Rosa × centifolia


Taxonavigation: Rosales 
Classification System: APG IV

Superregnum: Eukaryota
Regnum: Plantae
Cladus: Angiosperms
Cladus: Eudicots
Cladus: Core eudicots
Cladus: Rosids
Cladus: Eurosids I
Ordo: Rosales

Familia: Rosaceae
Subfamilia: Rosoideae
Tribus: Roseae
Genus: Rosa
Nothospecies: Rosa × centifolia


Rosa × centifolia L. (1753)


  • Homotypic
    • Rosa gallica var. centifolia (L.) Regel
  • Heterotypic
    • Rosa centifolia [unranked] albomuscosa E.Willm., Rosa 2(18): 349, t (1912).
    • Rosa centifolia [unranked] anemonoides Thory, Prodr. monogr. Rosier: 76 (1820).
    • Rosa centifolia [unranked] apetala Thory in Redouté & Thory, Roses 1: 78. 1818.
    • Rosa centifolia [unranked] belgica Poir., Encycl. 6(1): 276 (1804).
    • Rosa centifolia [unranked] bipinnata Pers., Syn. pl. 2(1): 48 (1806).
    • Rosa centifolia [unranked] bipinnata Thory in Redouté & Thory, Roses 2: 11. 1819, nom. illeg. non Pers. (1806).
    • Rosa centifolia [unranked] bullata Thory in Redouté & Thory, Roses 1: 37. 1817.
    • Rosa centifolia [unranked] carnea Dum.Cours., Bot. cult., ed.2, 5: 477 (1811).
    • Rosa centifolia [unranked] caryophyllea Poir.
    • Rosa centifolia [unranked] crenata Dum.Cours.
    • Rosa centifolia [unranked] foliacea Thory in Redouté & Thory
    • Rosa centifolia [unranked] grandidentata Thory in Redouté & Thory
    • Rosa centifolia [unranked] holosericea hort. ex Andrews
    • Rosa centifolia [unranked] kingtoniana Dum.Cours.
    • Rosa centifolia [unranked] minor Dum.Cours.
    • Rosa centifolia [unranked] minor Rössig
    • Rosa centifolia [unranked] multiplex-rubra Ser., Mélanges Bot. 1(1): 22 (1818) BHL.
    • Rosa centifolia [unranked] muscosacristata Hook., Bot. Mag. 63: t.3475 (1836)
    • Rosa centifolia [unranked] nivea Loisel.
    • Rosa centifolia [unranked] plicata Rössig
    • Rosa centifolia pomponia-major Ser., Ser., Mélanges Bot. 1(1): 24 (1818) BHL.
    • Rosa centifolia [unranked] prolifera Thory in Redouté & Thory
    • Rosa centifolia [unranked] purpurea hort. ex Andrews
    • Rosa centifolia [unranked] unguiculata Desf.
    • Rosa centifolia [unranked] unica Dum.Cours.
    • Rosa centifolia f. albomuscosa (Willmott) Rehder., Bibl. cult. trees: 299 (1949).
    • Rosa centifolia f. andrewsii Rehder., J. Arnold Arbor. 26(4): 474 (1945).
    • Rosa centifolia f. cristata (Prévost) Rehder., Bibl. cult. trees: 299 (1949).
    • Rosa centifolia f. muscosa (Aiton) C.K.Schneid., Ill. Handb. Laubholzk. 1: 547 (1905).
    • Rosa centifolia var. bipinnata Lindl.
    • Rosa centifolia var. cristata Prévost, Cat. ros.: 53 (1829).
    • Rosa centifolia var. floretestaceo hort. ex Andrews
    • Rosa centifolia var. kennedyana Ser.
    • Rosa centifolia var. kingston-portugal Ser.
    • Rosa centifolia var. lemeunierana Ser.
    • Rosa centifolia var. miniata Ser.
    • Rosa centifolia var. minor Prodán
    • Rosa centifolia var. muscosa (Aiton) Ser.
    • Rosa centifolia var. muscosa-multiplex Ser.
    • Rosa centifolia var. mutabilis Pers.
    • Rosa centifolia var. parvifolia (Ehrh.) Rehder.
    • Rosa centifolia var. petiolata Ser.
    • Rosa centifolia var. pomponia Lindl.
    • Rosa centifolia var. prolifera Ser.
    • Rosa centifolia var. pulchella Willd.
    • Rosa centifolia var. semiduplex (Andrews) P.V.Heath, Calyx 6(2): 70 (1999).
    • Rosa muscosa Aiton, Hort. Kew., ed. 1, 2: 207 (1789).
    • Rosa pomponia DC. in DC. & Lam., Fl. Franc., ed. 3. 4: 443 (1805).
    • Rosa provincialis var. semiduplex Andrews
    • Rosa semperflorens Desf., Tabl. École Bot. 175 (1804), nom. inval. non Curtis (1794).


  • Brumme, H. & Gladis, T. (2007) Die Wildrosen (Gattung Rosa L.) im Europa-Rosarium Sangerhausen, nach ihrer Verwandtschaft geordnet .
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