Nikita Valentovich Kucheruck (May 26, 1949 – December 23, 2012), Russian biologist, zoologist.

Taxon names authored

(List may be incomplete)

  • 3 taxon names authored by Nikita Valentovich Kucheruck


(List may be incomplete)


  • Kucheruck, N.V. 1976. [Polychaeta Annelida of family Ampharetidae from deep-water part of Alaska Bay]. Trudy Instituta Okeanologii AN SSSR. 99: 91–101. (in Russian, with English summary)


  • Kucheruck, N.V. 1977. [On the specific composition and distribution of the deep-sea genus Paraonuphis (Polychaeta, Eunicidae)]. Trudy Instituta Okeanologia Akademia nauk SSSR. 108: 44–51. (in Russian)


  • Kucheruck, N.V. 1978. [Deep-water Onuphidae (Polychaeta) from the collections of the 16th Cruise of the R/V Dmitry Mendeleev (to the generic classification of the family Onuphidae)]. Trudy Instituta Okeanologia Akademia nauk SSSR. 113: 88-106 (In Russian) Reference page. 


  • Kucheruck, N.V. 1979. [A new genus and species of polychaetes (Onuphidae)]. Zoologicheskii zhurnal. 58: 1585–1587 (in Russian). Reference page. 
  • Kucheruck, N.V. 1979. A new species of the genus Rhamphobrachuim (Polychaeta, Onuphidae). Zoologicheskii Zhurna. 58: 119-121.


  • Kucheruck, N.V. 1981. [On the regularities of the geogra-phycal distribution of the abyssal polychaetous anne-lids of the east coast of the Pacific Ocean]. Trudy Instituta Okeanologii AN SSSR. 115: 37–52. (in Russian, with English summary)


  • Kucheruck, N.V. 1999. Sublittoral bottom fauna of the Californian upwelling zone. Okeanologiya. 39(1): 98-104
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