Syed Afaq-Husain (fl. 1970), Pakistani phycologist and botanist.

IPNI standard form: S.A.Husain

Taxon names authored

(List may be incomplete)

  • 4 taxon names authored by Syed Afaq-Husain


(List may be incomplete)

  • Afaq-Husain, S. & Shameel, M. 1991. The structure and reproduction of a new species Helminthocladia nizamuddinii (Nemaliales-Rhodophyta) from the coast of Pakistan. Botanica Marina 34: 81–89, 31 figs.
  • Afaq-Husain, S., Nizamuddin, M. & Shameel, M. 1991. The structure and reproduction of a new taxon Dermonema abbottiae (Nemaliales-Rhodophyta) from the coast of Pakistan. Pakistan Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research 34: 75–82, 39 figs, 1 table.
  • Afaq-Husain, S. 1996. A new red alga Scinaia shameelii (Galaxauraceae, Bonnemaisoniales) from Pakistan. Candollea 51(2): 445–459, 30 figs, 1 table. PDF Reference page. 
  • Afaq-Husain, S. & Shameel, M. 1998. Validity of Scinaia saifullahii (Florideophyceae). Pakistan Journal of Botany 30(2): 301–303, 4 figs. Reference page. 


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