Showe-Mei Lin (born 1968), phycologist.
IPNI standard form: Showe M.Lin
Institute of Marine Biology/Center of Excellence for Marine Bioenvironment and Biotechnology, National Taiwan Ocean University, Keelung 20224, Taiwan, Republic of China.
Taxon names authored
(List may be incomplete)
- 67 taxon names authored by Showe-Mei Lin
(List may be incomplete)
- Lin, S.-M. & Kraft, G.T. 1999. Schizoseris tasmanica sp. nov. (Delesseriaceae, Ceramiales), a first record of the genus for the Australian marine flora. Phycologia 38: 128–137, 39 figs. Reference page.
- Lin, S.-M., Fredericq, S. & Liao, L.M. 2001. Neotypification and taxonomic status of Opephyllum martensii Schmitz in Schmitz et Hauptfleisch (Delesseriaceae, Rhodophyta) from Zamboanga, Southern Phillippines. Botanica Marina 44: 589-595. DOI: 10.1515/BOT.2001.065
- Lin, S.-M. 2002. Some marine red algae (Rhodophyta) new to Taiwan, including Schizoseris bombayensis (Boergesen) comb. nov. Philippine Scientist 39: 36–47. Reference page.
- Lin, S.-M., Lewis, J.E. & Fredericq, S. 2002. Drachiella liaoii sp. nov., a new member of the Schizoserideae (Delesseriaceae, Rhodophyta) from Taiwan and the Philippines. European Journal of Phycology 37: 93–102. Reference page.
- Lin, S.-M., Fredericq, S. & Hommersand, M.H. 2004. Augophyllum, a new genus of the Delesseriaceae (Rhodophyta) based on rbcL sequence analysis and cystocarp development. Journal of Phycology 40: 962–976, 7 figs, 1 table. Reference page.
- Lin, S.-M., Hommersand, M.H. & Fredericq, S. 2004. Two new species of Martensia (Delesseriaceae, Rhodophyta) from Kenting National Park, southern Taiwan. Phycologia 43: 13-25.
- Hau, L.N. & Lin, S.-M. 2006. Gracilariopsis nhatrangensis (Gracilariaceae, Rhodophyta), a new marine red alga from Nhatrang, southern Vietnam. Botanical Studies, Institute of Plant and Microbial Biology, Academia Sinica and Research Center for Biodiversity, Academia Sinica 47: 329–337.: 331, figs 1–3 PDF
- Lin, S.-M., Hommersand, M.H. & Nelson, W.A. 2007. An assessment of Haraldiophyllum (Delesseriaceae, Rhodophyta), including H. crispatum (J.D. Hooker et Harvey) comb. nov. from New Zealand based on rbcL and LSU sequence analysis and morphological evidence. European Journal of Phycology 42(4): 391-408.
- Lin, S.-M. 2008. Morphological and phylogenetic studies of Gracilariopsis chiangii, new species (Gracilariaceae, Rhodophyta), an alga presently known as Gracilaria chorda in Taiwan. The Raffles Bulletin of Zoology Supplement No. 19: 19–26.
- Lin, S.-M. & Freshwater, D.W. 2008. The red algal genus Gelidiella (Gelidiales, Rhodophyta) from Taiwan, including Gelidiella fanii sp. nov. Phycologia 47: 168–176. Reference page.
- Lin, S.-M., Hommersand, M.H., Fredericq, S. & de Clerck, O. 2009. Characterization of Martensia (Delesseriaceae, Rhodophyta) based on a morphological and molecular study of the type species, M. elegans, and M. natalensis sp. nov. from South Africa. Journal of Phycology 45(3): 678-691, 8 figs.
- Lin, S-M.; Nelson, W.A. 2010. Systematic revision of the genus Phycodrys (Delesseriaceae, Rhodophyta) from New Zealand, with the descriptions of three new species, P. novae-zelandiae sp. nov., P. franiae sp. nov. and P. adamsiae sp. nov. European journal of phycology 45(2): 200–214. DOI: 10.1080/09670260903540847 Reference page.
- Lin, S.-M., Yang, S.-Y. & Huisman, J.M. 2011. Systematic revision of the genera Liagora and Izziella (Liagoraceae, Rhodophyta) from Taiwan based on molecular analyses and carposporophyte development, with the description of two new species. Journal of Phycology 47(2): 352–365. Reference page.
- Lin, S.-M., Yang, S.-Y. & Huisman, J.M. 2011. Systematics of Liagora with diffuse gonimoblasts based on rbcL sequences and carposporophyte development, including the description of the new genera Neoizziella and Macrocarpus (Liagoraceae, Rhodophyta). European Journal of Phycology 46(3): 249–262. DOI: 10.1080/09670262.2011.592221 Reference page.
- Rodriguez-Prieto, C., Lin, S.-M., Nelson, W.A. & Hommersand, M.H. 2011. Developmental morphology of Sarcodia montagneana and S. grandifolia from New Zealand and a phylogeny of Sarcodia (Sarcodiaceae, Rhodophyta) based on rbcL sequence analysis. European Journal of Phycology 46(2): 153–170. DOI: 10.1080/09670262.2011.580198 Reference page.
- Lin, S.-M., Fredericq, S. & Hommersand, M.H. 2012. Molecular phylogeny and developmental studies of Apoglossum and Paraglossum (Delesseriaceae, Rhodophyta) with a description of Apoglosseae trib. nov. European Journal of Phycology 47(4): 366–383. Reference page.
- Lin, S.-M., Nelson, W.A. & Hommersand, M.H. 2012. Hymenenopsis heterophylla gen. et sp. nov. (Delesseriaceae, Rhodophyta) from New Zealand, based on a red alga previously known as Hymenena palmata f. marginata sensu Kylin, with emphasis on its cystocarp development. Phycologia, 51(1): 62–73. DOI: 10.2216/11-38.1
. Reference page.
- Rodriguez-Prieto, C., Sartoni, G., Lin, S.-M. & Hommersand, M.H. 2013. Comparative morphology and systematics of Chondrymenia lobata from the Mediterranean Sea and a phylogeny of the Chondrymeniaceae fam. nov. (Rhodophyta) based on rbcL sequence analyses. European Journal of Phycology 48(2): 188-199. DOI: 10.1080/09670262.2013.789931
- Lin, S.-M., Yang, W.-C., Huisman, J., De Clerck, O. & Lee, W.J. 2013. Molecular phylogeny of the widespread Martensia fragilis complex (Delesseriaceae, Rhodophyta) from the Indo-Pacific region reveals three new species of Martensia from Taiwan. European Journal of Phycology 48(2): 173–187. DOI: 10.1080/09670262.2013.786791
. Reference page.
- Lin, S.-M., Huisman, J.M. & Payri, C. 2013. Characterization of Liagora ceranoides (Liagoraceae, Rhodophyta) on the basis of rbcL sequence analyses and carposporophyte development, including Yoshizakia indopacifica gen. et sp. nov. from the Indo-Pacific region. Phycologia 52(2): 161–170. DOI: 10.2216/12-101.1 Reference page.
- Liu, S.-L., Lin, S.M. & Wang, W.-L. 2013. Molecular phylogeny of the genus Dichotomaria (Galauxauraceae, Rhodophyta) from the Indo-Pacific region, including a new species D. hommersandii from South Africa. European Journal of Phycology 48(2): 221-234. DOI: 10.1080/09670262.2013.797110
- Lin, S.-M., Huisman, J.M. & Ballantine, D.L. 2014. Revisiting the systematics of Ganonema (Liagoraceae, Rhodophyta) with emphasis on species from the northwest Pacific Ocean. Phycologia 53(1): 37–51. Reference page.
- Lin, S.-M., Rodríguez-Prieto, C., Huisman, J.M., Guiry, M.D., Payri, C., Nelson, W.A. & Liu, S.-L. 2015. A phylogenetic re-appraisal of the family Liagoraceae sensu lato (Nemaliales, Rhodophyta) based on sequence analyses of two plastid genes and post-fertilization development. Journal of Phycology 51(3): 546–559. DOI: 10.1111/jpy.12301 Reference page.
- Tan, P.-L., Lim, P.-E., Lin, S.-M., Phang, S.-M., Draisma, S.G.A. & Liao, L.M. 2015. Foliose Halymenia species (Halymeniaceae, Rhodophyta) from Southeast Asia, including a new species, Halymenia malaysiana sp. nov.. Botanica Marina 58(3): 203–217. Reference page.
- D'Archino, R., Lin, S.-M., Gabrielson, P.W. & Zuccarello, G.C. 2016. Why one species in New Zealand, Pugetia delicatissima (Kallymeniaceae, Rhodophyta), should become two new genera, Judithia gen. nov. and Wendya gen. nov. European Journal of Phycology 51(1): 83–98. DOI: 10.1080/09670262.2015.1104557 Reference page.
- Lin, S.-M. & Hommersand, M.H. 2016. Developmental morphology and phylogeny of Paraglossum amsleri sp. nov. (Delesseriaceae, Rhodophyta), a species from Antarctica previously known as Delesseria lancifolia. Phycologia 55(1): 21–32. Reference page.
- Rodríguez-Prieto, C., De Clerck, O., Kitayama, T. & Lin, S.-M. 2016 '2017'. Systematic revision of the widespread species Sarcodia ceylanica (Sarcodiaceae, Rhodophyta) in the Indo-Pacific Oceans, including S. sulae sp. nov. Phycologia 56(1): 63–76, 42 fig., 1 table. DOI: 10.2216/16-31 Reference page.
- Suzuki, M. & Lin, S.-M. 2017. Systematic revision of the genus Reinboldiella (Ceramiaceae, Rhodophyta) from Taiwan based on comparative morphology and rbcL sequence analyses, including two new species of Reinboldiella. European Journal of Phycology 52(3): 292-302. DOI: 10.1080/09670262.2017.1283542
- Kamiya, M., Lindstrom, S.C., Nakayama, T., Yokoyama, A., Lin, S.-M., Guiry, M.D., Gurgel, F.D.G., Huisman, J.M., Kitayama, T., Suzuki, M., Cho, T.O. & Frey, W. 2017. Rhodophyta. In: Syllabus of Plant Families, 13th ed. Part 2/2: Photoautotrophic eukaryotic Algae. (Frey, W. Eds), pp. [i]–xii, [1]–171. Stuttgart: Borntraeger Science Publishers. ISBN 978-3-443-01094-2. Reference page.
- Huisman, J.M., Boo, G.H., Boo, S.M. & Lin, S.-M. 2018. Galaxauraceae. In: Algae of Australia. Marine benthic algae of north-western Australia. 2. Red algae. (Huisman, J.M. Ed.), pp. 30–48. Canberra & Melbourne: ABRS & CSIRO Publishing. Reference page.
- Huisman, J.M. & Lin, S.-M. 2018. Liagoraceae. In: Algae of Australia. Marine benthic algae of north-western Australia. 2. Red algae. (Huisman, J.M. Ed.), pp. 49–76. Canberra & Melbourne: ABRS & CSIRO Publishing. Reference page.
- Tan, P.-L., Lim, P.-E., Lin, S.-M. & Phang, S.-M. 2018. Halymenia johorensis sp. nov. (Halymeniaceae, Rhodophyta), a new foliose red algal species from Malaysia. Journal of Applied Phycology 30(1): 187–195. DOI: 10.1007/s10811-017-1104-8 Reference page.
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