Taxonavigation: Gentianales |
Classification System: APG IV
Superregnum: Eukaryota |
Familia: Rubiaceae
Subfamilia: Cinchonoideae
Tribus: Naucleeae
Genus: Mitragyna
Species: M. diversifolia – M. hirsuta – M. inermis – M. ledermannii – M. parvifolia – M. rotundifolia – M. rubrostipulata – M. speciosa – M. stipulosa – M. tubulosa
Source(s) of checklist: |
Mitragyna Korth., Observ. Naucl. Indic.: 19 (1839), nom. cons.
- Type species: Mitragyna parvifolia (Roxb.) Korth., Observ. Naucl. Indic.: 19 (1839), typus cons. fide Ridsdale (1978: 56)
- Homotypic
- Heterotypic
- Mamboga Blanco, Fl. Filip.: 140 (1837), nom. rej.; cited as Mangoya by Baillon (1880: 364); not accepted by Ridsdale (1978: 56), Govaerts (2003) and Ruhsam (2005) [cited as Mitragyna]
- Type species: Mamboga capitata, Fl. Filip.: 140 (1837) = Mitragyna diversifolia (Wall. ex G.Don) Havil.
- Bamboga Baill., Hist. Pl. 7: 364 (1880), orth. var.; not accepted by Govaerts (1996, 2003) [cited as Mitragyna]
- Paradina Pierre ex Pit., Fl. Indo-Chine [P.H. Lecomte et al.] 3: 39 (1922); not accepted by Ridsdale (1978: 56), Govaerts (2003), Chen & Taylor (2011) and Löfstrand & al. (2014: 311) [cited as Mitragyna]
- Type species: Paradina hirsuta (Havil.) Pit., Fl. Indo-Chine 3: 39 (1922) ≡ Mitragyna hirsuta Havil.
- Hallea J.-F.Leroy, Adansonia sér. 2, 15(1): 66 (1975), nom. illeg., non G.B.Mathews, Peking Nat. Hist. Bull. 16(3–4): 241 (1947–1948) [fossil]; accepted by Govaerts (2003), but not accepted by Ridsdale (1978: 56) and Löfstrand & al. (2014: 311) [cited as Mitragyna]
- Type species: Hallea stipulosa (DC.) J.-F.Leroy, Adansonia sér. 2, 15(1): 66 (1975) ≡ Mitragyna stipulosa (DC.) Kuntze
- Fleroya Y.F.Deng, Taxon 56(1): 247 (2007); not accepted by Löfstrand & al. (2014: 311) [cited as Mitragyna]
- Note: replacement name for Hallea J.-F.Leroy, nom. illeg.
- Mamboga Blanco, Fl. Filip.: 140 (1837), nom. rej.; cited as Mangoya by Baillon (1880: 364); not accepted by Ridsdale (1978: 56), Govaerts (2003) and Ruhsam (2005) [cited as Mitragyna]
Primary references
- Korthals, P.G. 1839. Observationes de Naucleis indicis. Bonnae: Typis Caroli Georgii. Google Books. Reference page.
Additional references
- Blanco, F.M. 1837. Flora de Filipinas. Segun el Sistema sexual de Linneo. / Por el P. Fr. Manuel Blanco, Agustino Calzado. 887 p. Manila. Biblioteca Digital Reference page.
- Korthals, P.W. 1842. Verhandelingen over de natuurlijke geschiedenis der Nederlandsche overzeesche bezittingen door de Leden der Natuurkundinge commissie in Indië en andere Schrijvers. Vol. 2 [Botanie, 1839–1842]: [i]–[iv], 1–259, pls. 1–70. Leiden. BHL Reference page.
- Baillon, H.E. 1880. Histoire des Plantes, Tome 7. 546 pp. Librairie Hachette, Paris, BHL Reference page.
- Pitard, J. 1922–1933. Rubiacées. Pp. 20–442. In: Lecomte, H., Humbert, H. & Gagnepain, F. (eds.), Flore générale de l'Indo-Chine. Tome troisième: Caprifoliacées à Apocynacées. Paris: Masson et Cie. BHL Reference page.
- Leroy, J.-F. 1975. Taxogénétique : Étude sur la sous-tribu des Mitragyninæ (Rubiaceæ-Naucleeæ). Adansonia, Série 2, 15(1): 65–88. MNHN. BHL Reference page.
- Ridsdale, C.E. 1978. A revision of Mitragyna and Uncaria (Rubiaceae). Blumea 24(1): 43–100. PDF Reference page.
- Govaerts, R.H.A. 1996. World Checklist of Seed Plants, volume 2. MIM, Deurne. 492pp. In two parts. ISBN 90-572-0006-6. Reference page.
- Govaerts, R.H.A. 2003. World Checklist of Selected Plant Families Database in ACCESS: 1-216203. The Board of Trustees of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. [unavailable for the public] Reference page.
- Ruhsam, M. 2005. Survey of all the Rubiaceae specimens at the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.
- Deng, Y. 2007. Fleroya, a substitute name for Hallea J.-F. Leroy (Rubiaceae). Taxon 56(1): 247-248. DOI: 10.2307/25065759 [nonfunctional]
Reference page.
- Chen Tao & Taylor, C.M. 2011. Mitragyna. Pp. in Wu, Zh.Y. , Raven, P.H. & Hong, D.Y. (eds.), Flora of China. Volume 19: Cucurbitaceae through Valerianaceae, with Annonaceae and Berberidaceae. Science Press, Beijing & Missouri Botanical Garden Press, St. Louis, ISBN 978-1-935641-04-9. efloras PDFReference page.
- Löfstrand, S.D., Krüger, Å., Razafimandimbison, S.G. & Bremer, B. 2014. Phylogeny and generic delimitations in the sister tribes Hymenodictyeae and Naucleeae (Rubiaceae). Systematic Botany 39(1): 304–315. DOI: 10.1600/036364414X678116
Reference page.
- Govaerts, R. et al. 2022. Mitragyna in Kew Science Plants of the World online. The Board of Trustees of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. Published online. Accessed: 2022 March 24. Reference page.
- Govaerts, R. et al. 2021. Mitragyna in Kew Science Plants of the World online. The Board of Trustees of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. Published online. Accessed: 2021 December 12. Reference page.
- International Plant Names Index. 2021. Mitragyna. Published online. Accessed: 12 December 2021.
- 2021. Mitragyna. Missouri Botanical Garden. Published online. Accessed: 12 December 2021.
Vernacular names
日本語: ミトラガイナ属
中文: 帽蕊木属
中文: 帽蕊木属
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