
Taxonavigation: Malpighiales 
Classification System: APG IV

Superregnum: Eukaryota
Regnum: Plantae
Cladus: Angiosperms
Cladus: Eudicots
Cladus: Core eudicots
Cladus: Rosids
Cladus: Eurosids I
Ordo: Malpighiales

Familia: Phyllanthaceae
Subfamilia: Phyllanthoideae
Tribus: Phyllantheae
Genera: Breynia Flueggea Glochidion Heterosavia Lingelsheimia Margaritaria Phyllanthus Plagiocladus Sauropus Synostemon


Phyllantheae Dumort., Anal. Fam. Pl. 45. (1829)

  • Type genus: Phyllanthus L., Sp. Pl. 2: 981, (1753)

Note: Circumscription largely follows Van Welzen et al. (2014) not Hoffman et al. (2006), but full dismantling of Phyllanthus s.l. has yet to be made (Bouman et al. 2021).


  • Dumortier, B.C.J 1829. Analyse des Familles des Plantes 45.
  • Bouman, R.W., Kessler, P.J., Telford, I.R., Bruhl, J.J., Strijk, J.S., Saunders, R.M. & van Welzen, P.C. 2021. Molecular phylogenetics of Phyllanthus sensu lato (Phyllanthaceae): Towards coherent monophyletic taxa. Taxon 70(1): 72-98. DOI: 10.1002/tax.12424 Open access Reference page. 
  • Hoffmann, P., Kathriarachchi, H. & Wurdack, K.J. 2006. A phylogenetic classification of Phyllanthaceae (Malpighiales; Euphorbiaceae sensu lato). Kew Bulletin 61(1): 37–53. JSTOR ResearchGate Reference page. 
  • Hoffmann, P. 2008. Revision of Heterosavia, stat. nov., with notes on Gonatogyne and Savia (Phyllanthaceae). Brittonia 60(2): 136-166. DOI: 10.1007/s12228-008-9012-5 Paywall Reference page. 
  • Van Welzen, P.C., Pruesapan, K., Telford, I.R.H., Esser, H.J. & Bruhl, J.J. 2014. Phylogenetic reconstruction prompts taxonomic changes in Sauropus, Synostemon and Breynia (Phyllanthaceae tribe Phyllantheae). Blumea-Biodiversity, Evolution and Biogeography of Plants 59(2): 77-94. DOI: 10.3767/000651914X684484 Open access Reference page. 
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