Taxonavigation: Coniocybales |
Superregnum: Eukaryota |
Familia: Coniocybaceae
Genus: Sclerophora
Species: Sclerophora pallida
Sclerophora pallida (Pers.) Y.J. Yao & Spooner, 1999
- Basionym
- Calicium pallidum Pers., 1794
- Species Fungorum current name for Chaenotheca coniophaea is Sclerophora pallida.
List of synonyms
- Calicium pallidum Pers., Ann. Bot. (Usteri) 7: 20 (1794)
- Chaenotheca coniophaea (Norman) Tibell, Beih. Nova Hedwigia 79: 664 (1984)
- Chaenotheca pallida (Pers.) Stizenb., Ber. Tät. St Gall. naturw. Ges.: 157 (1862) [1861-62]
- Coniocybe coniophaea Norman, Kgl. norske vidensk. Selsk. Skr. 5: 362 (1868)
- Coniocybe nivea (Hoffm.) Arnold, Flora, Jena 68: 59 (1885)
- Coniocybe nivea var. coniophaea (Norman) Keissl., Rabenh. Krypt.-Fl., Edn 2 (Leipzig) 9.1(2): 697 (1938)
- Coniocybe pallida (Pers.) Fr., Sched. critic.: no. 3 (1824)
- Coniocybe pallida var. coniophaea (Norman) Oxner, Flora Lishaĭnikiv Ukraïni (Kiev) 1: 324 (1956)
- Embolus pallidus (Pers.) Wallr., Fl. crypt. Germ. (Norimbergae) 1: 564 (1831)
- Fulgia pallida (Pers.) Trevis., Flora, Jena 45: 6 (1862)
- Pilacre pallida (Pers.) Boud., (1907)
- Pseudoconiocybe pallida (Pers.) Marchal, Énumération méthodique et raisonnée des familles et des genres de la classe des Mycophytes (Champignons & Lichens): 158 (1896)
- Roesleria coniophaea (Norman) H. Magn., Förteckning över Skandinaviens Växter 4(Lavar): 14 (1936)
- Roesleria pallida (Pers.) Sacc., Syll. fung. (Abellini) 8: 826 (1889)
- Sclerophora coniophaea (Norman) Mattsson & Middelb., in Middelborg & Mattsson, Sommerfeltia 5: 61 (1987)
- Sclerophora nivea Tibell, Beih. Nova Hedwigia 79: 679 (1984)
- Stemonitis nivea (Hoffm.) J.F. Gmel., Systema Naturae 2(2): 1467 (1791)
- Trichia nivea Hoffm., Veg. Crypt. 2: 14, pl. 4, fig. 1 (1790)
Primary references
- Y.J. Yao & Spooner, Kew Bull. 54(3): 688 (1999)
- Yao, Y-J/ Spooner, BM (1999) Roesleriaceae, a new family of Ascomycota, and a new species of Roeslerina. - Kew Bulletin 54(3): 683–693. [RLL List # 182 / Rec.# 21757] - (Recent Literature on Lichens)
Secondary reference
- Selva, S.B. 2014: The calicioid lichens and fungi of the Acadian Forest ecoregion of northeastern North America, II. The rest of the story. The Bryologist 117(4): 336–367. (BioOne) (Sclerophora nivea: p. 361) (Current name: Sclerophora pallida)
Links to photos
- The Lichen Herbarium, Natural History Museum, University of Oslo, Norway (Photo Gallery) - Sclerophora pallida
- Lichen Gallery of Leif & Anita Stridvall - Sclerophora pallida
Vernacular names
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