Sandra Knapp, 2012
Sandra Diane Knapp (born 1956), U.S. botanist, Solanaceae specialist.
IPNI standard form: S.Knapp
Taxon names authored
(List may be incomplete)
- 28 taxon names authored by Sandra Knapp
(List may be incomplete)
- Knapp, S. & Jarvis, C.E. 1990. The typification of the names of New World Solanum species described by Linnaeus. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 104(4): 325–367. DOI: 10.1111/j.1095-8339.1990.tb02227.x
. Reference page.
- Knapp, S., Persson, V. & Blackmore, S. 1997. A phylogenetic conspectus of the tribe Juanulloeae (Solanaceae). Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 84(1): 67-89. DOI: 10.2307/2399954 JSTOR BHL Reference page.
- Plowman, T.C. (†); Knapp, S. & Press, J.R. (eds.) 1998. A revision of the South American species of Brunfelsia (Solanaceae). Fieldiana: Botany, new ser., 39: I–XI, 1–135. BHL Internet Archive Reference page.
- Sastre, C., Whitefoord, C. & Knapp, S. 1999. A new species of Elvasia (Ochnaceae) from Mesoamerica with discussion of subgeneric classification and phytogeography. Novon 9: 253–256. BHL JSTOR Reference page.
- Nee, M., Bohs, L. & Knapp, S. 2006. New species of Solanum and Capsicum (Solanaceae) from Bolivia, with clarification of nomenclature in some Bolivian Solanum. Brittonia 58(4): 322–356. DOI: 10.1663/0007-196X(2006)58[322:NSOSAC]2.0.co;2
. PDF. Reference page.
- Knapp, S. 2007. Lectotypification of Cavanilles' names in Solanum (Solanaceae). Anales del Jardin Botánico de Madrid 64(2): 195–203. DOI: 10.3989/ajbm.2007.v64.i2.175
. Reference page.
- Knapp, S. 2008. Lectotypification of Ruiz and Pavón's names in Solanum (Solanaceae). Anales del Jardin Botánico de Madrid 65(2) :307–329. DOI: 10.3989/ajbm.2008.v65.i2.295
. Reference page.
- Peralta, I.E., Spooner, D.M. & Knapp, S. 2008. Taxonomy of Wild Tomatoes and Their Relatives (Solanum sect. Lycopersicoides, sect. Juglandifolia, sect. Lycopersicon; Solanaceae). Systematic Botany Monographs 84: 1–186. ISBN 978-0-912861-84-5. JSTOR
. PDF. Reference page.
- Davidse, G., Sousa Sánchez, M., Knapp, S. & Chiang Cabrera, F. (eds.) 2009. Flora Mesoamericana 4(1): Cucurbitaceae a Polemoniaceae. xvi + 855 pp. Missouri Botanical Press, St. Louis / Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, México, D.F. ISBN 978-607-02-0901-7 Reference page.
- Peña-Chocarro, M.C., Espada-Mateos, C., Vera, M., Céspedes, G. & Knapp, S. 2010. Updated checklist of vascular plants of the Mbaracayú Forest Nature Reserve (Reserva Natural del Bosque Mbaracayú), Paraguay. Phytotaxa 12: 1–224. DOI: 10.11646/PHYTOTAXA.12.1
Reference page.
- Knapp, S. 2012. Solanaceae. In Acevedo-Rodríguez, P. & Strong, M.T., Catalogue of seed plants of the West Indies. Smithsonian Contributions to Botany 98: 898–913. BHL Reference page.
- Davidse, G., Sousa Sánchez, M., Knapp, S. & Chiang Cabrera, F. (eds.) 2012. Flora Mesoamericana 4(2): Rubiaceae a Verbenaceae. XVI + 533 pp. Missouri Botanical Press, St. Louis / Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, México, D.F. ISBN 978-1-935641-08-7 Reference page.
- Barboza, G.E., Knapp, S. & Särkinen, T. 2013. Grupo VII. Moreloide. In Anton, A.M. et al. (eds.) Flora Argentina Vol. 13, Solanaceae. IOBDA-IMBIV, CONICET: Buenos Aires and Córdoba, Argentina, 231–264. ISBN 978-987-28700-3-4 (print) ISBN 978-987-28700-6-5 (electronic). JSTOR Reference page.
- Särkinen, T., Gonzáles, P. & Knapp, S. 2013. Distribution models and species discovery: the story of a new Solanum species from the Peruvian Andes. PhytoKeys 31: 1–20. DOI: 10.3897/phytokeys.31.6312 Reference page.
- Särkinen, T., Gonzáles, P. & Knapp, S. 2015. Four new non-spiny Solanum (Solanaceae) species from South America. PhytoKeys 44: 39–64. DOI: 10.3897/phytokeys.44.8693 Reference page.
- Wiersema, J.H., McNeill, J., Turland, N.J., Barrie, F.R., Buck, W.R., Demoulin, V., Greuter, W., Hawksworth, D.L., Herendeen, P.S., Knapp, S.D., Marhold, K., Prado, J., Prud'homme van Reine, W.F. & Smith, G.F. 2015. International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants (Melbourne Code) adopted by the Eighteenth International Botanical Congress Melbourne, Australia, July 2011 – Appendices II–VIII. Regnum Vegetabile 157: xix, 492 pp. Königstein: Koeltz, ISBN 978-3-87429-480-5 Internet version. Reference page.
- Clark, J.L., Nee, M., Bohs, L. & Knapp, S. 2015. A Revision of Solanum Section Aculeigerum (the Solanum wendlandii Group, Solanaceae). Systematic Botany 40(4): 1102–1136. DOI: 10.1600/036364415X690148 Reference page.
- Knapp, S., Sagona, E., Carbonell, A.K.Z. & Chiarini, F.E. 2017. A revision of the Solanum elaeagnifolium clade (Elaeagnifolium clade; subgenus Leptostemonum, Solanaceae). PhytoKeys 84: 1–104. DOI: 10.3897/phytokeys.84.12695
. Reference page.
- Särkinen, T., Poczai, P., Barboza, G.E., van der Weerden, G.M., Baden, M. & Knapp, S. 2018. A revision of the Old World Black Nightshades (Morelloid clade of Solanum L., Solanaceae). PhytoKeys 106: 1–223. DOI: 10.3897/phytokeys.106.21991 Reference page.
- Gouvêa, Y.F., Stehmann, J.R. & Knapp, S. 2019. Solanum medusae (Solanaceae), a new wolf-fruit from Brazil, and a key to the extra-Amazonian Brazilian Androceras/Crinitum Clade species. PhytoKeys 118: 17, f. 1A–E, 2A–G, 3A–G. DOI: 10.3897/phytokeys.118.31598 Reference page.
- Knapp, S., Barboza, G.E., Bohs, L. & Särkinen, T. 2019. A revision of the Morelloid Clade of Solanum L. (Solanaceae) in North and Central America and the Caribbean. PhytoKeys 123:1–144. DOI: 10.3897/phytokeys.123.31738
. Reference page.
- Rodrigues, I.M.C., Knapp, S. & Stehmann, J.R. 2019. The nomenclatural re‐establishment of Athenaea Sendtn. (Solanaceae) with a nomenclatural synopsis of the genus. Taxon 68(4): 839-846. DOI: 10.1002/tax.12089
Reference page.
- Orejuela, A., Villanueva, B., Orozco, C.I., Knapp, S. & Särkinen, T. 2022. Monograph of Doselia (Solanaceae), a new hemiepiphytic genus endemic to the northern Andes. PhytoKeys 202: 73–96. DOI: 10.3897/phytokeys.202.82101 Reference page.
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