
Taxonavigation: Gentianales 
Classification System: APG IV

Superregnum: Eukaryota
Regnum: Plantae
Cladus: Angiosperms
Cladus: Eudicots
Cladus: Core eudicots
Cladus: Asterids
Cladus: Lamiids
Ordo: Gentianales

Familia: Gentianaceae
Tribus: Gentianeae
Subtribus: Swertiinae
Genera: Bartonia Comastoma Frasera Gentianella Gentianopsis Halenia Jaeschkea Latouchea Lomatogoniopsis Lomatogonium Megacodon Obolaria Pterygocalyx Swertia Sinoswertia Veratrilla


Swertiinae (Griseb.) Rchb., Handb. Nat. Pflanz. 210. (1837)

  • Type genus: Swertia L. Sp. Pl. 1: 226. (1753)


Primary references

  • Reichenbach, H.G.L. 1837. Handbuch des natürlichen Pflanzensystems nach allen seinen Classen, Ordnungen und Familien. Dresden: Arnold. BHL Reference page. : 210.

Additional references

  • He, T., Liu, S. & Liu, J. 2013. A new Qinghai-Tibet Plateau endemic genus Sinoswertia and its pollination mode. Plant Diversity and Resources 35(3): 393-400. DOI: 10.7677/ynzwyj201313042 PDF Reference page. 
  • Struwe, L., Kadereit, J.W., Klackenberg, J., Nilsson, S., Thiv, M., Hagen, K.V. & Albert, V.A. 2002. Systematics, character evolution and biogeography of Gentianaceae, including a new tribal and subtribal classification. 21-309. In: Struwe, L. & Albert, V.A. (eds.), Gentianaceae: Systematics and Natural History, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. DOI: 10.1017/CBO9780511541865.003 Reference page. 
  • Struwe, L. 2014. Classification and evolution of the family Gentianaceae. Pp. 13-35. In: Rybczynski, J.J., Davey, M.R., & Mikula, A. (eds), The Gentianaceae Volume 1: Characterization and Ecology. Springer, Heidelberg. Full text PDF Reference page. 

Vernacular names

русский: Сверциевые
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