Volvocida Francé, 1894, orth. zool.
current status = Chlamydomonadales
Alternative classifications
Melkonian & Preisig, in Lee et al. (2000)
Melkonian, M. & Preisig, H.R. 2000. Order Volvocida. In: Lee, J.J., Leedale, G.F. & Bradbury, P. An Illustrated Guide to the Protozoa. Society of Protozoologists/Allen Press: Lawrence, Kansas, U.S.A, 2nd ed., vol. 1, p. 148-189, . See Brands, S.J. (1989-2015), .
In "protozoa", "related to multicellular groups"
- Order Volvocida Francé, 1894
- Suborder Dunaliellina
- Family Astermonadidae Péterfi & Ionescu, 1979
- Genus Asteromonas Artari, 1913
- Family Dunaliellidae Christensen, 1967
- Genus Dunaliella Teodoresco, 1904
- Family Astermonadidae Péterfi & Ionescu, 1979
- Suborder Chlamydomonadina
- Family Chlamydomonadidae Stein, 1878
- Genus Chlamydomonas Ehrenberg, 1833 [1834]
- Genus Heterochlamydomonas Cox & Deason, 1969
- Genus Chloromonas Gobi, 1899
- Genus Gloeomonas Klebs, 1888
- Genus Vitreochlamys Batko, 1970
- Genus Lobomonas Dangeard, 1898
- Genus Brachiomonas Bohlin, 1897 [1898]
- Genus Diplostauron Korshikov, 1925
- Genus Polytoma Ehrenberg, 1838
- Genus Polytomella Aragão, 1910
- Family Carteriidae Pascher, 1912
- Genus Carteria Diesing, 1866
- Genus Pseudocarteria Ettl, in Komárek & Ettl, 1958
- Family Stephanosphaeridae Korshikov, 1938
- Genus Chlorogonium Ehrenberg, 1835 [1836]
- Genus Haematococcus Flotow, 1844
- Genus Stephanosphaera Cohn, 1852
- Family Phacotidae Francé, 1894
- Genus Chlamydoblepharis Francé, 1894
- Genus Dysmorphococcus Takeda, 1916
- Genus Phacotus Perty, 1852
- Genus Pteromonas Seligo, 1887
- Family Chlamydomonadidae Stein, 1878
- Suborder Volvocina
- Family Spondylomoridae (Spondylomoraceae Korshikov, 1923) (= Chlorcoronaceae Fott, 1971)
- Genus Spondylomorum Ehrenberg, 1848
- Genus Chlorcorona Fott, 1967
- Genus Pyrobotrys Arnoldi, 1916
- Family Tetrabaenidae (Tetrabaenaceae Nozaki & Itoh, 1994)
- Genus Tetrabaena (Dujardin, 1841) Fromentel, 1874
- Family Goniidae (Goniaceae (Pascher) Pascher, 1931) (= Astrephomenaceae Pocock, 1954)
- Genus Gonium O.F. Müller, 1773
- Genus Astrephomene Pocock, 1954
- Family Volvocidae (Volvocaceae Ehrenberg, 1834)
- Genus Eudorina Ehrenberg, 1831[1832]
- Genus Pandorina Bory de Saint-Vincent, 1824
- Genus Platydorina Kofoid, 1899
- Genus Pleodorina Shaw, 1894
- Genus Volvox Linnaeus, 1758
- Genus Volvulina Playfair, 1915
- Genus Yamagishiella Nozaki, 1981
- Family Spondylomoridae (Spondylomoraceae Korshikov, 1923) (= Chlorcoronaceae Fott, 1971)
- Incertae sedis
- Genus Hafniomonas Ettl & Moestrup, 1980
- Genus Oltmannsiellopsis Chihara & Inouye, 1986
- Genus Spermatozopsis Korshikov, 1913
- "Less well-known genera"
- Genus Apiochloris Pascher, 1930
- Genus Basichlamys Skuja, 1956
- Genus Cephalomonas Higinbotham, 1942
- Genus Chlainomonas Christen, 1959
- Genus Chlamydonephris H. & O. Ettl, 1959
- Genus Chlorobrachis Korshikov, 1925
- Genus Chloronephris Pascher & Jahoda, 1928
- Genus Coccomonas Stein, 1878
- Genus Costatochloris H. & O. Ettl, 1959
- Genus Dangeardinella Pascher, 1930
- Genus Delphinomonas Iyengar, in Iyengar & Desikachary, 1976
- Genus Fortiella Pascher, 1927
- Genus Fortiellopsis Iyengar, in Iyengar & Desikachary, 1976
- Genus Furcilla Stokes, 1890
- Genus Gigantochloris Pascher, 1927
- Genus Granulochloris Pascher & Jahoda, 1928
- Genus Hemitoma Skuja, 1939
- Genus Hyaliella Pascher, 1931
- Genus Hyalobrachion Swindell, 1939
- Genus Hyalogonium Pascher, 1927
- Genus Iyengariomonas Desikachary, 1965
- Genus Jolyella Ruinen, 1938
- Genus Korschikoffia Pascher, 1927
- Genus Lundiella Sarma & Shyam, 1974
- Genus Melomonas Iyengar, in Iyengar & Desikachary, 1976
- Genus Oltmannsiella Zimmermann, 1930
- Genus Papenfussiomonas Desikachary, 1972
- Genus Pascherina Silva, 1959
- Genus Pedinopera Pascher, 1925
- Genus Pedinoperopsis Korshikov, 1938
- Genus Peterfiella Gerloff, 1940
- Genus Phyllariochloris Pascher & Jahoda, 1928
- Genus Phyllocardium Korshikov, 1927
- Genus Platella Proshkina-Lavrenko, 1945
- Genus Provasoliella Loeblich III, 1967
- Genus Pyramichlamys H. & O. Ettl, 1959
- Genus Pyramidococcus Iyengar, in Iyengar & Desikachary, 1976
- Genus Quadrichloris Fott, 1959
- Genus Raciborskiella Wislouch, 1924
- Genus Selenochloris Pascher, 1927
- Genus Sphenochloris Pascher, 1922
- Genus Spirogonium Pascher, 1927
- Genus Tetrablepharis Senn ex Wille, in Engler & Prantl, 1909
- Genus Tetrachloris Pascher & Jahoda, 1928
- Genus Tetratoma Bütschli, 1883-1887 [1884]
- Genus Thoracomonas Korshikov, 1925
- Genus Tingitanella Bourrelly & Gayral, 1950
- Genus Tussetia Pascher, 1927
- Genus Ulochloris Pascher, 1916
- Genus Wislouchiella Skvortzow, 1925
- Suborder Dunaliellina
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