William Anderson Newman (13 November 1927 – 26 December 2020), U.S. cirripedologist.
Retired curator of benthic invertebrates, Scripps Institute of Oceanography.
Taxon names authored
(List may be incomplete)
- 99 taxon names authored by William A. Newman
(List may be incomplete)
- 11 eponyms of William A. Newman
(List may be incomplete)
- Newman, W.A. 1960. Five pedunculate Cirripeds From the Western Pacific, Including Two New Forms. Crustaceana, 1(2): 100–116. JSTOR Reference page.
- Newman, W.A. 1960. Octolasmis californiana spec. nov., a pedunculate barnacle from the gills of the California spiny lobster. Veliger, 3(1): 9–11. BHL Reference page.
- Newman, W.A. 1961. Notes on Certain Species of Octolasmis (Cirripedia, Thoracica) from Deep Sea Crustacea. Crustaceana, 2(4): 326–329. JSTOR Reference page.
- Newman, W.A. 1961. On certain littoral species of Octolasmis (Cirripedia, Thoracica) symbiotic with decapod Crustacea from Australia, Hawaii and Japan. The Veliger, 4(2): 99–107. BHL Reference page.
- Newman, W.A. 1961. On the nature of the basis in certain species of the Hembeli section of Chthamalus (Cirripedia, Thoracica). Crustacea, 2(2): 142–150. JSTOR Reference page.
- Zullo, V.A. & Newman, W.A. 1964. Thoracic Cirripedia from a southeast Pacific guyot. Pacific Science, 18(4): 355-372. pdfReference page.
- Ross, A. & Newman, W.A. 1967. Eocene Balanidae of Florida, including a new genus and species with a unique plan of "Turtle Barnacle" organization. American museum novitates, 2288: 1–21. Full article (PDF)Reference page.
- Newman, W.A., Zullo, V.A. & Withers, T.H. 1969. Cirripedia. Pp R206–R295 In Moore, R.C. (ed.), Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology Part R. Arthropoda 4(1). Geological Society of America, University, Kansas. Reference page.
- Newman, W.A.; Ross, A. 1971: Antarctic Cirripedia. Antarctic research series, (14) DOI: 10.1029/AR014 Print ISBN 9780875901145; Online ISBN 9781118664407 Google Books Reference page.
- Newman, W.A. 1972: Lepadids from the Caroline Islands (Cirripedia Thoracica). Crustaceana 22(1): 31–38. JSTOR Reference page.
- Ross, A.; Newman, W.A. 1973: Revision of coral-inhabiting barnacles (Cirripedia: Balanidae). Transactions of the San Diego Society of Natural History 17: 137-174. BHLReference page.
- Newman, W. A.; Ladd, H.S. 1974: Origin of coral-inhabiting balanids (Cirripedia, Thoracica). Verhandlungen der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Basel 84(1): 381–396. Reference page.
- Newman, W.A.; Ross, E. 1976: Revision of the balanomorph barnacles; including a catalog of the species. Memoirs of the San Diego Society of Natural History, (9) BHL Reference page.
- Newman, W.A. 1979. A new scalpellid (Cirripedia); a Mesozoic relic living near an abyssal hydrothermal spring. Transactions of the San Diego Society of Natural History 19(11): 153–167.
BHL Reference page.
- Newman, W.A. 1979: On the biogeography of balanomorph barnacles of the Southern Ocean including new balanid taxa: A subfamily two genera and three species. IN Proceedings of the International Symposium of Marine Biogeography and Evolution in the Southern Hemisphere. New Zealand Department of Scientific and Industrial Research information series 137 1: 279–306. Reference page.
- Newman, W.A. 1980: A review of extant Scillaelepas (Cirripedia: Scalpellidae) including recognition of new species from the north Atlantic, western Indian Ocean and New Zealand. Tethys 9(4): 379–398. abstract only seen Reference page.
- Newman, W.A. 1981: Huzio Utinomi: 24 February 1910-19 June 1979. Crustaceana 40(1): 100–108. JSTOR Reference page.
- Newman, W.A. 1982: A review of the extant taxa of the "Group of Balanus concavus" (Cirripedia, Thoracica) and a proposal for genus-group ranks. Crustaceana 43: 25–36. JSTOR Reference page.
- Newman, W.A. 1986. Origin of the Hawaiian marine fauna: dispersal and vicariance as indicated by barnacles and other organisms. In A.J. Southward (ed.), Crustacean Issues 4: Crustacean biogeography I. Realized distributions. AA Balkema, Rotterdam, pp.21-49. Reference page.
- Newman, W.A. 1987. Evolution of cirripeds and their major groups. Pp 3–42 In A.J. Southward (ed.) Barnacle Biology. Crustacean issues, 5. GoogleBooks Reference page.
- Newman, W.A. & Hessler, R.R. 1989. A new abyssal hydrothermal verrucomorphan (Cirripedia: Sessilia): The most primitive living sessile barnacle. Transactions of the San Diego Society of Natural History 21(16): 259–273. BHL Reference page.
- Grygier, M.J. & Newman, W.A. 1991. A new genus and two new species of Microlepadidae (Cirripedia: Pedunculata) found on Western Pacific diadematid echinoids. Galaxea, 10: 1–22. Reference page.
- Newman, W.A.; Yamaguchi, T. 1995: A new sessile barnacle (Cirripedia, Brachylepadomorpha) from the Lau back-arc basin, Tonga; first record of a living representative since the Miocene. Bulletin du Muséum national d'histoire naturelle (4) 17(3-4): 221–243. Reference page.
- Ross, A.; Newman, W.A. 1995: A coral-eating barnacle, revisited (Cirripedia, Pyrgomatidae). Contributions to Zoology 65(3): 129-175. Reference page.
- Newman, W.A. 1996: Sous-classe ds Cirripedes (Cirripedia Burmeister, 1834) super-ordres des Thoraciques et des Acrothoraciques (Thoracica Darwin, 1854 - Acrothoracica Gruvel, 1905). In: FOREST, J. (Ed.). Traite de Zoologie. Anatomie, systematique, biologie. Paris: Masson. Tome 7(2): 453–540. Reference page.
- Ross, A.; Newman, W. A. 1996: A new sessile barnacle symbiotic with bryozoans from Madagascar and Mauritius (Cirripedia: Balanomorpha): a unique case of co-evolution? Invertebrate Biology 115(2): 150-161. JSTORReference page.
- Newman, W.A. 2000: A new genus and species of barnacle (Cirripedia, Verrucomorpha) associated with vents of the Lau Back-Arc Basin: its gross morphology, inferred first juvenile stage and affinities. Zoosystema 22(1): 71–84. Full article (PDF) Reference page.
- Ross, A. & Newman, W.A. 2000: Pyrgoma cancellatum: A Question of Dates (Cirripedia, Pyrgomatidae). Crustaceana 73(5): 629-630. JSTOR Reference page.
- Ross. A. & Newman, W.A. 2000: A new coral-eating barnacle: the first record from the Great Barrier Reef, Australia. Memoirs of the Queensland Museum, 45(2): 585-591. article BHL Reference page.
- Ross, A.; Newman, W.A. 2001: The Catophragmidae: members of the basal balanomorph radiation. Sessile organisms 18(2): 77-91. DOI: 10.4282/sosj.18.77 Reference page.
- Buhl-Mortensen, L. & Newman, W.A., 2004: A new pedunculate barnacle (Cirripedia: Heteralepadidae) from the Northwest Atlantic. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington, 117(3): 385–397. BHLReference page.
- Newman, W.A. 2004. Nomenclatural emendations (Cirripedia, Pedunculata) involving the family-group names Priscansermarinidae Newman, 1996, Neolepadinae Newman, 1996 & Zeugmatolepadidae Newman, 1996. Zootaxa 756: 1–6. Abstract & excerpt ResearchGate
. Reference page.
- Yamaguchi, T.; Newman, W.A.; Hashimoto, J. 2004: A cold seep barnacle (Cirripedia: Neolepadinae) from Japan and the age of the vent/seep fauna. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 84(1): 111–120. DOI: 10.1017/S0025315404008975hReference page.
- Buckeridge, J.S. & Newman, W.A. 2006. A revision of the Iblidae and the stalked barnacles (Crustacea: Cirripedia: Thoracica), including new ordinal, familial and generic taxa, and two new species from New Zealand and Tasmanian waters. Zootaxa 1136: 1–38. Abstract & excerpt Reference page.
- Van Syoc, R. J.; Newman, W.A. 2010: Morphology and evolutionary ecology of a sponge-barnacle symbiosis: Four new genera of barnacles (Archaeobalanidae, Bryozobiinae). Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 392(1): 65-88. DOI: 10.1016/j.jembe.2010.04.011 Reference page.
- Harzhauser, M., Newman, W.A. & Grunert, P. 2011. A new Early Miocene barnacle lineage and the roots of sea-turtle fouling Chelonibiidae (Cirripedia, Balanomorpha). Journal of Systematic Palaeontology 9(4): 473–480. DOI: 10.1080/14772019.2010.528053 Reference page.
- Newman, W.A. & Jones, W.J. 2011: Two Northeast Pacific deep-water barnacle populations (Cirripedia: Calanticidae and Pachylasmatidae) from seamounts of the Juan de Fuca Ridge; "insular" endemics stemming from Tethys, or by subsequent dispersal from the Western Pacific center of distribution? Zootaxa, 2789: 49–68. Preview Reference page.
- Innocenti, G., Di Geronimo, R. & Newman, W.A. 2015. A range extension of a deep-sea barnacle of the genus Aurivillialepas (Cirripedia, Scalpellomorpha), a Macaronesian and amphitropical refugial genus having Mesozoic affinities. Zootaxa 3974(2): 257–266. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3974.2.9. Preview (PDF) Reference page.
- Pica, D., Cairns, S.D., Puce, S. & Newman, W.A. 2015. Southern hemisphere deep-water stylasterid corals including a new species, Errina labrosa sp. n. (Cnidaria, Hydrozoa, Stylasteridae), with notes on some symbiotic scalpellids (Cirripedia, Thoracica, Scalpellidae). ZooKeys, 472: 1–25. DOI: 10.3897/zookeys.472.8547 Reference page.
- Newman, W.A., Buckeridge, J.S. & Pitombo, F. 2016. The Anatomy of a Proposed Name Change Involving Chthamalus southwardorum (Cirripedia, Balanomorpha, Chthamalidae), a Critique. Journal of Marine Science: Research & Development 6(5): 1–2. DOI: 10.4172/2155-9910.1000207. Reference page.
- Shalaeva, K. & Newman, W.A. 2016. Zevinaella—a new barnacle genus (Scalpellomorpha: Arcoscalpellinae) associated with crinoids (Echinodermata) from the Caribbean. Zootaxa 4072(2): 151–170. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4072.2.1. Reference page.
- Kočí, T., Veselská, M.K., Newman, W.A., Buckeridge, J.S. & Sklenář, J. 2017. Archaeochionelasmus nekvasilovae gen. et sp. nov. (Cirripedia, Balanomorpha, Chionelasmatoidea) from the Bohemian Cretaceous Basin (Czech Republic): the first bona fide Cretaceous neobalanoform. Zootaxa 4294(2): 181–196. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4294.2.3. Reference page.
- Araya, J.F. & Newman, W.A. 2018. A new deep-sea balanomorph barnacle (Cirripedia: Thoracica) from Chile. PLOS One, 13(6): e0197821. DOI: 10.371/journal.pone.0197821
Reference page.
- Collareta, A. & Newman, W.A. 2020. Protochelonibia melleni (Zullo, 1982) comb. nov., an archaic barnacle from the lower Oligocene of Mississippi (USA), and its impact on the stratigraphic and geographic distribution of the early coronuloids of Western Tethys. Bollettino della Società Paleontologica Italiana, 59(-): in press. DOI: 10.4435/BSPI.2020.08 Reference page.
- Collareta, A., Newman, W.A.†, Bosio, G. & Coletti, G. 2021. A new chelonibiid from the Miocene of Zanzibar (Eastern Africa) sheds light on the evolution of shell architecture in turtle and whale barnacles (Cirripedia: Coronuloidea). Integrative Zoology 2021; 0; 1–20. DOI: 10.1111/1749-4877.12554
Reference page.
- Buckeridge, J.S., Carlton, J.T., van Syoc, R.J., Achituv, Y., Bauer, R.T., Buhl-Mortensen, L., Chan, B.K-K., Coletti, G., Collareta, A., Grygier, M.J., Hendrickx, M.E., Høeg, J.T., Jones, D.S., Kerckof, F., Koči, T., Kolbasov, G.A., Laguna, J.E., Perreault, R.T., Pitombo, F.B., Poltarukha, O.P., Portell, R.W., House, G., Southward, E.C., Spivey, H.R., Standing, J.D., Wares, J.P. & Yamaguchi, T. 2021. William Anderson Newman (November 13, 1927 -- December 26, 2020) In Memory of the Distinguished Invertebrate Zoologist, and Mentor, Colleague and Friend. Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences, series 4; 67(3): 55–83. Reference page.
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