
Taxonavigation: Ranunculales 
Classification System: APG IV

Superregnum: Eukaryota
Regnum: Plantae
Cladus: Angiosperms
Cladus: Eudicots
Ordo: Ranunculales

Familia: Ranunculaceae
Subfamilia: Ranunculoideae
Tribus: Actaeeae Adonideae Anemoneae Asteropyreae Callianthemeae Caltheae Cimicifugeae Delphinieae Helleboreae Nigelleae Ranunculeae


Ranunculoideae Arn. Botany [Arnott] 94 (1832)


  • Heterotypic
    • Aconitoideae Raf., Anal. Nat.: 176. (1815)
    • Anemonoideae Raf., Anal. Nat.: 177. (1815)
    • Clematidoideae Raf., Anal. Nat.: 177. (1815)
    • Cimicifugoideae Arn., Encycl. Brit., ed. 7 5: 95. (1832)
    • Helleboroideae (DC.) Beilschm., Flora (Bieb.) 16(2): 77, 107. (1833)
    • Delphinioideae Th. Fr., Lärob. Syst. Bot.: 140. (1891)


  • Arnott, G.A.W. 1832. Botany. Edinburgh 94. Extracted from Encyclopaedia Britannica, edition 7 ; vol. 5: 94 (1842)
  • Cossard, G., Sannier, J., Sauquet, H., Damerval, C., Ronse Decraene, L., Jabbour, F. & Nadot, S. 2016. Subfamilial and tribal relationships of Ranunculaceae: evidence from eight molecular markers. Plant Systematics and Evolution 302(4): 419–431. DOI: 10.1007/s00606-015-1270-6 Paywall ResearchGate Reference page. 
  • Wang, W., Li, R.Q. and Chen, Z.D. 2005. Systematic position of Asteropyrum (Ranunculaceae) inferred from chloroplast and nuclear sequences. Plant Systematics and Evolution 255(1-2): 41–54. DOI: 10.1007/s00606-005-0339-z
  • Zhao, L., Wang, W., Ren, Y. and Bachelier, J.B. 2012. Floral development in Asteropyrum (Ranunculaceae): implications for its systematic position. Annales Botanici Fennici Vol. 49(2): 31–42. Full text PDF

Vernacular names

العربية: حوذاناوات
한국어: 미나리아재비아과
русский: Лютиковые
українська: Жовтецеві
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