
Superregnum: Eukaryota
Regnum: Fungi
Subregnum: Blastocladiomyceta
Divisio: Blastocladiomycota
Subdivisio: Blastocladiomycotina
Classis: Blastocladiomycetes
Ordo: Callimastigales
Genus: Polycaryaceae
Genus: Polycaryum
Species: P. branchipodianum P. laeve


Polycaryum Stempell, Tagebl. V Int. Zool.-Congr. Berlin Beil. 4: 4. 14 Sep 1901 (‘Polycarpum’), nom. & orth. cons.

Types species: Polycaryum branchipodianum Stempell, Tagebl. V Int. Zool.-Congr. Berlin Beil. 4: 4. 14 Sep 1901 (‘branchipianum’), nom. & orth. cons.

Notice: Stempell (in Verhandl. V Int. Zool.-Congr. Berlin: 685. 23 Aug 1902) claimed that, in the report of the V International Zoological Congress, “Ich nannte dasselbe Polycaryum branchipianum n. g., n. sp.” yet in both the Congress reports (Stempell, 1901, 1902) the generic name appeared as “Polycarpum”. This could just be a typographical error (but, if so, one might expect it to have been corrected in the later published Verhandlungen of Zoological Congress, but it was not), but Stempell (1901) observed numerous nuclei in the young protoplasm of the body of the microorganism, and this characteristic feature apparently provided him with the basis for the generic name “Polycarpum” from the Greek stem karpos, resulted in the somewhat imprecise and misleading meaning as “many-fruited” instead of the desired “many nucleate” that would be derived from another Greek stem caryon (nut or nucleus). Stempell possibly mixed up two different Greek stems and later (1902: 591) corrected, without comment, the spelling of the generic name to “Polycaryum”. The resultant change may not be corrected as a typographical or orthographical error, and therefore, the generic name was officially proposed as conserved with that spelling.


  • Doweld, A.B. 2014. (2274–2275) Proposals to conserve the names Polycaryum and Polycaryum branchipodianum with those spellings (Fungi: Blastocladiomycota). Taxon 63(2): 429. DOI: 10.12705/632.23 Reference page. 
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