
Superregnum: Eukaryota
Regnum: Fungi
Subregnum: Rozellomyceta
Divisio: Rozellomycota
Subdivisio: Rozellomycotina
Classis: Microsporidea
Ordo: Amblyosporida
Genus: Multilamina
Species: M. teevani


Multilamina Becnel, Scheffrahn, Vossbrinck & Bahder, 2013

Type species: Multilamina teevani Becnel, Scheffrahn, Vossbrinck & Bahder, 2013


Primary references

  • Becnel JJ, Scheffrahn RH, Vossbrinck C, Bahder B. Multilamina teevani gen. et sp. nov., a microsporidian pathogen of the neotropical termite Uncitermes teevani. Journal of invertebrate pathology. 2013 Sep 1;114(1):100-5. DOI: 10.1016/j.jip.2013.06.006
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