Porella platyphylla


Classification System: Söderström et al., 2016 (down to genus level) Superregnum: Eukaryota
Regnum: Plantae
Divisio: Marchantiophyta
Classis: Jungermanniopsida
Subclassis: Jungermanniidae
Ordo: Porellales
Subordines: JubulineaePorellineaeRadulineae
Familiae: Frullaniaceae  Goebeliellaceae  Jubulaceae  Lejeuneaceae  Lepidolaenaceae  Porellaceae  Radulaceae


Porellales Schljakov, Bot. Zhurn. (Moscow & Leningrad) 57(4): 505. 1972


  • Radulales Haeckel, Syst. Phyl. Protisten Pfl. 1: 341. 1894 (“Radulinae”).
    • Radulales Crand.-Stotl. et Stotler in A.J.Shaw et Goffinet, Bryoph. Biol. 63, 65. 2000, isonym.
  • Jubulales Zodda, Fl. Ital. Crypt., Hepat. 279. 1934


Primary references

  • Schljakov, R.N. 1972. О высших таксонах печеночников — класса Hepaticae s. str. (On the higher taxa of liverworts — class Hepaticae s. str.). Botanicheskii Zhurnal (Moscow & Leningrad) 57(4): 496–508. (Russian) DJVU Reference page. 
  • Crandall-Stotler, B.J. & Stotler, R.E. 2000. Morphology and classification of the Marchantiophyta. Pages 21–70 in A. Jonathan Shaw & Bernard Goffinet (eds.), Bryophyte Biology. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press). ISBN 0-521-66097-1.
  • Zodda, G. (1934) Flora Italica Cryptogama, Pars IV: Bryophyta. Hepaticae.

Additional references

Vernacular names

中文: 光萼苔目
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