
Taxonavigation: Graphidales 

Superregnum: Eukaryota
Regnum: Fungi
Subregnum: Dikarya
Divisio: Ascomycota
Subdivisio: Pezizomycotina
Classis: Lecanoromycetes
Subclassis: Ostropomycetidae
Ordo: Graphidales

Familia: Thelotremataceae
Genus: Thelotrema
Species: Thelotrema petractoides


Thelotrema petractoides P.M.Jørg. & Brodo, 1995

Typification Details: Holotype BM, James, 1966

Host-Substratum/Locality: On smooth-barked trees: Great Britain

Homotypic synonyms

  • Ocellularia subtilis (Tuck.) Riddle, in Britton & Millspaugh, The Bahama Flora (New York): 544 (1920)
  • Ocellularia subtilis sensu auct., non (Tuck.) Riddle; fide Checklist of Lichens of Great Britain and Ireland (2002)
  • Thelotrema subtile Tuck., Amer. J. Sci. Arts 25: 426 (1858)
  • Thelotrema subtile sensu auct. brit., non Tuck.; fide Checklist of Lichens of Great Britain and Ireland (2002)



  • Purvis, Jørgensen & James, Biblthca Lichenol. 58: 352 (1995)
  • Purvis, O.W.; Jørgensen, P-M. and James, P.W. (1995) The lichen genus Thelotrema Ach. in Europe. - In: Farkas, E.E.; Lücking, R. and Wirth, V. (eds.): Scripta Lichenologica - Lichenological Papers Dedicated to Antonín Vezda. Bibliotheca Lichenologica, J. Cramer, Berlin, Stuttgart, pp. 335-360.   **[RLL List # 161 / Rec.# 15115] - (Recent Literature on Lichens)** (Band 58)


  • Dobson, F.S. (2000) (Fourth edition) Thelotrema (pp. 378-379) In, Lichens: An illustrated guide to the British and Irish species. The Richmond Publishing Co., Ltd., Slough, England, 431 pp.   **[RLL List # 184 / Rec.# 22402] - (Recent Literature on Lichens)** (Description of T. petractoides and diagram of apothecium: p. 379)

Vernacular names

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