Ruggero Verity (1883–1959), Italian entomologist, also published as Roger Verity.
Taxon names authored
(List may be incomplete)
- 38 taxon names authored by Ruggero Verity
(List may be incomplete)
- Verity, R., 1911. Alcuni Lepidotteri inediti o non ancora figurati. Bollettino della Società entomologica italiana 42: 266-281. BHL. Reference page.
- Verity, R., 1913. Revision of the Linnaean Types of Palaearctic Rhopalocera. Jounrnal of the Linnaean Society of London, Zoology 32(215): 173-191. BHL. Reference page.
- Verity, R. 1919. Seasonal Polymorphism and Races of some European Grypocera and Rhopalocera. The Entomologist's Record and Journal of Variation 31: 26-31, 43–48, 121-129, 178-184, 193-201; 32: 3-8, 140-152. Reference page.
- Verity, R. & Querci, O., 1923. An annotated list of the races… Rhopalocera of Central Italy. Ent. Rec (Italy) 35(Sup): 1-20. Reference page.
- Verity, R. 1925. New races and forms of Palaearctic Grypocera. The Entomologist's record and journal of variation 37: 41–44, 54–57, 72–76. Reference page.
- Verity, R. 1926. Zygaenae, Grypocera and Rhopalocera of the Cottian Alps compared with other races. The Entomologist's Record and Journal of Variation 38: 120–126. BHL Reference page.
- Verity, R., 1927. La variation geographique dans l'Europe occidentale des Plebeius idas Linné (= argus Schiff. = argyrognomon Berg.) et insularis Leech. Le nom du lycidas est de Meigen et non de Trapp. Annales de la Société entomologique de France. 96:1-16. Web Reference page.
- Verity, R. 1928. Races paléarctiques de Grypocères et de Rhopalocères à distinguer et homonymes à remplacer [Lep.] Bulletin de la Société entomologique de France 33(8): 140–144. Online. Reference page.
- Verity, R., 1928. Distinction de quelques races de Aricia medon Hufn. et de A. cramera Ersch. Bull. Soc. ent. France. 1928(11): 179-183. Reference page.
- Verity, 1929. Notes sur les Hesperiidi Européens et liste de ceux de la Catalogne. Trabajos del Museo de Ciencias Naturales de Barcelona 11(4): 5-18.PDF. Reference page.
- Verity, R., 1931. On the geographical variations and the evolution of Lycaeides argus L. (Lycaenidae). Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift Iris. 45: 30-69. Reference page.
- Verity, R., 1931. Distinzione, nomenclatura e nuove localita italiane delle Gegenes nostrodamus f.e. pumilio Hoffm. Bollettino della Società entomologica italiana 63:106-112. Reference page.
- Verity, R., 1935. Races de Lysandra thersites Chapman et de Plebeius sephyrus Frivaldszky de l'Asie Mineure. Bulletin de la Societe Entomologique de France 45(17): 243-245. Gallica. Reference page.
- Verity, R. 1938–1939. Supplement to the "Butterfly races and Zygaenae of Macedonia". The Entomologist's Record and Journal of Variation 50(Sup): 1–16; 51(Sup): 17–20. Reference page.
- Verity, R., 1940-53. La Farfalle diurne d'Italia. Vols 1-5. 1 Gen/Hesperides; 2 Lycaenida; 3 Papilionidae, Pieridae; 4 Libytheina, Danaina, Nympalina (part); 5 Satyridae. Casa Editrice Marzocco. Reference page.
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