
Taxonavigation: Tilopteridales 

Superregnum: Eukaryota
Regnum: Chromista
Subregnum: Harosa
Infraregnum: Heterokonta
Phylum: Ochrophyta
Subphylum: Phaeista
Infraphylum: Limnista
Superclassis: Fucistia
Classis: Phaeophyceae
Subclassis: Fucophycidae
Ordo: Tilopteridales

Familia: Tilopteridaceae

Genera: Haplospora  Tilopteris

Names in synonymy: Krobylopteris  Scaphospora


Tilopteridaceae Bek., Kurs Bot. 1: 312. 1864 (“Tilopterideae”)

Type: Tilopteris Kützing


Primary references

  • Beketow, A.N. 1862–1874. Курсъ ботаники [Course of Botany]. St.-Petersburg: v tipografii V. Bezobrazova i Kompanii, 1: 1–44 [27 Dec 1862 (14 Dec 1862, Old Style)], 45–94, xi–xvii [14 (2, Old Style) Mai 1863], 94–138 [2 Jan 1864 (21 Dec 1863, Old Style ‘1863’)], 139–218, xii–xvii, xxvii–xxxiii [11 Mai (30 Apr 1864, Old Style) 1864], 219–318, xvi, xxxiii–lix [1 Feb (21 Jan, Old Style) 1865 ‘1864’]; 2: 1–152, i–vii [22 (10, Old Style) Sept 1871], 153–357, viii–xxxiv [8 Mai (26 Apr, Old Style) 1874] Google Books (Volume 1) Google Books (Volume 2, Part 1) Google Books (Volume 2, Part 2) Reference page. 

Additional references

  • Kjellman, F.R. 1890. Handbok i Skandinaviens hafsalgflora. I. Fucoideae. pp. [i]–vi, 1–103, 17 figs. Stockholm: Oscar L. Lamms Förlag. BHL Reference page. : 86.
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