrysomelid-beetle from Japan. Kontyû 18: 114–116. PDF.
- Chûjô, M. 1951. Chrysomelid-beetles of Shikoku, Japan (II) (Coleoptera). Transactions of the Shikoku Entomological Society 2(3): 31–48. Full issue (PDF).
- Chûjô, M. 1951. A taxonomic study on the Chrysomelidae (Insecta-Coleoptera) from Formosa. Part I. Subfamily Criocerinae. Kagawa Kenritsu Nōka Daigaku Gakujutsu Hōkoku 2(2): 71–120. PDF.
- Chûjô, M. 1951. A taxonomic study on the Chrysomelidae (Insecta-Coleoptera) from Formosa. Part II. Subfamily Donaciinae. Kagawa Kenritsu Nōka Daigaku Gakujutsu Hōkoku 3(1): 43–56. PDF.
- Chujo, M. 1951. A taxonomic study on the Chrysomelidae (Insecta-Coleoptera) from Formosa. Part III. Subfamily Megalopodinae. Kagawa Kenritsu Nōka Daigaku Gakujutsu Hōkoku 3(2): 57–71. PDF. Reference page.
- Chûjô, M. 1951. Description of a new Chrysomelid-beetle from Japan. Insecta Matsumurana 17(3–4): 119–120. hdl: 2115/9522 .
- Chûjô, M. & Hayashi, M. 1951. The Cerambycidae of Shikoku, Japan (Col.) (I). Bulletin of Tarazuka Insectarium 78: 1–14.
- Chûjô, M. 1952. Erotylid-Beetles of Aomori-Prefecture (the Northern-End of Honshû, Japan), collected by Mr. K. Shimoyama (II). Entomological Review of Japan 6: 17–18. Full volume (PDF).
- Chûjô, M. 1952. A taxonomic study on the Chrysomelidae (Insecta-Coleoptera) from Formosa. Part IV. Subfamily Zeugophorinae. Kagawa Kenritsu Nōka Daigaku Gakujutsu Hōkoku 3(3): 166–183. PDF.
- Chûjô, M. 1952. A taxonomic study on the Chrysomelidae (Insecta-Coleoptera) from Formosa. Part V. Subfamily Clytrinae (1). Kagawa Kenritsu Nōka Daigaku Gakujutsu Hōkoku 4(1): 32–49. PDF.
- Chûjô, M. 1952. A taxonomic study on the Chrysomelidae (Insecta-Coleoptera) from Formosa. Part V. Subfamily Clytrinae (2). Kagawa Kenritsu Nōka Daigaku Gakujutsu Hōkoku 4(2): 73–91. PDF.
- Chûjô, M. 1953. Description d'une espèce nouvelle de Zeugophora du Japon (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae). Bulletin de l'Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique 29(9): 1–3. PDF.
- Chûjô, M. 1953. A taxonomic study on the Chrysomelidae (Insecta-Coleoptera) from Formosa. Part VI. Subfamily Lamprosominae. Kagawa Kenritsu Nōka Daigaku Gakujutsu Hōkoku 4(3): 237–249. PDF.
- Chûjô, M. 1954. Description of a new chrysomelid-beetle belonging to the galerucine genus Atysa Baly from Japan. Mushi 26: 1–4.
- Chûjô, M. 1954. Chrysomelid-beetles from Shikoku, Japan (III). Transactions of the Shikoku Entomological Society 4(4): 51–62. Full issue (PDF).
- Chûjô, M. 1954. Descriptions of a new species and a new subspecies of the genus Lypesthes Baly from Japan, including some notices on its two other known-species (Coleoptera : Chrysomelidae, Eumolpinae). Insecta Matsumurana 18(3–4): 103–108. hdl: 2115/9548 .
- Chûjô, M. 1954. A taxonomic study on the Chrysomelidae (Insecta-Coleoptera) from Formosa. Part VII. Subfam. Cryptocephalinae. Quarterly Journal of the Taiwan Museum 7(3&4): 138–247. Volume contents.
- Chûjô, M. 1955. Erotylid-Beetles of Aomori-Prefecture (the Northern-End of Honshû, Japan), collected by Mr. K. Shimoyama (III). Entomological Review of Japan 6: 43–44. Full volume (PDF).
- Chûjô, M. & Shirôzu, T. 1955. Chrysomelid beetles from the islands Yakushima and Tanegashima, Kyushu, Japan. Sieboldia 1: 237–244.
- Chûjô, M. 1956. Contribution to the fauna of Chrysomelidae (Coleoptera) in Japan (I). Memoirs of the Faculty of Liberal Arts & Education, Kagawa University. Part II 31: 1–20.
- Chûjô, M. 1956. A Taxonomic Study on the Chrysomelidae (Insecta: Coleoptera) from Formosa. Part VIII. Subfamily Eumolpinae. The Philippine Journal of Science 85(1): 1–180. Full article (PDF).
- Chûjô, M. 1956. A taxonomic study on the Chrysomelidae (Insecta-Coleoptera) from Formosa. IX. Chlamisinae (1). Kagawa Kenritsu Nōka Daigaku Gakujutsu Hōkoku 7(1): 51–59. PDF.
- Chûjô, M. 1956. A taxonomic study on the Chrysomelidae (Insecta-Coleoptera) from Formosa. IX. Chlamisinae (2). Kagawa Kenritsu Nōka Daigaku Gakujutsu Hōkoku 7(2): 153–167. PDF.
- Chûjô, M. & Goecke, H. 1956. Contribution to the fauna of Chrysomelidae (Coleoptera) in Japan (II). Akitu 5: 60–62.
- Chûjô, M. 1957. Beitrag zur Kenntis der Chrysomelidenfauna Chinas (Coleoptera) II. Memoirs of the Faculty of Liberal Arts & Education, Kagawa University. Part II 47: 1–5.
- Chûjô, M. 1957. Chrysomelid-beetles of Loo-Choo Archipelago (IV). Memoirs of the Faculty of Liberal Arts & Education, Kagawa University. Part II 52: 1–8.
- Chûjô, M. 1957. Chrysomelid-beetles of Loo-Choo Archipelago (III). Kontyû 25(1): 13–20. PDF.
- Chûjô, M. 1958. Chrysomelid-Beetles from the islands Iki and Tsushima, Japan, collected by Dr. K. Baba in 1957. Memoirs of the Faculty of Liberal Arts & Education, Kagawa University. Part II 58: 1–10.
- Chûjô, M. 1958. Chrysomelid-beetles of Loo-Cho Archipelago (V). Memoirs of the Faculty of Liberal Arts & Education, Kagawa University. Part II 64: 1–19.
- Chûjô, M. 1958. A taxonomic study on the Chrysomelidae (Insecta, Coleoptera) from Formosa. Part X. Subfamily Chrysomelinae. Quarterly Journal of the Taiwan Museum 11(1&2): 1–85. Volume contents.
- Chûjô, M. 1958. 日本のハムシ(1):ツヤハムシ亜科 [Chrysomelid-Beetles of Japan (1): Subfamily Lamprosominae]. Entomological Review of Japan 9(2): 51–58. (in Japanese). Full issue (PDF).
- Chûjô, M. 1959. Contribution to the fauna of Chrysomelidae (Coleoptera) in Japan (III). Memoirs of the Faculty of Liberal Arts & Education, Kagawa University. Part II 81: 1-16.
- Chûjô, M. 1959. 日本のハムシ(2):ホソハムシ亜科 [Chrysomelid-Beetles of Japan (2): Subfamily Synetinae]. Entomological Review of Japan 10(1): 18–23. (in Japanese). Full issue (PDF).
- Chûjô, M. & Kimoto, S. 1960. Descriptions of three genera and a new species of chrysomelid-beetles from Japan, with some notes on the Japanese species. Niponius, Acta Coleopterologica 1 (4): 1–10.
- Bielawski, R. & Chujo, M., 1961. Coleoptera from Southeast Asia. 16. Family Coccinellidae. Nature and Life in Southeast Asia 1: 331–334.
- Chûjô, M. 1961. Description of a new chrysomelid-beetle from Japan. Contribution to the fauna of Chrysomelidae (Coleoptera) in Japan (IV). Niponius, Acta Coleopterologica 1 (18): 1–3.
- Chûjô, M. 1961. Chrysomelid-beetles of Loochoo Archipelago (VI). Publication of Entomological Laboratory, University of Osaka Prefecture 6: 83–91.
- Chûjô, M. & Kimoto, S. 1961. Systematics of Japanese Chrysomelidae (Coleoptera). Pacific Insects 3(1): 117–202. PDF. Reference page.
- Chûjô, M. & Kimura, Y. 1961. Chrysomelid-beetles from the islands Yaku-Shima and Kuchinoerabu-Jima, situated at the northern part of the south-west islands, Japan. Entomological Laboratory college of Agriculture, University of Osaka prefecture, Publ. No. 6: 203–216.
- Chûjô, M. & Ohno, M. 1961. Revision of the genus Horaia Chûjô and description of a new Monolepta-species from Japan. Memoirs of the Faculty of Liberal Arts & Education, Kagawa University. Part II 106: 1–12.
- Chûjô, M. 1962. A taxonomic study on the Chrysomelidae (Insecta: Coleoptera) from Formosa. Part XI. Subfamily Galerucinae. The Philippine Journal of Science 91: 1–239. Reference page.
- Chûjô, M. 1963. Chrysomelid-beetles from Formosa (Taiwan) collected by Dr. K. Baba in 1962. Niponius, Acta Coleopterologica 2: 21–30.
- Chûjô, M. 1963. Chrysomelid-beetles from Formosa, preserved in the Hungarian Natural History Museum, Budapest. Annales Historico-Naturales Musei Nationalis Hungarici 55: 379–402.
- Bielawski, R. & Chûjô, M. 1964. Coleoptera from Southeast Asia (III). 21. Family Coccinellidae. Nature and Life in South east Asia 3: 226–228.
- Chûjô, M. 1964. Coleoptera from Southeast Asia (III). Pp. 161–315. In: Kira, T. & Umesao, T. (eds.) Nature and life in Southeast Asia. Volume 3. Kyoto: Fauna and Flora Research Society.
- Chûjô, M. 1965. Some chrysomelid beetles from East Asia in the California Academy of Sciences. The Pan-Pacific Entomologist 41(1): 54–58. BHL.
- Chûjô, M. 1965. Chrysomelid-beetles of Formosa (I). Special Bulletin of the Lepidopterological Society of Japan 1: 88–104.
- Chûjô, M. & Ohno, M. 1965. A revision of Luperomorpha-species occurring in Japan and the Loo-Choo Islands (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae, Alticinae). Memoirs of the Faculty of Liberal Arts & Education, Kagawa University. Part II 131: 1–16.
- Chûjô, M. 1966. Chrysomelid-beetles from Northeast Nepal. Memoirs of the Faculty of Education, Kagawa University. Part II 145: 1–35.
- Chûjô, M. 1966. Coleoptera of East Nepal: 14. Family Chrysomelidae. Journal of the College of Arts and Sciences, Chiba University 4 (4): 553–557.
- Kaszab, Z. & Chûjô, M. 1966. Coleoptera from southeast Asia V. Family Tenebrionidae. Memoirs of the Faculty of Education, Kagawa University. Part II 140: 51–56.
- Bielawski, R. & Chûjô, M. 1968. Coleoptera from Southeast Asia arranged by M. Chûjô (VII). Coccinellid-Beetles from E. Nepal, Thailand, Cambodia, Viet-Nam, S. Korea and Is. Ambon with descriptions of 4 new species and 33 figures. Transactions of the Shikoku Entomological Society 9(4): 119-128 Issue PDF Reference page.
- Breuning, S. & Chûjô, M. 1968. Coleoptera from Southeast Asia (VI). 4. Famille Cerambycidae. Memoirs of the Faculty of Education, Kagawa University. Part II 161: 17–26. Reference page.
- Chûjô, M.T. & Chûjô, M. 1987. Erotylidae from New Guinea and the adjacent islands I (Coleoptera). Esakia 25: 5–36. DOI: 10.5109/2492 . Reference page.
- Chûjô, M. & Chûjô, M.T. 1989. A catalog of the Erotylidae (Insecta, Coleoptera) from the Old World (excl. the Ethiopian Region). Esakia 28: 75–96. DOI: 10.5109/2516 . Reference page.
- Chûjô, M.T. & Chûjô, M. 1997. A List of the Coleopterous Type Specimens from Chûjô–Chûjô Collection Donated to Kyushu University, I (Insecta). ESAKIA 37: 39–56. DOI: 10.5109/2607 . Reference page.
- Chûjô, M.T. & Chûjô, M. 1998. A List of the Coleopterous Type Specimens from Chûjô–Chûjô Collection Donated to Kyushu University, II (Insecta). ESAKIA 38: 1–28. DOI: 10.5109/2622 . Reference page.
- Jolivet, P. 2004. In Memoriam. Michio Chûjô. 1908-2004. Chrysomela newsletter 44: 10. PDF
- M.ChujoType (Dr. M.Chujo's Coleoptera Type Collection Donated to Kyushu University)
- A list of entomological publications (1930–1972) by Prof. Dr. Michio Chûjô
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